Chapter 8: Nine Saints Demon Sect (Part 2)

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The dueling arena was permeated with a mysterious and powerful energy. The vast expanse was paved with black rocks, each etched with Great Sage inscriptions. The energy that filled the arena emanated from these rocks, enveloping the entire space to prevent any damage during battles.

"A Great Sage level dueling arena!" Despite having visited before, Nan Huairen was once again awestruck by the arena's vastness and solemn atmosphere.

Brother Zhang, filled with pride, added, "This dueling arena was personally crafted by our ancestor and can withstand the power of Great Sage battles!"

A Great Sage level dueling arena was indeed a testament to the Nine Saints Demon Sect's profound heritage, a source of pride for many sects.

"The Cleansing Ancient Sect also had a Mythical Era dueling arena..." Nan Huairen began, his voice barely a whisper, before abruptly stopping, unwilling to continue.

Indeed, the Cleansing Ancient Sect possessed a dueling arena that surpassed the one before them. Legend had it that Immortal Emperor Mingren had retrieved it from the depths of the starry sky, and it could even withstand the immense power of Immortal Emperor level battles.

Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, the arena had been sealed, and no one in the Cleansing Ancient Sect had been able to reopen it since.

"The Four Symbols Stone Men," Li Qiye murmured, oblivious to their conversation. His gaze was fixed on the colossal stone sculptures at the four corners of the dueling arena.

Each corner of the arena housed a towering stone statue, each a hundred feet tall, resembling giants. The four statues had distinct expressions, but all were incredibly lifelike, as if sculpted by a master craftsman with impeccable skill.

These were the objects Li Qiye had been most eager to see. Since the passing of the Nine Saints Great Sage, he hadn't returned to the Nine Saints Demon Sect, nor had he felt inclined to do so. To his surprise, after countless years, these four stone men still stood.

Engrossed in conversation with his friend, Nan Huairen hadn't noticed Li Qiye's actions. However, after a while, Brother Zhang frowned and said, "What is that idiot doing?"

Nan Huairen turned to see Li Qiye attempting to climb one of the giant stone statues at the eastern corner. However, Li Qiye's strength was limited, and despite several attempts, he couldn't reach the top of the hundred-foot-tall statue.

By now, several disciples had gathered outside the dueling arena, watching Li Qiye with amusement as he poked and prodded the stone statue like a curious bumpkin, even muttering to himself as if he had never seen such a massive sculpture before.

This spectacle embarrassed Nan Huairen. Although the stone statues weren't sacred relics of the Nine Saints Demon Sect, Li Qiye's behavior was unbecoming. He didn't know whether to stop Li Qiye or pretend not to notice.

While Nan Huairen hesitated, Li Qiye beckoned him over. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Nan Huairen felt torn between approaching Li Qiye and maintaining his distance. Ultimately, he had no choice but to walk towards him.

"This statue is a bit tall. Help me up," Li Qiye said calmly, as if oblivious to the onlookers.

Nan Huairen was speechless. He couldn't tell if Li Qiye was simply oblivious or genuinely foolish. In front of so many Nine Saints Demon Sect disciples, Li Qiye was acting like a country bumpkin, climbing a giant statue and embarrassing the Cleansing Ancient Sect.

"Are you going to help me up, or are you going to continue letting everyone watch this monkey show?" Li Qiye asked nonchalantly, his composure unwavering, as if he were the one enjoying the spectacle.

With so many eyes on them, Nan Huairen had no choice but to grit his teeth and pull Li Qiye up onto the statue's shoulder.

Li Qiye sat there calmly, gazing out at the Nine Saints Demon Sect, taking in the vast landscape.

Nan Huairen, lacking Li Qiye's thick skin, jumped down and stood to the side. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't abandon Li Qiye. If Li Qiye couldn't get down, it would be an even greater embarrassment for the Cleansing Ancient Sect.

Brother Zhang, Nan Huairen's friend, also felt uncomfortable and left without a word.

"Hmph, people from the Cleansing Ancient Sect are nothing but rude and uncivilized bumpkins!" one Nine Saints Demon Sect disciple sneered, seeing Li Qiye perched on the statue.

"Bah, he thinks he's some big shot, sitting up there. He should take a good look at himself!" another disciple scoffed.

