Chapter 11: My Arrogance, My Defiance (Part 1)

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Although Nan Huairen was not a genius, his talent was still considerable; otherwise, he wouldn't have become a hall envoy. He had once read through the "Mystic Gate Blade" and considered it a mere ordinary martial skill. However, today, in Li Qiye's hands, it displayed an extraordinary power.

When Li Qiye made his claim, Nan Huairen found it hard to believe. But seeing was believing, and he couldn't help but say, "No matter how strong a martial skill is, it can't compare to dao techniques. Martial skills are just peripheral."

In fact, even now, he still couldn't fully believe that the "Mystic Gate Blade" could kill a cultivator like Du Yuanguang. Yet, he had witnessed it with his own eyes!

Li Qiye didn't bother explaining further. He leisurely and calmly said, "It depends on whose martial skill and whose dao technique."

Nan Huairen had no idea that although the "Mystic Gate Blade" originated in the mundane world, it had been refined by Emperor Mingren. While it couldn't compare to imperial techniques, it was far superior to ordinary dao techniques.

Nan Huairen was perplexed. Previously, he would have thought Li Qiye was arrogant and ignorant. But now, it seemed that Li Qiye's actions showed confidence and assurance.

This made Nan Huairen look at Li Qiye strangely. Nan Huairen prided himself on his ability to read people and situations well. However, the thirteen-year-old Li Qiye before him was inscrutable.

At thirteen, Li Qiye should have been just a new disciple in the Washing Ancient Sect, full of youthful enthusiasm. Yet, Li Qiye was as deep as the sea and as calm as still water, giving off an indescribable aura.

A few days ago, Li Qiye had used the Washing Ancient Token of the Three Ghosts to become the chief disciple of the Washing Ancient Sect. With his ordinary fate, wheel, and body, even the Six Great Elders, let alone Nan Huairen, thought he had no future.

Initially, Nan Huairen found Li Qiye somewhat insane, even arrogant and ignorant. But now, after interacting with him for a few days, he realized that what seemed like arrogance and ignorance was, to Li Qiye, simply a matter of course.

While Nan Huairen was still in shock, his master, Protector Mo, was at a loss. Killing a disciple of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, especially Du Yuanguang, who was favored by Protector Xu, was inviting disaster upon the Washing Ancient Sect!

"A great calamity is upon us!" Protector Mo, helpless and panicking, said, "Forget about the assessment. We must return to our sect!" At this moment, staying at the Nine Saint Demon Gate was like staying in a dragon's lair.

The three of them were no match for the colossal Nine Saint Demon Gate. Protector Mo had only one thought: escape! Escape from the Nine Saint Demon Gate and return to the Washing Ancient Sect.

"This is just a minor issue. No need to flee," said Li Qiye, the main party involved, reclining leisurely in a grandmaster's chair with an air of authority. "From my perspective, there's no place safer than the Nine Saint Demon Gate."

Protector Mo glared fiercely at Li Qiye. He wanted to slap this arrogant and ignorant boy, but facing this great crisis, he had no interest or mood to teach him a lesson.

"You know nothing!" Even the usually silent Protector Mo couldn't help but curse. "Do you think just because you luckily killed Du Yuanguang, you're invincible? You don't know the power of the Nine Saint Demon Gate! Forget about their elders and demon emperor; even one of their protectors could easily crush our six great elders! The Nine Saint Demon Gate could kill us as easily as squashing an ant!"

Protector Mo spoke the truth. In the Washing Ancient Sect, the six great elders could be considered heroes in their own right, but in the Nine Saint Demon Gate, even hall masters had the strength of heroes. Their elders were even more formidable, and their demon emperor had created unparalleled miracles over the past thirty thousand years. It was said that the demon emperor of the Nine Saint Demon Gate, the Wheel Sun Demon Emperor, was unfathomable.

"There's no need for concern, Protector Mo," Li Qiye said leisurely. "The Nine Saint Demon Gate is just a minor nuisance. Outside, I might be a bit cautious, but within the Nine Saint Demon Gate, it's a matter of who crushes whom. Heroes and marquises are nothing!"

Li Qiye's arrogant words made Protector Mo tremble with anger. The six great elders of the Washing Ancient Sect could only aspire to be heroes, yet this newly initiated disciple, ignorant of dao techniques, dared to speak so arrogantly.

"You—" Protector Mo genuinely wanted to slap this arrogant, ignorant boy!

At that moment, a commotion erupted outside. Nan Huairen's face changed, and he rushed out to see what was happening. He quickly returned, his face pale, and exclaimed, "Bad news, our courtyard is surrounded by disciples of the Nine Saint Demon Gate!"

