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After spending their christmas holiday they were back in korea. The holidays were not over yet. New year was approaching soon.

Yo Dream

Yeorobon my cousin is
inviting us.
He is throwing a new year party

Yes he told me to come
I'm in 1

Who cousin?

If its your jungwoo hyung
then count me in 2

I'm in 3

If chenle is going then
I'm in 4

Everyone is going?

I'm in 5

Mark are you going
or not?

But where's the party


It doesn't matter just tell us if you're
going or not

Count me in 6

Yes I'm in

I'm in what!

Now what am I supposed to say

Dude just go with the flow

I'm in 7...?

Yasssss bish

Mark you are literally no fun

Mark & jaemin's private chat

Yo dude, I see😏


How you quickly said yes to
the party when renjun came, tch

Yaah shut up dude
I said yes because I wanted to go


Then why didn't you say it earlier

So what I said it later

Because of renjun?

Yaah stop it

I know you were blushing when
he said 'Dude just go with the flow'

Stop it jaemin or I will

You will what?

I will show that picture to yangyang 😏

Don't you dare


"Why are you laughing? You might get choked" Jisung asked, they were at the dining table eating their meals. Only mark was giggling, smiling, chuckling whatsoever at the table, and both were silently eating.

"Am I? No I'm not" mark shook his head and again diverted his attention to his phone.

"You are!" Jeno said.

"Why would I?"

"Only you know" jisung said and rolled his eyes.

"Perhaps" jeno said thinking.

"W-what perhaps"

"You are talking to renjun?" Jeno wiggled his brows in a teasing way.

"No I'm not" he protested.

"You are"


"Yes you are"

"Okay fine, yes I'm talking to him. But I wasn't laughing" mark went to his room.

"Mark today its your turn to do the dishes, don't run away" jisung shouted.

Mark came back, and did the dishes.


They all arrived at the told place. Loud music, clicking of alcohol bottle, smell of alcohol, people shouting, laughing together. Some were dancing , some were drunk laid at the couch unconscious, there were so many peoples, some looked youger and some looked older than them.

And this is all supposed to be in a party, they all expected it.

It was 7 pm when they arrived. They all entered the big house, smell of alcohol lingering on their nose.

"Where is jungwoo hyung" haechan roamed his eyes searching for his cousin.

A slightly tall male was standing in the crowd talking with his friends.

"Jungwoo hyung!" Haechan shouted for his cousin. His cousin looked around their direction and smiled.

"Haechan, how are you?" His cousin hugged him.

"I'm fine hyung meet my friends"

"You are his boyfriend right?" Jungwoo asked looking at jaemin. It been long time since he saw jaemin.

Haechan widened his eyes, "no hyung, he is not my boyfriend anymore".

"So you are again single" jungwoo shook his head disappointment laced on his voice.

"No, I'm not single" haechan showed his proud smirk.

"Then who is your boyfriend jeno? Tch" jungwoo joked,because there was always something between those two, but he didn't knew that he'd end up being with jaemin.

Haechan nodded his head and wrapped his hand around jeno's arm.

Jungwoo wasn't even shocked at the news that he is getting from his younger cousin.

"Okay so introduce me to your friends".

"This mark, renjun, jisung, chenle, yangyang" he pointed at each of them.

"Nice to meet you guys, and you are welcome to my party, and yeah I forgot haechan, you know sungchan and shotaro are also here, go meet them they were asking about you" jungwoo said.

"Where are they?" Haechan asked. Jungwoo pointed at them where they were standing.

Mark looked at renjun he was deeply thinking something. "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing" renjun shook his head.

"Lets go, I'll introduce you to sungchan shotaro" haechan told them.

They went near to the two people standing back facing them.

Haechan tapped on sungchan's shoulder. "Hi sungchan shotaro remember me?" He pointed at himself.

"Haechaaaan" they both hugged haechan excitement laced on his voice.

Ahem I can smell the jealousy...

'they are just friends nothing more, stop being jealous jeno' jeno thought in his mind.

When they released from hug, sungchan widened his eyes while looking at a specific person.

He was looking at the person for too long, he broke the stare when he realised that he was hugging him.

"R-renjun?" Sungchan's voice broke a little, but hugged renjun ever so tightly like he is not going to leave him any moment, same goes to renjun.

Everyone was looking at them confusedly. And also I can smell jealousy from one more person.

'Isn't this person is hugging him too much, wait I have heard his name, who is he...

His bestfriend? Now I remember" mark was thinking not realising that renjun and sungchan released each other from the hug.

"I missed you" renjun pouted.

