" of drugs " beomgyu said his head down . Soobin stared at him and then at the doctor and the doctor nodded .
Soobin didn't talked much for the rest of the session the doctor prescribed some mediciations and gave them to beomgyu . And both of them left the cabin .
" yeonjun had taken drugs ? " soobin asked his eyes big . Beomgyu nodded .
" why ? " soobin asked following beomgyu .
" ask him . "
They went inside yeonjun's bed .
Yeonjun smiled at them .
" i think we forgot something " he said weakly . " what " soobin said .
" our project . We forgot about it . Our last notes are still to be done "
" oh , before that . Here " beomgyu passed yeonjun the prescription. Yeonjun smiled .
The three were now inside a car .
" let's call them . Let's go for lunch " yeonjun suggested now a little more livelier .
Beomgyu seemed hesitant but soobin nodded . So they stopped at a restaurant , beomgyu called taehyun .
" hello "
" hello taehyun "
" what . "
" uhh . We are at a restaurant . Our project's last notes are remaining so ..."
" thats nice "
" uhh , yes i know and..."
" ok , i am coming where ? "
Beomgyu told him the location and told him to bring huening along . They sat on a table placed on the side .
Some moments later . Taehyun and huening arrived . 5 of them ordered things for themselves and discussed about things . Things seemed to be lightening . And it felt good .
To be with people and feel close . It always felt good . It felt lucky .
They went out together for a walk for a bit and stopped at a building .
" what ." Soobin asked . Yeonjun looked at him and answered
" i live here at my apartment . Let's go in " everyone nodded .
They were in the apartment . It was miserable . Dark and messy .
" this is messy " kai commented .
" it always have been " yeonjun said .
They made some place for themselves to sit in a circle .
" you live alone ? " beomgyu asked .
" he isn't a scaredly cat like you " soobin taunted .
" shut up soobin "
" yeah . I live alone " yeonjun said in between of the quarrel .
" yeonjun " beomgyu almost said something then he stopped . Yeonjun glanced at beomgyu but beomgyu shook his head .
" taehyun i am sorry . For that night " yeonjun said shifting his glare to taehyun .
" do you do drugs ? " taehyun spoke making the others silent . Yeonjun hestitated .
" we won't judge you " taehyun continued .
" i -- yeah i do . It was when i was in high school . When my mum died . " yeonjun said calmly .
" my mum died . And ever since my dad has been ignorant . He used to come home and hit me for no particular reason . So , i moved . And then met some bad people and got involved . " he continued . Nobody spoke anything for some seconds .
Taehyun sighed . " thats . Bad " he said after some moments .
"We are sorry " huening said . Yeonjun nodded and looked at the floor . He tried stopping the tears . But his eyes betrayed him anyway . He started sobbing so , soobin moved closer to hug him the four did so too .
" i -- i -- i have tried stopping it before too . I just don't know how to " he cried .
" don't worry we are with you . We will help you . Ok " huening said slowly yeonjun wiped his tears . And he smiled . " thankyou " he said slowly .
They stayed and finished there project there . " you all should probably stay here tonight " yeonjun said .
" well your house isn't in a quality to do so " taehyun said looking around. "lets clean it . Help me . " yeonjun chuckled . Suddenly a click and the lights were on . The room atleast wasn't dark anymore . Beomgyu was the one who opened the lights .
" oh , i never knew they were there " yeonjun said confused . Huening picked up a random book and kept in on the bed . He started walking around and picking up things .
Huening looked up . Seeing the others wacthing him . " help me . Whats the point of staring " he complained . Others started helping too .
It was almost 6 when they finished . They seemed exhausted . I will make something for you all to eat .
" i will assist " beomgyu said and stood up .
" hope your clumsinees won't be a problem " soobin said playfully .
" i told you shut up " beomgyu retarted .
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