Chapter One

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-- dont mind how i gave up on capitalization half way through this chapter, i dont know why i thought id be able to keep doing that HAHAH

''Charlie! Hey!'' Running down over the stairs of her fathers house, Cassie greets her younger brother with a hug. ''Oh, when did you get here, Cass?'' Laura asked her. Charlie and Cassie were only half siblings, Cass's mom had left her father when she was young. ''I got here maybe, uhh, 45 minutes ago? I've just been unpacking my stuff, wandering the house, the usual.''

Laura simply nods. ''So, where is your father?'' She asked. Cassie sighed. ''He's running a bit late from work, he called me and told me to just-- invite you inside and he'll be here in 10 minutes or so.'' The young girl explained. Laura sighed. ''I don't think I can stay too long, Neil is in the car waiting.'' She said.

''Neil knows he can come in too, right?'' She asked. Charlie took this as an opportunity to jump in. ''I don't think he will, he says dad will just say something snotty.'' He quoted his stepfather. ''Well, dad isn't exactly here right now, is he?'' Cassie smiled to her little brother. ''Still, I don't think he'd want to come in.''

Suddenly, we all hear a car door slam. ''That must be dad!'' Cass said, with a big grin. She ran over to open the front door, opening it as soon as her dad went to reach for the doorknob. ''Oh!- Hey, Cass! Charlie, Laura. Let me guess pinhead is in the car?'' Scott spoke, instantly insulting Neil. ''Hello, Scott.'' Laura said, obviously annoyed with the man.

''Heya, sport!'' Scott hugs Charlie to his side, looking up at Laura. ''Going to your moms for christmas?'' He asked, sounding genuinely curious. ''oh, no, we're going to neil's parents, actually.'' scott nodded. ''ahh, christmas at the pound,'' he then mimicked barking noises.

''there aren't many presents over there..'' charlie acknowledged, pointing towards the tree. ''that is because,'' cassie slightly danced towards him. ''santa hasn't come yet.''she says, poking his face. ''neil doesn't believe in santa.'' charlie said, looking up at his older sibling.

''yeah, well neil's head comes to a point.'' scott butted in. charlie looked over to his dad. ''neil's smart, hes a doctor!'' he exclaimed. ''he's not a doctor, hes a psychiatrist. take your coat off, you're staying, aren't you?'' charlie walked over to the couch, shrugging his coat off of his shoulders.

scott, walking away from charlie, walks over to laura, tapping her on the arm. ''did that jerk tell charlie theres no such thing as santa clause? i mean if we're going to ruin our son's illusions, i should be a part of it.'' scott reasons with his ex-wife. ''oh, come on, you're never around for charlie! you're barely there for cassie either!'' scott sighed, rolling his eyes.

 ''why do you guys always have to fight!'' charlie slightly yelled at his two parents, making them stop and stare at him. ''no, no, sport, we aren't fighting, its just-- it's your moms singing! kinda sounds like fighting, huh? cats.'' he mimicked a meowing cat, following up with a hiss.


after charlie and cassie had gotten settled into the house, scott burnt the turkey, and a short trip to denny's later, scott sat in charlie's room, reading him a book. cassie, on the other hand, was just getting out of a shower, trying to braid her long brown hair. she tied her hair up, and then made her way to the living room to wait for her father. i mean, the girl is 16 years old, she doesn't have the same bed time as her 8 year old brother.

listening to music through her headphones, she almost missed her father coming into the living room. ''oh, hey, cassie. i didn't know you were out of the bathroom already.'' her dad told her. ''ah, yeah, been waiting out here for you for maybe 10 minutes.'' she admits to her father. ''waiting for me? why? is there something you want to talk about?'' he asked, sitting down next to her curled up figure.

''honestly, i'm slightly worried about charlie. i mean, he is 8 years old and neil is telling him santa isn't real and is a feeling? i don't think that would be good for an 8 year old? give him like 2 more years at least. he's still a baby!'' she whispered out, frustrated.  her dad simply nodded. ''i know, angel, it isn't really fair to your brother.''

after maybe an hour of talking, cassie had fallen asleep on the couch. scott, after noticing she was unresponsive for the last maybe 3 minutes, had picked her up, carrying her to her bedroom. he set her down on the bed, tucked her in, and left the room.

making his way into his room, he shut his door, going to bed himself.

----------------- ''up on the roof, there arose such a clatter , i sprang from my bed to see what was the matter'' 

charlie woke up to a bang on the roof. gasping, he pushed himself out of bed and ran into his sisters room. ''cass! cassie!! i heard a clatter! on the roof!!'' he said, frantic. ''whmhuh?'' cassie mumbled back, obviously confused in her half conscious state. suddenly, another big bang was heard. this one, however, shot scotts oldest child out of her own bed.

the two made their way to their fathers room, waking him up and going through the same process charlie had not even 2 minutes ago. ''oh! okay, do you guys know how to call 911?'' scott asked, running out of his room. ''uh- yeah.. 911..?'' charlie said, hesitantly. scott thought about what he had said, smiled at the kids, and ran out of the room.

now, scott could praise his kids on a lot of things. a lot of things. unfortunately, their ability to listen to instructions was not one of these things. when the two had run out the front door, they seen a person in a red coat fall off the roof.

''you killed santa!!''


i know it is january.

no that wont stop me from writing this.

i love bernard with my whole heart, i never got to fully celebrate christmas, so now here i am, listening to music and writing a christmas love story.

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