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Error being deprived of sleep.


Error came back to the anti-void from his job.

Voices started insulted him, but he paid no mind to them.

Error was exhausted from destroying a tons of AUs with Ink chasing behind him.

His eyelids felt heavy, along with his head feeling foggy.

There was bags under his eyes.

Error plopped into his bean bag and shut his eye sockets, hoping to sleep.


A sharp pain was sent through his soul.

That made Error jolt awake.

He groaned in frustration.

The voices became louder, telling him to go destroy AUs.

He simply ignored them, as he opened a portal to a random AU.

Without giving much thought, Error entered it, his brain was not processing anything.

He walked around to find any residents, but met with nothing through the long walk.

After a while, Error spotted a single house in the middle of the greenery.

Then, he realized...

This was the star sanses base...

Might as well mess with them and prevent Ink from creating anymore AUs.

He sneaked into the house without a second thought

Error walked on fours on the ceiling to not get spotted.

They were no where to be seen in the living room.

Moving on.

He found Blue in the kitchen preparing something, as he stuck his head out at the top of the doorway.

Error decided to leave him alone, since he was a good friend of his.

Error searched through the hallways to see if they were in their rooms.

He found Ink easily cause there were three rooms and only one of them were open.

Error entered the room without a sound.

He peaked at Ink's work from the ceiling.

It was a sketch of the main boss monsters.

Error smile maniacally when he came up of a idea.

He swiftly wrapped his strings around Ink.

Ink let out a yelp.

He turned around to see the capturer, meeting with glowing eyes of a very familiar shine that he sees often.

"Error!? What are y-," Ink's mouth was sealed with glowing blue strings before he could say anything else.

Error also made him blindfolded before making a portal to a specific area.

On the other side, a huge pond with trees surrounding the place was found.

He hanged Ink upside down in the middle of the body of water before he let Ink's face free of strings.

"W-where am i?" Ink looked around.

He spotted Error on one of the trees.

"Hey! Let go of me!" Ink demanded.

Error didn't say anything, too tired to respond and created a portal back to the star sanses base.

"Wait! Don't go! At least untie me!" Ink desperately called out.

But, he already left.




Error was dropped on the roof.

He swayed in exhaustion while he stood up.

Ink is gone, so his next target is Dream.

Error tried to find Dream's room by looking through the windows upside.

Finally, he spotted Dream.

Dream screeched in horror and collapsed to his butt from his appearance.

From his view, Error looked like a ghost the came from a horror movie and the dark bags under his eye made it worst.

"A- a monster!!!" Dream screamed and bursted out of his room, leaving his door open.

Error didn't pay any mind to his existence.

He broke into the room and looked around, searching for something.

A bed caught his eye and he immediately laid down on it.

It took a few seconds before he lost conscious.

In the distance, two voices were heard.

"What is it that made you scre-" Blue paused at the sight of Error.

Dream was trembling behind Blue, refusing to look ahead.

"Hey, it's okay. It's only Error," Blue reassured.

"W-what? Error's here?," Dream peaked out from his shoulder.

Dream sighed in relief, but still tense about the destroyer here.

Blue carelessly walked up to him and tried to shake him awake.

"Blue, what are you-," Dream was cut off.

"Error, where did you put Ink?" Blue casually talked.

"At the pond with big fishes" Error quietly mumbled.

Error snored after that.

It was a simple answer, but it was enough for him to understand.

"Dream, let's go," Blue instructed.

"What about him?" Dream cautiously questioned.

"It's fine, he can't do anything in that state," Blue responded.

Dream hesitantly nodded.



It was silent for a few moment before Ink tried to wiggle out of the strings.

Suddenly, a fish as large as him, if not, larger than him went straight towards him, jumping out of the water.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Ink screamed in fright and struggled in panic.

The fish straight out ate him, but the strings stayed with no signs of snapping and the fish ended up hanging there with Ink.

Another fish, larger than the others swallowed them and that fish had the same fate as others.

Anyone who passed by would be surprised at the sight and admire it.

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