Protector Mo's face changed drastically as he stood up. At that moment, several people entered, led by Vice Hall Master, whose face was extremely grim。

"Brother Fu, there seems to be a misunderstanding between our two sects!" Seeing Vice Hall Master Fu enter with a cold face, Protector Mo knew there was no escape. He took a deep breath and braced himself to confront the situation.

"Misunderstanding? If it's a misunderstanding, explain it to our nephew Xu!" Vice Hall Master Fu coldly snorted and stepped aside, revealing a young man.

The young man wore golden robes, his blood energy surging, with a faint golden glow emanating from behind his head. Despite appearing only twenty years old, he exuded an astonishing aura.

Seeing this young man, Protector Mo couldn't help but feel a chill. This young man was likely at the True Fate realm! Such a young age and already at this realm—truly impressive. It had taken Protector Mo fifty or sixty years to reach this level!

"This is Senior Nephew Xu Hun, the senior disciple of Protector Xu! Du Yuanguang was about to be accepted into Protector Xu's tutelage, and now that he's dead, Senior Nephew Xu demands justice!" Vice Hall Master Fu coldly stated.

Xu Hun stood out, his eyes glowing with a golden light. His presence was imposing, like an unsheathed divine sword, exuding a fierce aura as if he was ready to devour anyone in his path.

Xu Hun was far stronger than Du Yuanguang. While not considered a peerless genius within the Nine Saint Demon Gate, he was still an accomplished disciple, capable of handling major responsibilities.

"Life for life, blood for blood—there's nothing more to say!" Xu Hun said coldly, his gaze like a ferocious beast fixating on Li Qiye, as if ready to tear him apart.

Protector Mo quickly tried to mediate, saying, "Friend Xu, there's a misunderstanding here. My sect's disciple didn't intentionally kill Du Yuanguang; it was an accident."

"Life for life!" Xu Hun replied sternly, "There's no room for negotiation. Hand over the criminal from your Washing Ancient Sect immediately, or you'll bring about your own destruction and the annihilation of your sect!"

Xu Hun was merely a third-generation disciple, while Protector Mo was on par with Vice Hall Master Fu in rank, equivalent to Xu Hun's master, Protector Xu. Yet a third-generation disciple was being so aggressive.

Moreover, as a protector, Mo could not possibly hand over his sect's disciple to be executed. His face darkened, and he said sternly, "Senior Nephew Xu, there should be a fair judgment for right and wrong!"

"Judgment?" Xu Hun's face turned cold, and he laughed grimly, "In the Nine Saint Demon Gate, there's no judgment! Those who kill our disciples must pay with their lives!"

"No wonder—" At this moment, Li Qiye slowly stood up, calmly walked forward, and glanced at Xu Hun, saying, "No wonder the Nine Saint Demon Gate is in such a mess, with fools like you everywhere!"

Li Qiye's words left Nan Huairen and Protector Mo speechless. Nan Huairen inwardly screamed, "Ancestor, saying a few less words won't kill you! You're just adding fuel to the fire by calling Xu Hun an idiot!"

"For those words alone, you deserve to die a thousand times!" Xu Hun roared, his anger surging like a tidal wave. Before his words even fell, he reached out a large hand to grab Li Qiye!

As a protector of the Washing Ancient Sect, Mo couldn't let Xu Hun succeed. He stepped forward and intercepted Xu Hun's hand.

"Protector Mo, you're courting disaster!" Vice Hall Master Fu coldly said. His body radiated light as he stepped forward, blocking Protector Mo. His oppressive aura made it hard for Protector Mo to breathe.

Protector Mo's face turned pale. Vice Hall Master Fu had the strength to contend with heroes and was much stronger than him. Unless an elder arrived, no one from the Washing Ancient Sect could match him! But now, Protector Mo had no retreat.

"Vice Hall Master Fu, is this how the Nine Saint Demon Gate treats its guests?" Protector Mo couldn't back down! Whatever kind of person Mo was, he would definitely protect his own in front of the enemy!

Vice Hall Master Fu coldly said, "If Protector Mo hands over the criminal, you'll still be our honored guest! But if you think the Washing Ancient Sect can oppose the Nine Saint Demon Gate and continue to protect the criminal, not only will you be in danger, but your sect will face annihilation!"

"Annihilation?" At this moment, Li Qiye, who had been ignored, chuckled and said, "The Nine Saint Demon Gate takes itself too seriously. If there's an annihilation, it's your sect that will face it!"

Both Protector Mo and Nan Huairen glared fiercely at Li Qiye. With disaster looming, he was still speaking arrogantly.

Li Qiye's life of arrogance and defiance was just beginning. He needed everyone's votes and support. Please cast your precious votes!

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