-| Day 20: Renewal |-

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AU: Repeating History

Context: Guess what Sabre found :D


[Sabre's POV]

The woods are quiet and overgrown, but I don't stop to admire them.

I've finally found the path again.

Memories of my first time going down this abandoned path fill my head as I excitedly run past trees and mossy rocks, the moon and stars lighting my way. My first time, I was scared and unsure of what waited for me, but this time I can't wait to reach the portal again. I'm going back. Back to my real friends and the world that felt like home more than this one ever did. I'm going home.

Leaves crunch and sticks snap under my feet as I stop. In front of me is what I've been searching for all this time. The portal.

It's just like how I last saw it, save for the moss and vines that have grown even more, nearly covering the runes on it. The stone has slightly crumbled from age, but it's still operational. A swirling water-like surface stands inside the frame of the portal, colors constantly shifting through the rainbow. It glows with a soft light, illuminating the area around it.

I take a step towards the portal, when I hear something behind me. I turn around to see some of the authorities from the town I came from, frantic and staring at the portal in awe. Have they been following me this whole time? How did they get here so fast?

"E-Ezra? What... What is this? What are you doing?" One of them asks. "Get away from that, you have no idea what that is!"

I laugh at that, not caring how crazy I probably look to them.

"How many times have I said it, that's not my name."

I turn and take a few steps closer to the portal. I hear them gasp behind me, but no footsteps. They're too scared to follow me. But what else could I expect? They don't believe that magic is real, yet here is an active portal right in front of them.

I stop right in front of the rippling wall of colors, it moving even more now that I'm so close to it. Colorful sparks jump out of it, the Standard Galactic runes carved into the frame now shimmering with various colors, visible past the overgrowth. I turn around, my back to the portal that's practically reaching out to me. The authorities that followed me are still where they were, just staring.

I smile, one brighter than I ever had while in this world, a tear of joy running down my face.

"My name is Sabre Originierce, and I'm going home."

And as the authorities' faces turn to shock, I let myself fall backwards into the portal.


[3rd Person POV]

A familiar old house sat in an ancient forest, surrounded by guards in white armor.

Two more teleported into the area, with a Red Steve with them. He is fairly young, yet the guards defend him as if he were a king. The Red Steve smiles fondly as he looked at the house, starting to walk towards it with the Colorless Guards escorting him. The other guards in the area make way for them.

As the Red Steve opened the door and entered, the guards following, one of them asks a question.

"Is he really arriving today?" He says. The Red Steve chuckles.

"Of course. Not only is it the anniversary of him arriving the first time, but Origin himself told me he'd finally come home today."

Suddenly, lightning crackles through the air, loud and powerful. It makes the guards jump, but the Red Steve merely looks up, surprised at first, then smiles.

"Right on cue. Classic Sabre." He says.

The Red Steve walks towards a room, and the guards follow.

What once was a hidden room has been opened, the portal frame surrounded by precious and strong metals to protect it. The room is decorated with flowers in pots and green banners with a symbol of a strange planet on it, a black line through the middle. The guards stop in their tracks, while the Red Steve smiles as they see someone standing there.

A boy with tan skin and brown hair, odd colors for this world. He wears a green hoodie with a patch depicting a planet on it, just like the one on the banner. His black blindfold covers his eyes. His hands hold onto the satchel he has over his hoodie.

As he sees the Red Steve, he smiles back at him. They were both much younger than the last time they saw each other, but they still recognized each other's faces.

"Hey Scout. Sorry I'm late." Sabre greets his old friend. "I had to cross the continent to get back."

"Took you long enough." The Red Steve, Scout, replies. Both he and Sabre laugh. "Now come on, the others are waiting for you."

Sabre walks towards Scout, both of them leaving the room by each other's side. The guards, too shocked to speak for a while, quickly collect themselves and follow after them. They whisper to each other as if they've seen a deity.

Together, Sabre and Scout leave the old house to meet up with their friends. Just like before.


Eeeeeeee it's done! I had a lot of fun doing this, thanks for bringing up the idea Reverse :3

Tired as I was, I still had a total blast writing these! Writing prompts are just a whole other level of fun for me, and I love getting to expand on the AUs I make with them. Hey, speaking of, I surprisingly didn't made like 6 new AUs this time XD

I hope the rest of you had fun too, and I'll see you soon ^v^

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