Many disciples were displeased with Li Qiye's outrageous behavior. However, Li Qiye remained unfazed, swinging his legs leisurely and muttering to himself as if conversing with the stone statue.

To others, Li Qiye's actions seemed foolish and reckless.

Nan Huairen, standing nearby, felt increasingly embarrassed and wished he could leave. However, he couldn't leave Li Qiye stranded on the statue.

Li Qiye, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the embarrassment he was causing. He continued to chat with the stone statue as if it were a living being.

Time seemed to drag on for Nan Huairen, who felt increasingly uncomfortable. Finally, Li Qiye seemed to have had enough and beckoned him over.

Relieved, Nan Huairen quickly climbed up and helped Li Qiye down. Once they were back on the ground, Nan Huairen hastily said, "Senior Brother, it's getting late. Let's head back." He didn't want to continue exploring with Li Qiye, fearing further embarrassing incidents.

Li Qiye merely chuckled and nodded in response.

"Bah!" Seeing Li Qiye's nonchalance, one Nine Saints Demon Sect disciple couldn't hold back any longer. "The Cleansing Ancient Sect is nothing but a third-rate sect. A nobody like you shouldn't dream of marrying our Senior Sister. You're just a useless idiot!"

Provoked directly, Li Qiye slowly turned to facethe disciple and calmly replied, "Marry your Senior Sister? You flatter yourself. Even if a celestial maiden wanted to marry me, I would have to consider whether she's worthy. Your Senior Sister is even less qualified."

"You're asking for death!" Li Qiye's words enraged the crowd. Many of the male disciples present admired Li Shuangyan, and they glared at him with hostility.

"Peace, peace," Nan Huairen stammered, his back drenched in cold sweat. He quickly pulled Li Qiye away, eager to escape the tense situation.

"Coward, don't run if you have the guts!" the Nine Saints Demon Sect disciples shouted angrily. If Li Qiye and his companions weren't guests, they would have chased after them and taught Li Qiye a lesson.

Nan Huairen dragged Li Qiye back to their courtyard, relieved to have escaped unscathed. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and began to question Li Qiye's sanity, wondering if he was truly an ignorant fool.

"Senior Brother, we can't afford to offend the Nine Saints Demon Sect. It's better to swallow our pride and endure," Nan Huairen pleaded, not only for Li Qiye's sake but also for his own safety.

"Why should I endure?" Li Qiye asked with a smile. "We'll deal with whatever comes our way."

Nan Huairen was at a loss for words. It seemed like his assignment had become a magnet for trouble, and he began to regret taking it on.

The proposed marriage alliance between the Cleansing Ancient Sect and the Nine Saints Demon Sect had caused discontent among many young disciples of the latter. Li Shuangyan was the pride of the Nine Saints Demon Sect, admired by countless young male disciples. The prospect of her marrying the chief disciple of the Cleansing Ancient Sect naturally angered them.

In the eyes of the younger generation, the Cleansing Ancient Sect was a declining and insignificant sect, unworthy of an alliance with the Nine Saints Demon Sect. Moreover, the chief disciple was a mere mortal with no talent.

The marriage alliance was seen as an insult to their beloved Senior Sister Li, and many young male disciples wished they could eliminate Li Qiye.

Du Yuanguang was one such disciple who despised Li Qiye. He was an outer disciple of the Nine Saints Demon Sect with exceptional talent, considered a rising star within the sect. In just five years, he had reached the peak of the Palace Opening realm. If he passed the assessment this year, he would become one of the sect's key disciples.

Among the young disciples, Du Yuanguang was perhaps the most ardent admirer of Li Shuangyan. When he had first joined the Nine Saints Demon Sect, Li Shuangyan had personally overseen the selection process.

Upon seeing Li Shuangyan for the first time, Du Yuanguang had been smitten. He believed that his acceptance into the sect was a sign of her favor.

Confident in his talent, Du Yuanguang dreamed of one day cultivating alongside Li Shuangyan and becoming her dao companion.

The sudden news of the marriage alliance with the Cleansing Ancient Sect filled Du Yuanguang with hatred for Li Qiye, whom he had never met. Li Qiye's dismissive remarks about Li Shuangyan at the dueling arena further fueled his anger.

"Insolent fool! A mere mortal dares to speak so arrogantly. I'll teach him a lesson and show him his place!" Du Yuanguang's eyes gleamed with murderous intent.

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