β–  fondness

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After Loki finished the descriptions of his dream, the awkward tension flamed warmly between their lit figures. The dream was one thing, but the mysteries of him, giving the amulet back intrigued her as well.

She gazed up and found his green eyes staring intently at her, as if he was trying to unravel her thoughts and emotions. "Why now? How was it a nightmare Loki?" She asked in a careful whisper and stood. "Why did my lost presence frightened you?"

Loki shifted his posture uncomfortably. "Do not make it hard for me."

"I don't... I didn't mean to - " She stopped and took a step towards the side of his bed. "It's just that I find this... Quite rare about you."

"Then you should savor it while you can."

"Why? I am finally seeing this side of you. But why not show it to others?" She shrugged. "Kind..."

He narrowed his eyes on her. "I do not intend to show this part of myself to people, to worthless people of whom I had criticized."

"So, did you criticize me?" She raised an eyebrow. "I thought I'm one of those undeserved people."

He sighed. "You aren't." His gaze fell.

"But you said I need to try hard for you... You said you wouldn't want to know me. You wanted to keep a distance from me."

"Well I lied."

"How simple for you to say that."

"It always is." He replied and moved to the side of the bed as if he wanted her to sit by him.

Loraine's eyebrows gathered in confusion.

He continued to stare at her. Well? He kelted.



Loraine smiled at him. She took her carpet slippers off and leisurely eased herself down on the bed, beside him. The hem of her nightgown brushed to her thighs as she slipped in. Briskly, she shoved it down- hoping Loki didn't see her bare skin.

She laced her amulet back around her neck and tried to hook the lock. Her thumb slipped from the lock. She cursed.

"Let me help with that." He insisted.

Since when did he offered help? She thought.

She turned to look at him again. "How will I know you won't steal it?"

"I won't. It would not certainly make sense if I steal it again from you. You have my word."

And since when did he give his word? She shook her head.

"I don't... Really trust your word...." She said matter-of-factly.

"And that's exactly the reason why I know you aren't a fool." He replied.

Loraine hesitated for awhile, examining his eyes. Was he actually saying the truth? To hold on to his word? Well, he didn't give that amulet back for him to steal it again.

"Okay..." She opened her palms and carefully, Loki took the amulet. Loraine turned her back on him. She gathered her hair to the side, exposing her pale neck. Loki strapped the necklace easily.

She could feel the strange ripple of nervousness inside the muscles of his hand as he fastened the amulet. "Here."

She turned around and stared at him carefully. "Loki... Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what exactly?" He looked at her.

"You are not the type to give something up. Why?" She asked.

"I....came to realize something." He carefully said. "That dream... Made me remember the moments you stayed with me. It made me realize that perhaps this is another game I failed" his voice faltered. "I'm getting weak and it's all because of you." He looked at her.

"What do you mean because of me?"

He stared at the blankets, unable to look at her. "I think...I'm growing overly fond of you."

She found herself smiling. "Prince, for all I know being in love is one of the bravest act. You are vulnerable yes, but you are brave enough to face those consequences. Look, I know that deep within yourself is just a scarred good version of you and all I needed to do was to let that side of you come out. This isn't a game Loki."

"Then what is it?" He whispered.

Slowly, she raised her hand in front of his face as if asking for permission. Loki said nothing so she caressed his cheeks with trembling fingers, feeling his anxiety. "It's just my hope..." Loraine smiled.

He took her hand from his cheek and held it. "This is your hope..." He repeated.

Loraine found her emotions ablazed and sharp. Her cheeks flushed and her heartbeat was too loud, she was worried he might hear it.

He dropped her hand softly and looked at her. Loraine could feel his anxiety doubled. "That dream..."

It was bothering him.

"What is it?" She asked.

"There was a war..." He replied.

She straightened her spine and stared at him. "A war," she echoed. "I dreamt something alike," she confessed.

"What do you mean?"

"The last part..." She was trembling. She couldn't look at him. "I died..." She uttered huskily.

For centuries, Loki could feel his heart beating frantically again.

"What if it was a vision?" She gasped and chuckled as she said, "I truly will die."

He shoved her towards him and found herself quickly inside his arms.
Loraine turned still as she heard his beating heart clearly. "You are everything to me..." he said.

"What?" She exhaled, confused at him. "You said you do not care. Y-you said -" She tried to speak but his scent was engulfing her. Too close. He was too close.

"I know what I said." He lowered his head and murmured. "I told you I lied."

"W-why would you do something like that? Lie as if it was a play."

"Because it was a play. I tried fighting away from you," raking his hair, he continued, "For all the days, I spent here, before you came, I searched for reasons ---catalysts that might bring me back again. The moment I saw you...I knew you were the one. Although, I couldn't let you see that easily."

"But - "

"But now?" He asked. "I cannot let you..." He paused and his arms tightened around her. "You will not die..." He whispered, and closed his eyes. "You are changing me... bit by bit... Telling me things that I found quite sensible."

"But... What if? - "

"You will not leave me. Not like them. Please," he pleaded, staring at her.

"I - I..." She tried forming a sentence but couldn't.

"Promise me..." It was more of a demand than a question.

"L-loki..." her tears dropped but she forced a smile. "I promise."

Now she knew. All of them. The hurt. The lies. The acting. All of them. It was all because he knew it was her from the start.

He pulled away and looked at her, his emerald eyes staring at her earthen brown ones. She was crying, her face and nose reddened with blush. She looked back at him and saw the leaf-shaped shadow passing his pale face.

"You are crying..." He whispered.

"No... I am just..." She stuttered and her gaze fell.

He swept his fingers to her cheeks, tracing down the fallen tears.

"After all these times..." She spoke softly. Loraine's eyes shifted as she worried about the nightmare again.

"It won't happen to you..." He reassured. "I promise..."

Loraine couldn't help but nodded.

And here they were. She had comforted him when he wanted to die, and now it was his turn to comfort her because of death.

He leaned closer to her and rested his forehead against hers. They were so close she could feel the tension growing between them.

Loki's eyes fell to her lips.

Noticing this, she challenged him. She whispered softly. "Kiss me...If you mean this."

He was taken aback, his eyes searching hers. For a second, she thought she saw his own cheeks blushing.

Loki started to lean down then his warm lips brushed her forehead. Closing her eyes, she took a hint of pleasure from that small peck. Though she didn't told him to stop. Loki placed pecks of warm kisses from her forehead to her cheeks. She was heating up at the exquisite sentiment - the electrifying spark, making contact on her bare skin.

Then his kisses smoothed down below her chin to her neck. She felt as if her heart would explode from this sensation, feeling the heat coursing inside her.

Loraine tipped Loki's chin up, stopping him midway and found herself lost in his eyes. She parted her lips and kissed the god of mischief slowly.

So long had he waited to do this. From the moment she had walked in his chamber. He knew he would fell if he was careless. But was he careless? Or just selfless?

Loki found his fingers on her hair. Slowly, he pushed her towards the bed as he deepened their kiss passionately. Her heart pounded fast behind her chest as she could feel his weight pressing gently on her. Their bodies were entwined together ---their lips hungry for each other.

Loki stopped for her to take a breath. His fingers carefully traced her pale face as he whispered, "stay with me..." He didn't want the nightmares to bother him again and she was that beacon he needed.

"Forever..." She answered.

- End of Part I: "Love" -

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