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Lyla had never dealt with a break up before, sure she had boys she briefly dated, but it was never anything serious.

But with James, it felt like her heart was being torn out over and over again.

She didn't understand what she had done to make him break up with her, but he did it anyway.

It had been 3 days since their breakup, Lyla barely ate, hardly slept and sure as hell didn't look in his direction.

"Lyla you really should get up and grab something to eat." Her housemate, Alice told her.

Lyla just shook her head, and turned back around to fall back asleep.

James Pov

James couldn't believe what he had done, he felt like breaking up with Lyla would be freeing, like he was doing her a favor of something. But it was the worst feeling he had ever had.

Being with Lyla felt like paradise to James, she wasn't like the girls who he had been with before.

Lyla was the girl meant for him, he just knew it.

He didn't know how to talk to her, not after the things he had said.

Every time he saw her in the hallways or even just thought about her, he debated whether or not to tell her how he truly felt.

But the truth was, he didn't even know how he truly felt. He knew deep down that he couldn't go on without her, but when he was with her, he felt like he wasn't enough to keep her happy.

Little did he know, she felt the same exact way.

Lyla was walking through the hallway, when she suddenly ran into a tall body. She went to apologize, only to meet the caramel eyes she knew all too well.

"Lyla." James whispered as he stared at her.

Lyla ignored him, feeling a tug on her heart as she did.

He grabbed her wrist and she turned around in shock. Before she could say anything, he was letting go voluntarily.

James walked away with a sullen expression.

Lyla didn't know what to do, she felt so lost without him.

Unfortunately for Lyla, it was nearing summer break, and she had no place to go.

She was sure James would let her stay at his house, but she just couldn't take the awfulness of it.

Lyla decided to go back to her parents house, even if it was the last place she wanted to go. Lyla didn't have many options of friends right now, so she would have to deal with it.

She knew that James and Sirius would be looking for her, but Lyla stayed hidden throughout the train ride.

She knew her parents wouldn't be at the train station, so she'd have to apparate to her house, even if she was still underage.

After the long, uneventful train ride, Lyla carried her luggage out of the train, and quickly apparated to 12 Grimmwauld Place.

Lyla knocked quietly on the door, regretting her actions.

Her mother opened the door, and Lyla stayed silent when she met her mother's gaze.

"Hello mother." Lyla said quietly.

"Lyla." Walburga said disapprovingly. "Finally come to your senses and drop your blood traitor friends?"

Lyla bit her tongue to avoid a snarky comeback, "Yes mother."

"Ah good then." Walburga grabbed Lyla and pulled her into a threatening hug, her slender fingers curling into Lyla's shoulder.

"Is father home?" Lyla whispered almost fearfully.

"Unfortunately not. He is dealing with some things at the ministry, he'll be home in a few days i'm sure." Walburga grabbed Lyla's arm and steered her into the house.

"I'm gonna go take my things upstairs mom." Lyla said a little too carelessly.

"It's mother Lyla." Walburga corrected.

Lyla felt her shoulders deflate, Euphemia would never make her kids call her mother. Lyla cursed herself for even thinking about it.

"Sorry mother." Lyla walked up the creaky old stairs, dragging her luggage to her room.

It looked the same as she had left it several months ago, Lyla could tell her parents hadn't gone in it due to the dust hanging on her desk and bay window.

Lyla's room was a dark blue color, it had long victorian curtains and her bed was a canopy. Lyla had a large bookshelf holding books she had read about a thousand times.

She quickly unpacked, not bothering to put everything away. She was glad her father wasn't home. Just her, her mother, and their house elf, Kreacher.

Kreacher had taken a liking to Regulus and Lyla, finding them more pleasant than the oldest Black.

Lyla let herself fall asleep for awhile, letting the sunset turn to black throughout her room.

A quiet tapping woke her up, it was an owl. She rushed over to the window, only to see that it was James owl, Twila. She grabbed the note and sent the owl off.

Lyla debated for several moments whether or not she even wanted to open the letter.

Dear Lyla,

I don't even know what to say, words won't even describe how awful I feel about everything. I never realized how much of an impact you've made on my life. When I met you, all you were to me was Sirius's sister, nothing more. But you've made me feel things I never knew I could feel. I didn't mean anything I said that night, even though you have no reason to believe me. I love you Lyla.
James Potter

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