Chapter 13: Chaotic Forest (Part 1)

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This time, the young disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate gathered in a furious mob. Countless young disciples were seething with rage, especially when they saw Li Qiye appear. Their eyes blazed with fury.

"Kill him! That ignorant fool dares to be arrogant in our Nine Saint Demon Gate!" a disciple shouted.

Another disciple yelled harshly, "Killing him is too easy! Break his limbs and use him as a human lantern! Insulting our Nine Saint Demon Gate, even dying ten thousand times wouldn't be enough!"

"Human lantern? Too merciful! Our Nine Saint Demon Gate rules over the Gu Niu River Kingdom and intimidates the Central Domain. A mere ant dares to boast and insult our princess! We should hang him on the Hawk Cliff and let the eagles peck at him for a hundred years, let him scream in pain on the Hawk Cliff for a hundred years, and wash the cliff with his blood for a hundred years!" another disciple roared.

"It's not enough to kill this brat; we must also annihilate the Washing Ancient Sect!" another disciple shouted wildly.

The calls for blood echoed everywhere, and the anger of the crowd was palpable. Some disciples were so enraged they wanted to rush up and tear Li Qiye apart. Li Qiye had insulted their princess and even threatened to destroy the Nine Saint Demon Gate, making them hate him to the core and wish to see him torn to pieces. They wanted the world to know that the Nine Saint Demon Gate's might was not to be challenged!

Both Protector Mo and Nan Huairen couldn't help but shiver inside. If the protectors of the Nine Saint Demon Gate gave the word, their disciples might tear Li Qiye apart.

Amidst the calls for blood, Li Qiye walked out leisurely, unfazed by the furious crowd, strolling as if in his own backyard. This was the height of arrogance and audacity!

Though Protector Mo and Nan Huairen thought Li Qiye was crazy and hopelessly arrogant, they couldn't help but admire his courage. In such a tumultuous scene, facing the wrath of so many disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, anyone else would have been scared stiff, let alone walking out so calmly.

"Ahem—" At this moment, Chief Protector Yu He coughed. His gentle cough sounded like divine thunder, silencing the crowd instantly. His overwhelming presence as a marquis suppressed everyone, making it hard to breathe.

With the Chief Protector speaking, the disciples dared not act recklessly and fell silent. However, countless eyes filled with fury glared at Li Qiye, as if their gazes alone could kill him.

"This assessment, if you pass, the alliance between the two sects will follow the ancestral rules. If you fail or die, it will only mean your skills were lacking!" Protector Xu said coldly, his eyes like icy blades staring at Li Qiye.

Protector Xu was clearly dissatisfied with Li Qiye. As a protector, he didn't want to act against Li Qiye, but if he could, he wouldn't hesitate to crush this arrogant fool.

Li Qiye sat down grandly, slowly looked at Protector Xu, and shook his head with a smile, saying, "It seems the Nine Saint Demon Gate has really declined! Do you know why the Nine Saints Sage made this promise back then? Why the Nine Saint Demon Gate sought an alliance with the Washing Ancient Sect? Back then, the Washing Ancient Sect was revered by all, and the Nine Realms bowed to it. The Nine Saint Demon Gate merely sought the shelter of the Washing Ancient Sect for a better future."

Li Qiye couldn't be bothered to dig into the old issues, as his state wasn't stable back then. The idea of the alliance between the Nine Saint Demon Gate and the Washing Ancient Sect wasn't solely the intention of the Nine Saints Sage and the Mingren Immortal Emperor but rather a mutual decision by their disciples.

Glancing at Protector Xu, Li Qiye continued, "Times have changed, and so have you. It seems your sect has worsened with each generation."

"Hmph—" Protector Xu snorted coldly, saying, "You said it yourself, times have changed! If anyone has declined, it's your Washing Ancient Sect! Today, the Nine Saint Demon Gate rules over kingdoms, and many imperial sects seek alliances with us. Our princess is not someone a useless trash can match!"

In front of the disciples, insulting the Washing Ancient Sect made Protector Mo and Nan Huairen feel uncomfortable. But reality was harsh, and what Protector Xu said was true. Today, the Washing Ancient Sect couldn't compare to the Nine Saint Demon Gate.

"Let bygones be bygones. Empty words won't change anything!" Chief Protector Yu He said coldly. "The Nine Saint Demon Gate is giving the Washing Ancient Sect a chance out of respect for old promises. If you lack the courage and wish to withdraw, we won't force you, and the old promise will be nullified!"