Sungchan chuckled and ruffled renjun's hair. "I missed you too, now don't cry here, it's a party we are here to enjoy". Sungchan smiled and wiped renjun's tears.

Renjun nodded his head.

"Do you guys know each other" haechan erupted them.

They both nodded their heads. "I guess there is lot more to know about you renjun"

"Nevermind, everyone this is sungchan and shotaro"

"Hello guys, nice to meet you"

"And they are jeno mark jisung chenle jaemin and yangyang" haechan introduced them.

"Wait is it lucas?" Yangyang suddenly said. "I am going to him" you can see him how excited he was when he saw lucas at the party.

Jaemin grabbed his wrist stopping him. "How do you know if he really is lucas, he is not even facing towards us"

Okay so now I can smell jealousy too much in his big house.

"He is lucas, let him go jaemin" mark said in a teasing voice. He knew that lucas and yangyang are close friends. Lucas use to hang out at yangyang's place.

Jaemin looked at mark and gritted his teeth and released yangyang's wrist. Mark just smirked at him.

"Aye yangyang man" lucas came towards them and wrapped his arm around yangyang's shoulder.

"I'm going to have some drink" jaemin said and left.

"I am coming along" mark followed him. But before going he eyed renjun and sungchan who were being so friendly to each other.

"Don't you think this guy is too much" jeno came to mark and jaemin shocking them. "What are you doing here?" Mark said still glaring at sungchan.

"Just to have a drink with you guys since-" jeno looked at haechan who was also talking to sungchan and shotaro like he forgot that jeno is here too.

Jeno turned his head towards mark and jaemin. "What does he think he is doing" jaemin gripped the wine glass tightly.

They looked at jaemin who wasn't looking at sungchan or shotaro, so wait who is looking at LUCAS!!!

"One second, I'm jealous because I'm hyuck's boyfriend, mark is jealous because he likes renjun its not a secret anymore i guess everybody knows beside renjun, but I don't get it" jeno said.

"You don't have to say it casually that I like him" mark said.

"What you don't get?" Jaemin asked.

"Why are you jealous?" Jeno raised his brows.

"Tell us WHY ARE YOU JEALOUS" mark nudged jaemin emphasizing the last part.

"What I am not jealous" jaemin was blushing.

"Ohh I can smell the jealousy"

They teased jaemin too much that he left them and joined yangyang and lucas.

Meanwhile on the other hand chenle and jisung were dancing like a crazy person like there is no tomorrow. Having a great time of their lives.

"You should come sometime" renjun suggested.

"Yeah I will, do you still live with your parents?" Sungchan asked.

"Yes" he nodded in response.

"Shotaro you should come too"

"Yes ofcourse"

"Do you perhaps like him" sungchan asked all of sudden.

Renjun widened his eyes, " N-no"

"Then why are you looking at him time to time"

"I am not looking at him" renjun hid his face.

"Sure" they laughed at renjun's face who blushing.

"But honestly I know you more tham anyone here, I can clearly tell that you like him" sungchan chuckled.

"Maybe" renjun said in a low voice.

'jeno told me mark likes renjun...renjun also likes mark...they are so dumb...why don't they just confess'

"Guys lets go I wanna dance" shotaro said.

"Yess lets go, let me call them too" haechan said.

"Jeno, mark lets go we are going to dance" haechan dragged them to the dance floor.

Sungchan intentionally pushed renjun towards mark causing him bump onto mark's chest.

"You okay" mark grabbed him by his shoulder. Renjun just nodded his head.



Jaemin stop drinking, you are drunk enough" yangyang tried to stop jaemin who was continuosly drinking.

"Where are you going now" yangyang asked annoyingly.

He followed jaemin. "Be careful you'll fall down"

Jaemin didn't say anything and went to rooftop. Luckily he didn't fall.

"Jaemin lets go back" yangyang tried to drag jaemin, but jaemin was stronger than him, instead yangyang was the one who was pulled. Jaemin wrapped his arms around yangyang.

"Jaemin lets go" yangyang tried to detach himself.

"Stop, lets stay like this" jaemin hugged him even tighter.

Yangyang didn't have any other option, so he stayed like that.

"Yangyang do you like lucas" jaemin asked.

"Huh?... Yeah he is just a great friend of mine. Nothing more"

"Really? Only friend? Nothing more?"

"Yes, but why are you asking"

"I like it" jaemin chuckled.

"What do you like?"

"I like what you just said 'just a friend'"

"But why are you asking so weird question?"

"Just because.......I don't know"

After some minutes of peaceful silence. Yangyang released from hug.

