β–  truce

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Frigga wasn't that bad. Of all the royals she had met here, Frigga was easy going and nice to talk to, unlike Thor who constantly reminded her of her tasks, and Loki being threatening and teasing. Although, now that she thought of it. There was someone Loraine still hadn't met ever since she arrived in Asgard.

The king. Odin.

She didn't look forward to it though. Somehow, she honestly did not want to have an audience with Odin. He was the one who declared the banishment of the Hidden Children, the Liv. Were it not for Freya, their existence would have been long gone. If she would have a conversation with him, she was certainly much sure he would ask her about the Liv, who was supposed to protect Earth, and hadn't protected it.

Now, she was just glad she was out on the fields again. The whole surrounding was warm and bright, somehow, she felt a sense of optimism and hope somewhere.

She leisurely sat on the grass, leaning her back on the trunk of a tree. The river rushed down by the bank just a feet away beside her, sparkling. All around her, oddly tall trees crowded her sight. Birds chirped at the distance and the scent of soil and soaked grass were everywhere. It almost resembled the kind of forest back in Midgard.

Loraine wasn't in her maid-in-waitin' dress today. The dress she wore had a square neck line and short sleeves covering her shoulders. It was a cotton brown dress, snaked with three thin golden laces at the bottom and some floral details on the top. She was glad she was wearing such a casual outfit once again. A reminder of home. Normal. And mortal.

Then two figures loomed in front of her, getting clearer by the second.

It was Loki and his mother.

Loki was dressed the same as always, with black, green and gold. He had a cape and a hood on that covered his head against the heat. Beside him was her mother, Frigga.

As soon as she saw her, she instantly scrambled to stand. Frigga had that confident aura a queen always had. Looking at them right now, she could actually tell how Loki had some resemblance with Frigga. The way the both of them held their posture and regality. Gods.

"Lady Frigga," Loraine addressed. She bowed down, while Loki just pursed his lips. "It's an honor to meet you. Again."

Frigga smiled at her and looked at his son. "Ah yes, I am fully looking forward to this, looks just like old times---" she trailed off.

"Old times?"

"Nothing my dear," she said instantly and beamed at Loraine. "Is the boat all ready?"

"Yes, it's down by the river."

"Good." She commented. "Well, I guess I'll leave you two now," Frigga chuckled reassuringly.

"Thank you for giving me permission my queen."

"Of course, anything," Frigga replied then she turned and walked back towards the palace---leaving them.

Loraine and Loki went over to the small port near the river saying nothing. The whole port looked like glass. The floor, see-through. Down below them, the silver river rushed by. They could see the glass legs of the port plunging in. The handles and railings were twirled with gold and silver vines that seemed to grow from the forest. All of it looked nothing back on Earth. It was all strange, the port might have looked like glass, but when Loraine placed her foot on it, the floor clanked like it was metal.

She swallowed her ignorance.

They went down the small stairs. It opened another see-through floor with no railings anymore. In front of it was where the boat floated.

Loraine stopped and turned to look at him. "So, how about a truce for now?" She asked, but Loki just stared at the open river.

Something was obviously bothering him. He was quiet the whole time. His gaze was deep as if this place reminded him of something - which Loraine couldn't even tell.


The voice of Loraine nudged him out of his trance. "Truce?" Loki repeated and took his bothered look off. "Me with nothing, against you with my powers. That's hardly a truce. It's not fair." He raised an eyebrow and grinned at her.

Loraine scoffed. "Right, like you're not always a tease."

"Now that you've mentioned it. Am I a tease?" He questioned innocently and stepped closer to her sealing the remaining steps between them.

She was forced to step back but realized if she took another step, surely, she would fall down the river. "Loraine?" He taunted softly, his face looking down only inches for his chin to touch her forehead.

He got her cornered.

"Don't be ridiculous." She snapped. "Just so you know," Loraine pushed him away with her right hand but Loki stood like steel. "If your leering on me, I'll freeze you again, whether you like it or not," she warned and pushed him again.

This time it worked.

Loki gave way and laughed. "You have some nerves pushing me," he commented.

"What? This?" She asked and pushed him again. "I guess I'm a bold person, huh?" She laughed and pushed him again.

Loki's smile died down. "If you do that one more time, I swear," He inhaled sharply.