Li Qiye's journey of arrogance and defiance was just beginning.

"Since I'm already here, let's proceed with the challenge," Li Qiye said leisurely. "How will the assessment be conducted? Just tell me, and I'll be ready!"

"You don't know the immensity of heaven and earth!" Protector Xu coldly snorted, while the disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate glared at Li Qiye with anger.

"A waste who only knows martial arts dares to be so arrogant. He doesn't know the meaning of death!" a disciple grumbled. If the protectors weren't present, they would have beaten Li Qiye to death.

"Your cultivation is shallow, and our Highness has instructed us to give you a chance. The first test will be a literary assessment, followed by a martial assessment. As for the third test..." Chief Protector Yu He began.

"Two tests are enough," Li Qiye interrupted Yu He, saying, "How will the literary and martial assessments be conducted? Tell me."

"Insolent!" Protector Xu roared, his aura surging like a giant wave, pressing towards Li Qiye.

"What, you want to fight before the assessment even starts?" Li Qiye squinted, staring at Protector Xu.

At this moment, Chief Protector Yu He coughed, interrupting Protector Xu's overwhelming aura. Protector Xu glared at Li Qiye, furious. He could easily crush this arrogant and ignorant brat with a finger, yet now he had to restrain himself.

"The literary test is simple. Enter the Chaotic Forest; whoever goes the farthest wins. As for the martial test, it's even simpler—a duel. The assessment consists of three rounds. If you win two, the alliance between the two sects will be established!" Yu He said with a piercing gaze.

"Fine, let's do it. Whether it's the literary test or the martial test, I'll see what your princess is capable of!" Li Qiye stood up and said confidently.

"Pah—" Xu Hun scoffed, "You? You're not qualified to make our princess take action! Handling a waste like you, I alone am enough!"

Yu He nodded and said, "Since you joined the Washing Ancient Sect not long ago, we won't be too harsh. If our Highness were to take action, you wouldn't even have a chance. In our Nine Saint Demon Gate, the most talented is our Highness, and among the younger generation, the most powerful is our senior disciple Leng. If either of them were to assess you, you wouldn't be satisfied even if you lost. Xu Hun is considered middle-tier among our disciples. With his strength, assessing the chief disciple of the Washing Ancient Sect won't tarnish your reputation."

The Nine Saint Demon Gate didn't send their strongest disciples to oversee the assessment, leaving a glimmer of hope for the Washing Ancient Sect. If Li Yanshuang or the strongest senior disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Gate had taken part, even the elders or the sect master of the Washing Ancient Sect would have been utterly defeated.

Ignoring Xu Hun's provocation, Li Qiye looked at Yu He and nodded seriously, saying, "So, the Nine Saint Demon Gate still has some decency left. Though you've gone back on your promise, at least you haven't completely lost face. Very well, since you give an inch, I'll give a foot, to avoid being accused of bullying your Nine Saint Demon Gate!"

Li Qiye's arrogant words made Protector Mo and Nan Huairen's faces flush with embarrassment. They wished they could dig a hole and hide. They wanted to beg Li Qiye, "Master Li, please stop boasting!"

"Such ignorance is truly pathetic!" the furious disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate sneered and laughed.

Some disciples, both angry and amused, said, "The Washing Ancient Sect is not only in decline but also insane to make a lunatic their chief disciple. Is this still an immortal sect? It's a disgrace to their ancestors!"

The mocking laughter of the Nine Saint Demon Gate disciples made Protector Mo and Nan Huairen unable to lift their heads, ashamed to face anyone.

Protector Xu sneered. Such an ignorant ant was truly pathetic. Even Yu He, who had seen countless storms, now looked at Li Qiye as if he were a freak. He couldn't imagine someone being so ignorant—what a hopeless fool! Even fools couldn't be this ignorant.

Did Li Qiye not know the strength of the Nine Saint Demon Gate? Did he have no concept of power? This made Yu He laugh inwardly. Today, he had encountered the pinnacle of ignorance.

Finally, Yu He regained his composure, coughed, and said, "Let's start with the literary test. Enter the Chaotic Forest; whoever goes the farthest wins!"

Seeing the assessment begin, everyone moved towards the Chaotic Forest. In no time, the outer perimeter of the Chaotic Forest was filled with countless disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate.

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