"Lets go now, other's will be waiting for us" yangyang said.

" I don't want to go its so loud there I like it here its so peaceful" jaemin replied.

"Okay then" yangyang didn't say anything further.

"What are doing jaemin" yangyang said looking at their hands.

"Holding your hand I feel so cold up here" jaemin interwined his hand with yangyang, not knowing that yangyang was blushing by only his slight touch. Yangyang maybe does feel something for him too.

"You are weird"

"Am I?" jaemin looked at him in his eyes.

"Yeah, you're so clingy today" yangyang tucked jaemin's hair strands behind his ear.

"Really?" Jaemin grabbed yangyang's hand that was behind his hair.


"Yangyang" jaemin said slowly coming close to yangyang.

"Hm" yangyang met jaemin's eyes that was staring at his lips.

"Do you mind it?" Jaemin asked.

Yangyang didn't want to do it, but his action said otherwise. He knew jaemin was drunk he was not himself at that moment, 'its okay right? He'll probably forget it tomorrow nothing will change between us' he thought

"I don't-"

And the next moment he knew they were kissing.

Yangyang wrapped his arms around jaemin's neck.

Jaemin pulled him closer by grabbing his waist.

The kiss was soon turning from the innocent one to the more heated one. Jaemin was loosing his control on himself and going further.

Yangyang had to pull away, before anything more could happen.

"I'm sorry" jaemin apologised.

"You don't have to, its not your fault" yangyang replied.

"You won't leave me right?" Jaemin asked.

"Why would I leave you"

"Because you don't like me and I kissed you"

"Why do you think that I would leave you, I'll never leave you" yangyang assured him.



"I-i love you"

"Jaemin you're drunk" yangyang said looking everywhere but jaemin's eyes.

"I am not, I know what I am saying"

"Do you really mean it?" Yangyang asked.

"Yes, its fine if you don't like me like that. But promise me our friendship will remain same"

"But what if I love you too" yangyang said bluntly and quickly covered his mouth.

"Do you?" Jaemin asked hoping he heards it right.

Yangyang shyly nodded his head. Jaemin engulfed him in a hug.

"But what if you forget it tomorrow, because you are drunk" yangyang pouted .

"I am not that drunk silly" jaemin chuckled.

"Jaemin look at the fireworks its so beautiful"

"Its already 12, I didn't notice"

"Happy new year jaemin"

"I wanted to be the first one to say that, I also prepared something" jaemin pulled out something from his pocket.

"What is it?"

Jaemin kneeled down in front of yangyang.

"Yangyang, will you be my boyfriend?" Jaemin said and extended his hand forward.

"Yes, I will" yangyang grinned widely.

Jaemin took his hand and stood up. He went behind yangyang and wear him a necklace that he bought for him.

"Jaemin" yangyang gasped.

"It looks even more beautiful when you are wearing it"

"Stop it" yangyang blushed at the compliment, and jumped on jaemin hugging him tightly. Not noticing that someone was watching them.


Jisung and chenle were dancing. Jisung went to the restroom. Suddenly some random dude came to the view.

"Hey, can I get your name?" Blonde boy asked chenle. "Since your are cute" he chuckled and scratched his name.

"Yeah, its c-chenle, zhong chenle" Chenle stuttered.

"Nice name, I'm xiaojun" he stretched out his hand. Chenle shook his hands with xiaojun.

"Oh there is something" xiaojun pointed at his face. Chenle wiped his face with his hand.

"No its not there, let me do it for you" before he could even protest, xiaojun proceeded.

"What is it?" He asked. "You eyelash"
"Oh, thanks" chenle blushed a little. "You're cute" xiaojun pinched his cheeks. But suddenly someone pulled chenle back with a force causing him to yelp.

"Who are you?" Jisung asked angrily.

"Who are you?" Xiaojun asked back.

"His boyfriend" jisung confidently said.

Xiaojun was about to say something but someone interrupted. "Yaaahhh xiaojun why are here I was looking for you"

"Hendery calm down I'm coming" he rolled his eyes and went to his bestfriend.

Jisung glared at chenle, chenle felt so small in front of him. He has never seen him this angry, he could feel his black aura surrounding him.


"Don't you dare to say anything" with that jisung left him alone.

Chenle could feel hot tears brimming his eyes. He lost jisung, he searched for jisung through the crowd but couldn't find him.

The last option he had was rooftop, he opened the door of rooftop. He felt so hurt after seeing the sight infront of him.  Guess jisung had already left.

His boyfriend just left him angrily and here two person were hugging each other in front of him. He also decided to leave the party.

A/n: Thank you for reading 💚

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