" soobin " taehyun said and stopped beomgyu stopped too .
" oh , you both were late so i came to check " soobin said taking his drink from taehyun's hands as he was clearly having a problem handling them all .
Beomgyu creeped closer to taehyun and whispered " did he heard us " . Taehyun turned at beomgyu but didn't bothered to answer .
Beomgyu pouted and followed them .
" here they are " yeonjun said as soobin and taehyun walked in , some moments after beomgyu came too .
" you look so tired " minato said looking at beomgyu .
Bomgyu looked pale .
They sat there silent . " did you just saw a person dying " huening said jokingly as three of them looked quite upset . " no " taehyun said " something better " .
He passed the drinks to other .
They stayed there and talked about '$tuffs .
They were just talking and teasing each other when beomgyu's phone buzzed . It was a call from nanny so , he picked it up .
" hello "
" hello beom ? "
" yes nanny "
" there are some people "
" what ? "
" there are some people , they want to meet you . Can you please come home "
" oh , ok " beomgyu said confused he wanted to ask more questions . But nanny hanged up the call before he could say any more .
" beomgyu " soobin said slowly . They were walking home . Beomgyu walked fast to not make it seem like he was running . But he didn't wanted soobin to ask him anything . What if he heard us . He must hate me now .
" beomgyu stop now . " soobin said and grabbed beomgyu's arm . Beomgyu turned to face soobin . He looked down to not make eye contact .
" can i ask you something " soobin said he let go of his arm . Beomgyu nodded . " uhh , so when -- " but before soobin could finished the sentence . Beomgyu was gone . He ran away .
" wait , beomie "
" oppa , nanny must be waiting byee " beomgyu shouted and dissapeared .
Beomgyu reached home and saw a huge car outside his home . " nanny " he screamed almost crying now .
He walked in and saw two figure sitting in the couch with his nanny .
Beomgyu walked in slowly his heart beat making it up for his legs .
" beomgyu , you are so big now " the lady figure said . Beomgyu saw them his whole body went numb . He felt anxious . He felt sick . His parents .
He remembered when he last met them .
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net