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Hello. I was dead. Now I am alive. my last update was at January  i am upset

You feel yourself slump down right next to a wooden pole, feeling the ground sway beneath your feet in a disoriented pattern. You were tempted to spew the beer you had for breakfast out of your stomach—you wanted to vomit on the person keeping both you and Erza hostage, but the gag you had on probably wouldn't let your stomach-contents run free.

But why am I blindfolded though? You think, trying to sense anyone else other than your blond captor with the puny ears you 'heard' with. Though, with all of the muffled sounds you picked, you definitely weren't hearing Erza anytime soon. It felt as if your senses were weakened by a drug of some sort, but it didn't seem practical to do it. You don't remember having some sort of secret ability to hear or smell really well like dragon slayers--though you wished--and you definitely didn't know them, even if they called your name out. How the fuck did they find your name anyway?

All you felt was dizziness and an overwhelming feeling of dread creeping up your back as you felt a thud next to you. Your hands wanted to go right over to the person, which was probably Erza, but the restraints tightly woven on your wrists did their job. Searing hot pain spread from you arms to your torso, reminding you of the strain you're putting your body in.

"Erza?" You tried your best to call out but you forget the gag between your chapped lips. Muted sounds only came in response.

"Y/n!?" The voice you were so familiar with suddenly shouts right near your FUCKING FACE AND STARTS SPRAYING SPI--

Gasping, your body jolts up in fear, waking itself up from the nightmare that just occurred. You were back in the boat, sprawled on the wooden floor after you flung yourself in shock. A raging headache spreads through your temples from your head-to-ground collision. You try to rub your forehead but you've been bound. Of course. Though, seeing that you could see Erza's worried face in front of you, you weren't blindfolded.

Oh thank the gods for this privilege. You sigh in relief despite the utter disarray your whole body felt. I can see her.

You tried calling out to Erza, chin still planted onto the very unhygienic wooden floor that's bound to give you splinters in the near future, but as the boat sways, you topple towards the other side of the boat. Your body slams onto something soft, and you heard a small grunt escape the surface you landed on. And it was Erza.

You splutter apologies into her stomach and you can feel you head getter hotter by the second, yet you feel vibration through her torso. Is she laughing?

 Hands bound, the only thing you could've done was dig your head onto Erza's torso and push yourself off, or flail your legs around, but it would seem inappropriate at this time, considering that the magician dude, presumably, decided to walk into the makeshift room at that instant. You could only cry from the sudden onslaught of a speech.

"Erza, you'll finally be back to our home!" The dude cried out, agony seeping from his voice with the intent to convey longing, probably. You wouldn't know, your focus was on the fact that you were technically smooching Erza's abs through her dress. You probably should be shuffling away from her as they were conversing, but Erza's knees firmly squeezed your head into place to recoil from the man in from of her. No matter, it was an honor to kiss her glorious abs; touching them would have been enough for you to pass away happily.

"But can you please let me change into my armour? I feel... safer... with it on." You heard Erza say. "I won't do anything, I promise." It was your cue to get off her. You dreaded this, but it'd be more comfortable with you off her; for the both of you.

You braced yourself as you readied your body to fold. As you felt your torso burn, you launched yourself up in between a sit-up, scooching a little forward, before lowering your body again and rolling. Rolling as far as you can, away from Erza, despite the opportunity to ogle at her abs. She was hot, yes, but you must sacrifice for the greater good, for her comfortability.

You imagined that would happen, but your body was too stiff to accomplish this--you lowered your torso too far and your head landed right onto the space next to Erza's lap. The blonde dude had been in the middle of complimenting Erza and her dress (completely ignoring Erza's request, very toxic of him), but stopped after witnessing your terrible attempt at an escape-from-the-situation plan. You could only grovel at his feet, disappointed with yourself.

"Sorry, I'll go right away." You excused yourself, starting to roll away to the other side of the boat's room. But after glancing at Erza, you felt her desperate need for something to comfort her, or someone. Someone to be with her.

You stopped moving. "Never mind."

"Just go, Y/n, she doesn't need you." The blonde kicks you in the face and walks away, frowning. He looks back, and smiles psychotically, disregarding you rolling, involuntarily, back to your original place. 

"I can't wait for you to come back to the Tower of Heaven."

You disappointedly face a pillar after rolling to your side of the boat, reeling from his unnecessarily aggressive kick.


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