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This one shot isn't a fgod and it doesn't have a balance.


Error cried alone in the anti-void.

Nobody that would comfort him or hang out with him.

All of his friends died one by one.

Either by old age or an accident.

Ink was the only one left that didn't die like his other friends.

He thought that ink was immortal like him.

But, he was wrong...

ink died by the lack of magic that resided in his soul.

Growing weaker each day.

To simply explain it, he die of old age.

It wasn't fair!

While they get to die, he stays behind until the end of time!

It wasn't fair...

He wanted to die with them.

But, he couldn't when he can't die no matter what.

He didnt want to believe that this is happening.

Yet, here he is....

Hugging Ink's jar of dust.

He couldn't make it in time.

The doctor called him from the hospital that Ink was about to die.

He tried to get there as fast as possible, but he was too late.

He didn't even get to say goodbye to him or hear his last words.


Why. Why!? WHY!?

Error tightened his hug.

Everytime he remember everyone's dust, he thought that he could done something more for them.

Be more nice to them or hang out with them more often.

But, it was impossible now that they're gone.

He knew that everyone will eventual die, but he ignored it.

Ignored it, till Ink died without him.

He didn't want it to be true....

Error sniffed.

He lifted his head from the soaked scarf he got from Ink.

His sight was a bit blurry from all the tears.

Error reached his hand out for his inventory and took out a snow globe.

Killer gave it to him as a joke to tease him.


"Here," Killer handed the globe over to Error.

"What's this for?" Error exams it.

"Shake it," Killer pointed at it.

Error did as he told him to do.

"What do you see?" Killer smirked.

Error squinted to see more better, but it didn't do anything.

"Wear your glasses," Killer's smiled widely.

Error hesitantly digged into his pocket and placed his glasses over his face.

"I don't see anything written-" Error was cut off by a laugh.

"Pfft-hahahahaha you look ridiculous!" Killer quickly ran away to not get caught.

Error twitched.

"Get back here!" Error yelled.


He threw it away in the trashcan to spite him, but he later came back and retrieved it secretly, since it was really interesting.

Error sadly chuckled at the memory.

He had more tears pouring out of his eyes.

Error laid down from his curled position.

He felt blank.

He could only stare at the ceiling filled with blue strings.

His eyes slowly closed.

Darkness swallowed him.




Error woke up from his sleep.

He sat up and felt a bean bag under him.

He was confused.

He doesn't remember sleeping on it.

Did somebody place him there?

No, nobody other than them had access to the anti-void, so how?

The memories resurfaced as he reminded himself that they're died.

Tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

Error shook his head.

'It's not the time to cry.'

This place feels slightly different from his usual anti-void.

Error wiped his tears and absorbed the surroundings.

Error looked at the bean bag.

It looked much more newer than the bean bag he's currently using.

No stain and the colors are more bright.

Error stood up and walked around.

Taking a closer look at his surroundings, there were more fewer strings hanging on the ceiling and less stuff.

The magic in them felt the same as his own magic and it was like he made those, but with less magic.

A portal opened behind him.

He turned around to see who it was.

Error's eyes widened in surprise.


River like tears poured out of his eyes.

He tried to stop them by drying them with his sleeve, but more came out.

"Woah Error, are you crying?" Ink's voice was heard through his ears.

But, that made him cry even more.


"I'll be always there for you"

"I doubt that," Error crossed his arms.

"Please, just trust me this once, even if I die, I'll always be by your side... As a ghost to haunt you," Ink chuckled at the last part.

"I'll look forward to that," Error scoffed at him.


He missed him.

"I'm... not....," Error faced away and sniffed.

This got to be a hallucination he created himself from how much he wanted him back, even if he's a ghost, he shouldn't be able to see him.

"Your obviously crying," Ink placed his hand on his shoulder.

Error flinched from the contact and back up.

"Stay away," Error said with a shaky voice.

This isn't the real ink.

He's dead.

Error saw his dust cristal clear.

"Error...", Ink paused, not knowing what to do.

Error quickly escaped, making a portal underneath him that leads him to his favorite spot in Outertale.

He sobbed until he calmed down.

Error looked up, staring at the familiar stars.

His hand subconsciously went to clutch Ink's scarf close to him.

He met with air...

Error panicked from the sudden disappearance and hurriedly checked his whole inventory.

He spotted what he was looking for.

'It's... still there...'

He sighed in relief and grabbed the scarf, wrapped it around his neck.

Error looked up and continued to stargaze.



It's been a while since he ate them.

It taste better stealing from the original Fell.

'But... Fell's gone...'

In fact, all the first generations are gone.

He's the only one left.


Error shook that thought off.

At least the other generations still exist.

Speaking about them, he should check on them to make sure that they're not causing trouble.

He opened multiple portals leading to many aus.

"Huh...?" Error spoke out loud in surprise.

'What's happening here?'