"What? Oh, sorry prince," she chuckled. "This? I am just pushing you. Come on, what's the fuss about that?" Just as when she was about to push him again in the chest, Loki swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him.

Not again.

Loraine's eyes widened and her laughter stopped. Just as when her heart beat had gone normal again---well right now, it became worse.

He stared at her, his jaw hardened and his grip on her tensed. The prince did not like it when the tables changed. She wasn't supposed to be a tease. It should've been him.

The intensity of his green eyes bore her soul, like the ocean was green instead of blue, drowning her deep in it. She didn't know why, but it was as if she couldn't look away. Even without his powers. why did it seem as if his eyes made her freeze?

Up this close, she could almost trace out his face---handsome; flawless. She itched to touch the perfection.

She tried yanking her hand away but Loki's hand had just tightened more.

"Hands. Off." Loraine demanded.

Again, Loki just squeezed her wrist more in response. "This," Loki said and looked at both of their hands---now smirking in triumph, "is truce."

"Prince," she rolled her eyes. "So help me I will -"

"No." He replied.

"That. Is. It." Lorain busted out flames from her shoulders, crawling towards her hand to Loki's grip. His expression didn't change; it remained calm as if the fire didn't hurt him.

But his sense of touch began betraying him in another second. A glimpse of agony in his eyes showed and Loraine realized the fire did bother him.

"But... Don't hurt him either way..." Frigga had said awhile ago.

They were in the throne room. The queen had managed to call out a servant to inform Loraine that she wanted to talk. A dainty table was placed between her and the queen. The table, housing only a single bouquet inside a golden vase.

"He is still my son. I have hopes for him as you do. He might be stubborn in a way."

"I guess," Loraine had replied and nodded in agreement. "I-I'm sorry about the first night. When I trashed his room," she apologized.

The queen had only smile at her. "Yes, yes." She waved her hand. "It was enough for him to know you're a bit---ah, troublesome like him. Compatibility."

"Excuse me?" Loraine was slightly offended but the queen only chuckled at her with delight.

"I think." The queen stopped and arranged the flowers. "With that sudden, accident of yours, he might have sensed that you couldn't be easily fooled or hurt, rather."

"Hurt? How can he even hurt me? I can assure you I can handle him."

"Well," Frigga fidgeted on her seat. "My son has his way of trickery, with or without his powers---after all he is the god of mischief, yes? Just don't be deceive with his plays, if not with strength, he might fool you with emotions."

With emotions.

Immediately, she extinguished the fire. It slithered off the side of her arms down and vanished towards the floor.

Loki's hand wasn't burned hopefully. She noticed his grip had loosened, as if he was still trying to hold onto her even though he lost.

"I'm sorry. Just, uh, let go and I'll heal you in a matter of seconds."

No reply. He stared.

"Fine." She sighed.

Loraine closed her eyes. The air shifted. A long strip of purple aura covered Loki's hand like bandages. There was a faint glow for a moment, then they unwrapped and showed that his hand had healed. She opened her eyes.

Loki dropped his hand on his side - still holding Loraine's wrist.

She raised her eyebrows as if to say, Well?



"No." Loki replied. "As long as we'll have this truce, I am holding your hand till we're done." Loki said firmly with no hesitations.

"Loki. I swear, just let me go and no further harm may be done. You have my word."

He scoffed. "Mhm? Who do you think you are?" He challenged and squeezed her hand.

"Stop messing already," she grumbled.

"Messing... Is actually one of my talents..." He smirked.

"You're making no sense. What's with my hand anyway?" She demanded and shook her hand in Loki's grip.

"To tease you of course."

"I don't get it, prince," she spat.

"With my powers within you, that's enough to tease me. My hand, with your hand, well - what's those mortals call it again - oh, pissed off. You're easily pissed off with that. My instincts to hurt you lessen because we're fair and that would give me a much weaker chance that I would be tempted to hurt you, which you wouldn't want because we are in a truce."

"Oh." Loraine stopped her hand from squirming. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, demanding him to take his hands off her, but surprisingly, the guy did made sense. She was left with nothing to reply so instead, she gave a simple nod.

"Fine." She sighed and admitted defeat.

As soon as the word flew out from her lips, Loki's grip loosened and - with no warning or anything - he instantly slipped down his hand to hers where their fingers interlocked perfectly.

Heart-throbbing. Great.

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