Chapter Six

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(Y/n) gazed down at her bandages that were wrapped around her arms, finding that they needed to be changed. Nervously, she peered over towards the wooden desk the masked boy was sitting at. He scribbled down many equations, happily kicking his feet under the chair. (Y/n) had only been at the facility for a few days, but she knew how important graves were to Eddie. After all, this is all he's been doing for hours upon hours.

Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) began to speak, hoping she wasn't breaking his concentration. "Uhm...Eddie...?"

Eddie's head perks up, immediately dropping his pencil and turning to the girl. "Ah! What do you need, love?! Anything! Anything at all!" he gushed, his eyes sparkling from beneath his mask.

(Y/n) giggles sheepishly, not expecting him to be so glad to help her. "...My bandages...they're..."

"Are they coming undone?" Eddie rushes over and rests his knees on the mattress, grabbing (Y/n)'s arms and examining them.

(Y/n)'s face heated up as she calmly pulls away from him. "N-No, they just need changed, haha..."

"Alright! Danny isn't here right now, so I'll try my best to do it myself!" Eddie let out a soft giggle, pulling out the medical kit that Doctor lended him for (Y/n). (Y/n) nods, blushing once again.

Eddie starts to unravel her bandages, furrowing his eyebrows as he saw the wounds—it made him upset that these brutes hurt his beloved. Although, he didn't let those negative feelings out, giggling again. "What a pretty girl you are!" he cheered, trying to make her feel better. (Y/n) lowers her head, smiling a bit.

Eddie threw out the dirty bandages, skipping back over to the bed to clean out her wounds and wrap them back up. However, while doing so, he found that she looked completely exhausted. Without any warning, he rested his hand on her cheek, caressing it with his thumb and staring into her eyes. (Y/n) gave him a worried expression, wondering if he was upset. "Uhm...did I do something wron-?"

"No." Eddie interrupted in a quiet voice, growing closer to her face. After thinking she was done for, Eddie let out a giggle and let her go, resting his hands back into his lap. "You're sleepy! I can tell~!"

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as he said that, gulping and holding her arms close to her chest. "A-Are you...going to force me to take medicine...? D-Do you...hate me that much?"

"Whaaa?" Eddie tilted his head like a confused puppy. "I don't have any give you?"

(Y/n) calmed down after he said that, gulping and lowering her head. "I'm sorry..."

Eddie felt bad for spooking her, calmly beginning to bandage her wounds back up. "You have nightmares...right?"

"How did you..."

"I read a resume about you!" he chirped. "I already know everything about you~!"

"You've said this..." (Y/n) murmured.

"Yeah..." Eddie gazed at her dreamily, which she didn't notice. "Which is why I want to make you sweet dove..." he thought to himself with a sigh.

"...Ah...thank you..." (Y/n) murmurs after Eddie was done wrapping up her arm. He slid his hand down her wrist before nodding.

"Yes, of course, dear."

(Y/n) felt silly as she blushed heavily. She didn't know this boy well enough for him to be calling her pet names and cutely touching her, but she didn't stop it. It would be different for someone else, but Eddie was just so unrealistically trustable and sweet. She enjoyed it when he treated her like this, despite his murderous ways.

Instead of going back to his desk, Eddie leaned in towards (Y/n)'s face again, revealing his green eyes from beneath his mask. "...You need to sleep."

Those words felt like a slap in the face. (Y/n) felt like she was going to cry, but had no idea why. After all, he wasn't forcing her down and giving her medicine like the hospital did, but she felt pressured now. Eddie saw the look of distress on her face, feeling awful for her.

"(Y/n), I-!"

"No, it's okay." she wiped away her tears, smiling weakly. "I just...can't sleep without..." (Y/n) hesitated before shakily taking a deep breath and telling him. "Without my younger sibling...they were always with me before..."

Eddie pressed his finger against her lips, silencing her. His skin was soft and pale, causing (Y/n)'s face to grow bright red. "You have to sleep with them specifically?"


Eddie grabs her hands, holding them close to his chest and giggling. "I understand now! Why don't I stay right next to you while you sleep, so that if you start having a nightmare, I'll be right there to help you!"

(Y/n) gazed down at their hands, intertwining her fingers with his. "...That would be very nice...but...I wouldn't want you to be wouldn't get any sleep watching me..."

"I already don't get enough sleep because of you! You're always on my mind!" (Y/n)'s face somehow got more red along with Eddie. "I-I mean...uh...yeah..."

"Hehe, you're pretty silly, Eddie. I'm not someone you should be thinking about, haha~! I'm pretty boring after all!" (Y/n)'s voice lit up with happiness, which made Eddie's heart completely melt. This was the first time she was truly happy in this building.

"But...I can't stop worrying for you, my precious girl..." Eddie hummed to himself, giving (Y/n) a hug. "It's settled. I'll stay to protect you from nightmares, my dear."

(Y/n) slowly but surely hugged him back, catching the scent of pumpkin spice and dirt on him. "...That sounds nice. Thank you, Eddie."

[Author's Note] I'm sorry that this one is so short! I wanted to get a chapter out since I've kept you guys waiting. I'm going to try to update frequently-probably about every Friday or so-since I have a bad habit of leaving stories unfinished lolol

But yeah, thank you so much for reading! It means the world to me! *Eddie's World intensifies* <3

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