Error scanned the situation.

'Everyone is not on the surface. There should be monsters and more building, but there's only few au's on the surface in peace.'

'All the fist generations that's supposed to be died are alive.'

'It's like how it was in the younger times.'

'Am i finally going crazy again?'

'I need to make sure....'

Error ripped open the space to the multiverse codes.


'The codes of this multiverse is similar to the past when I was still destroying'

'Now that I think about it, Ink was a bit shorter than when I saw him last time.'

"What the h*ll is going on," Error gripped his skull in frustration.

Everything's the same to how he remembers.

Did he time travel in the past?

No, that's impossible.

He can't just randomly time travel while he slept.

The multiverse resetting?

Possible, but all his stats and memory are the same and he should of been reset with them.

Another multiverse?


He never heard of a multiverse having the same exact codes and he doesn't know anybody else that could portal to another multiverse.

Then, what...?

He doesn't have any other ideas.

He'll have to wait and see to find out.




Error sunk into his bean bag.

When he checked his anti-void, Ink was no where to be seen.

He assumed that ink left to protect the multiverse or hang out with others.

Error opened portals to aus.

It's weird seeing all the people that's supposed to be dead are walking around like nothing happened to them.


If everything's back to how it was in the old times...

He gets to watch Undernovela again!

Even if its his second time watching the show, he can't get tired of it.

Error opened a window to undernovela and snatched his favorite snack from Underfell.

He got really excited about how he gets to watch his old show and chocolate he liked that he wasn't able to do recently.

He wasn't able to do all that because the first generations were all gone and replaced with their offspring.

About offsprings, neither Error or Ink had any.

It's not like he wanted to take care of one.

Both of them didn't have a partner, while the others had one.

Ink didn't have any soul, so he wasn't able to feel love nor produce any new souls.

Error didn't care to have one and he hardly open up to other people other than a few others.

Ah, he misses them...


It's not the time to think about that.

Error wiped away the tear.

For now, he will just enjoy what he's doing.

Meanwhile, someone was watching him from the shadows.


Ink's pov

'Error was a bit strange.'

'He never cried in front of me.'

'He would always have a fit when i encounter him.'

"Ink," someone faintly called his name, but Ink didn't seem to notice.

"Ink!," this time, he directed his attention to the voice.

"Huh?" Ink looked up to see, Dream shaking him.

"Ink, are you okay? Is something on your mind? You didn't touch your breakfast at all!" Dream pointed out.

"Oh, I'm good. It's just that Error was a bit weird when I visited him few days ago," Ink looked at his cold taost.

"What do you mean?" Blue joined, tilting his head.

"He was.... crying," Ink frowned.

"Crying?" They both said in union.

"Yeah, I never seened him cry," Ink pursed his lips.

"Not only that his appearance changed, not dramatically, but he was way taller than me. I mean like he grew a feet last time i saw him and it wasn't that long," Ink explained.

"That really is strange," Dream rubbed his chin.

"Did something happen to him?" Blue asked in concern.

"I dont know about that but I'm sure that something did happen. He didn't destroy a single au recently," Ink confirmed.

"Really!?" Blue was surprised.

Ink nodded.


Error's pov

"I think I got too excited," Error said to nobody in particular.

He's been watching Undernovela non-stop for three days straight..

He consumed a lot chocolate than he expected.

Wrappers were everywhere and it was making a mess.

'Welp, time to send them to where it originally belonged.'

'I have to return what I borrowed right?'

He made a portal underneath the pile of chocolate bar wrappers and brought them to where he found them, the place where Fell keeps his dark chocolates.

"The f**k!?" that was the last thing he heard before he closed the portal.

Error looked around in the Anti-void.

Now that he thinks about it, if this was another multiverse, the Error here should of come back.

Something must of happen to the other version of him or he's not actually in a another multiverse, meaning that he's left two other theories.

Multiversal reset or time travel.

He thinks neither of them is right, but it's worth a try.

Error tried to find the other Error through portals, if there was one.

There was no presence of him what so ever.

None of the aus had any ever changing codes.

Error sighed and gave up.

He'll see him in the anti-void eventually anyways.

If that guy didn't come back, he'll claim the anti-void and cross that theory out.

Error relaxed in his seat.

Out of boredom he browsed though aus to find anything interesting that's going on in them.

Until, he came across a battle field in one of the aus.

The dark sanses and star sanses were fighting.

The gang tried to spread the spread the negativity, while the other three tried to protect the citizens from them.

"It's been a long time since I saw them have a big fight," Error muttered under his breath.

He decided to watch for a while.




There was nothing special going on, just that they're a lot weaker.

Ink's side were winning.

Multiple members on the dark sanses fainted or injured that leaves with Nightmare being the only one that's able to fight.

"You win this time," Nightmare glared at them and grabbed the gang with his tentacles.

