Chapter Eight

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[school bell rings]

[student chatting]

Rarity: Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?

Twilight Sparkle: It was a great idea, Rarity!

Applejack: Don't know what they're smilin' about. Twilight's and Rose's the ones that's gonna be Princesses of the Fall Formal.

[knock knock knock]

Sunset Shimmer: Vice Principal Luna! Something terrible has happened!

Pippa Pirate: Isn't this just awful? And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle and Rose Light do something like this?

Vice Principal Luna: Why would you think Twilight and Rose were responsible for something like this?

Sunset Shimmer: Because I have proof.

Rose Light: But... But I don't understand!

Vice Principal Luna: This is clearly you two in the photographs, is it not?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, but...

Vice Principal Luna: I think it should be fairly obvious that the school cannot let two people who would do something like this compete for the Fall Formal crowns.

[knock knock]

Flash Sentry: Vice Principal Luna. I found these in a trash can in the library. Thought you should see them. Two people obviously combined these photos to make it look like Twilight and Rose were the ones who trashed the gym.

Vice Principal Luna: I appreciate you bringing these to my attention, Flash and Selena. In light of this new evidence, you two may of course continue both of your bids to be crowned the Princesses of the Fall Formal.

Rose Light: Thank you! You have no idea how important this is to us!

Selena Green: (chuckles) What were we gonna do? Not prove both of your innocence? Wouldn't be much of a Canterlot Wondercolt, would we?

Vice Principal Luna: I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night. If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development.

Flash Sentry: So, uh, I was wondering. If you aren't already going with somebody, wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?

Twilight Sparkle: That would be... Tomorrow night!? No, no-no-no-no-no, no no no no no! Nonononono! I can't! The portal! That'll be too late! [panting]

Selena Green: One "no" would have been fine!

Rarity: Everything okay in there?

Rose Light: Yes! [to herself] Only it's not okay. It's not okay at all! If I don't get our crowns tonight, we won't be able to go back to Equestria for another thirty moons! Oh, what are we gonna do?

Spike: Hmm. We tell them the truth. Let them know what's really at stake if you two don't get the crowns tonight. They'll help us figure somethin' out.

Discord: But what if they won't? What if when they find out how different we really are...?

Spike: Twilight and Rose, these girls rallied around you two 'cause they saw what was in both of your hearts. They aren't gonna feel any differently about you two when they find out you two are two pony princesses in Equestria and that you are a reformed villain Discord and Rose.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm glad you followed us here, Spike.

Spike: Me too. Unless, of course, we get stuck here for another thirty moons.

Applejack: You three okay?

Rose Light: The Fall Formal isn't happening tonight.

Pinkie Pie: WHAT?!

Discord: It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer and Pippa Pirate had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations.

Pinkie Pie: WHAT?!?

Twilight Sparkle: But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight.

Pinkie Pie: Wha–!

Rose Light: [sigh] You see...

Pinkie Pie: You three from an alternate world and you two are two pony princesses and Discord is a draconequus there and the crowns actually has two magical elements embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without them, they don't work anymore, and you three need them to help protect your three magical world, and if you two don't get the crowns tonight, you three will be stuck in this world and you three won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time and Rose and Discord are reformed villains! [squee]

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason.

Spike: Nope, she's pretty much spot-on.

Rarity: He can talk!?

Spike: Oh, yeah! And back where I come from, I'm not even a dog! I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!

Fluttershy: This is so amazing! Tell me, what are you thinking right now?

Spike: Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears!

Rarity: Gah...

Spike: Uh, maybe later.

Discord: How did you know all that?

Pinkie Pie: Just a hunch.

Applejack: Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight. You two are ponies and you are a draconequus, Discord?

Rarity: You two are princesses?

Fluttershy: You three are from another world and you two are reformed villains, Discord and Rose?

Twilight Sparkle: [gulp] Mm-hmm.

Rainbow Dash: That... is... awesome!

[excited chatter]

Spike: See? Told ya.

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