He made a portal to the Nightmare's castle and before he left, his eye narrowed at where Error was watching.

'S**t, did he sense my emotions!?' Error quickly closed the portal in panick.

'He probably found out that I was watching him.'

"Well well well, look who decided to spy on me," Nightmare's cold voice was heard behind him.

Error jumped at the sudden noise and swiftly turned around to see the black octopus.

'I jinxed it'

From the sight of Nightmare a memory popped up in his head.


"It's okay to cry when you need to," Nightmare stared at the stars with Error.

"What's with the sudden change? That's odd coming from the guardian of negativity," Error raised his brow at nightmare.

"I just thought that you need some comfort," Nightmare leaned on his own arm.

"Pfft- yeah whatever," Error laughed it off.

"Really, it looks like you needed it," Nightmare pointed at his face.

"What are you talking abou-" Error cut himself off when he touched something wet near eyes.

"Wha-," Error wiped away the tears.

"You were feeing down ever since Horror had died," Nightmare looked at him in concern.

"I wasn't," Error denied.

"It's no use lying to me," Nightmare scowled.

Error looked away.

Nightmare sighed.

"Come here" Nightmare instructed.

Error hesitantly closed in the gap.

Nightmare grabbed him with his tentacle and pulled him into a hug.

Error tried push away the fear to not crash.

But, when Nightmare hugged him, the warmth in his chest taken him by surprise and he gave in.

Tears flowed out of his eyes.

He sobbed, until there was no more tears left to come out.


Error held in the tears.

He was not ready to meet him in person yet.

'I'm such a crybaby'

"Didn't know you were that eager to see me," Nightmare huffed in irration.

'Right, this is the old Nightmare I'm facing here,' Error reminded himself.

"What's with that scarf," Nightmare took notice of ink's scarf.

Error looked down.

'I forgot to put that away'

"None of your business. What about you? You didn't come here to just hang out, otherwise you wouldnt go through the trouble to make a portal here," Error pointed out.

"You really want to know, huh," Nightmare smirked.

"Get to the point," Error snapped.

"Alright," Nightmare paused.

"Join me," Nightmare offered his hand.

"What?" That was the only thing he could muster out in shock.

"Like I said, join my gang," Nightmare revised.

Out of all those options, he choose to say that.

Though, it makes sense.

He's been fueling Nightmare with negativity that makes him a easy target to convince.

"I'll let you think, call me back when you make up your mind," Nightmare put his hand back in his pocket and made a portal back to the mansion.

Once Nightmare left, Error started to sort out the pros and cons.

He gets to see everyone in that group, but he'll have to get along with them first.

He would have to fight his other friends.

He still have other jobs to do, like fixing the Error's in the au codes.

Error sighed.

Suddenly, his head perked up in realization.

'I have to fix the codes!'

'F**k, if I leave them alone, they'll be corrupted!'

When that happens, the AU's could destroy itself and create more outcodes.

Error would have to destroy the au if nessesary.

He quickly opened a small portal to a au and opened their codes.

Deleting and typing in new codes.

He repeated that with multiple others.

Occasionally, Error came across AU's that spread their corruption to others.

"Geez, how long have I been slacking," Error whispered to himself.

Error reached his hand to the delete button.

He can't let the corruption spread even further.

He pressed the button and all the residents along with the au disappeared.

Back then, he could only destroy the au not the people inside them.

He never cared about the people and what they had to go through.

He only enjoyed causing chaos.

After a long while, he got bored of it, every time he did that, he got the same exact reactions.

He was tired of it and eventually stopped.

One day, Ink came to him in the anti-void and offered a truce, which he accepted.

From that simple thing, the bad sanses and the good sanses started to get along.

They cooperated with each other.

Some of them even became lovers.

'Ah, good times...'




With that last one, he was done.

Error took a deep breath to relief his tense shoulders.

He looked around to see if he have anything else to do.

'Right the offer.'

'I need to call him'

Error let out a mass negativity to let him know that he's ready.

A goopy portal opened in front of him.

"You called?" Nightmare smirked.

"Yeah " Error nodded.

"I'll join you... in one condition," Error lifted up a finger.

"What is it," Nightmare's expression dropped into a frowned and narrowed his eyes at him.

"Give me a supply of chocolate," Error grinned, reaching out his hand.

This time, Nightmare was the one to be in disbelief.

Nightmare sighed in frustration and rubbed his skull.

"That's all you gotta say?" Nightmare looked at him.

Error nodded.

"Alright," Nightmare proceeds to open a portal to his base.

"Let's go meet some new friends," Nightmare enters the opening with Error following.


I've been working on this the whole time and I make it longer than I intended.

But, it was satisfying!

I really liked writing this story, but I haven't planned the ending nor the plot.

Oh yeah, I didn't say that I will be continuing it!

I'm still stuck on one part of the chapter in "I Don't Belong In Heaven", but I'll somehow find out!

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