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(Hey my love's! I know, it's been a HOT MINUTE since I've updated and I sincerely apologize. Life has been a bit hectic and I just recently started to have the time to write again! So I hope you're all still waiting on an update... and forgive me if this is going to upset you - this chapter is all about Storybrooke with Henry, Jefferson and August. Chapter 12 is the opposite :) It's going to be all about R&E. So enjoy this chapter and hopefully I'll start shootin' more updates out like crazy for ya'll! MWAHHHH) 

       I never viewed myself as a guy with a hidden talent for lurking. But after that damned curse, it was all my life consisted of. For twenty-eight years I've been Emma's secret guardian angel. Following her wherever her feet wandered, not even thinking twice about how I was thrown into a tree portal for the wholesome purpose of babysitting. But I was many years too late to objectify with my fate - I just had to suck it up and deal with it. 

       Nevertheless, it was what I was good at. Considering I could spend hours sizing someone up without them even batting an eye. Even the most anxious of people couldn't spot me in a crowd and realize I had been speculating on their every move for the past thirty minutes. 

       It sounds terribly creepy, but it's the truth. 

       The gears in my mind continued to turn, trying to put together the puzzle that conjured up Jefferson's presence in a whole. The man was complex, piled in layers of stories and intricate emotions that normal people may not allow themselves to feel. He was different, and usually nobody ever second guessed his bizarre actions. But this time his activity had a hold on me, pulling me wherever he went - much like Emma. His actions didn't make sense, like they were making a game of rough tugging on the strings in my mind. So I decided to give in to the curiosity and do what I did best: watch. 

       There was no posture that could fit well for lurking. You just had to hope for the best and watch. I stood with my arms crossed, half hidden away by the subtle shadows and trying to blend into the scenery as best I could. Then again, I didn't really match the shade of bright blue. Which sadly resided on the building my shoulder blades settled upon. People passed with ease, other than the awkward side-eye glances - everything seemed to be going well. There was nothing weird about a grown man resting in a curious stance - obviously eyeing another grown man sat on a park bench. 

       Nothing at all. 

       The clique top hat. Piercing blue eyes, and a trench coat was nothing out of the ordinary either. Or at least that's how it seemed. No one second guessed the odd man playing in a children's park, of course not. Jefferson was a man with tricks and seemed to get away with almost anything. He could kidnap a child for god sake and nobody would even take a second glance. Other than I, of course. 

       He perched himself comfortably on the park bench, like he had visited a thousand times before. He didn't fidget, or shake his leg. He had no sense of nervousness about him, or his actions at the moment. It sprung my curiosity to the roof, as did my conclusions. There was not a person in sight at the park, just dangling swings and empty sandboxes. Whatever he was looking for, it didn't seem to be there. Not like that sprouted any disappointment in him at all anyway. He was completely serene. 

       I nonchalantly shifted my stance, trying to become as little as possible. If Jefferson even turned his head to glance, he would spot me right away. And an infuriated Jefferson is not something I wanted to deal with at the moment - or at any moment. When he was angry, you knew. 

     A presence overcame me. Not like a citizen strolling by for a nice walk to the grocery store, or a child skipping to class - it was something far more intimidating and eerie. My eyes trailed over the cement sidewalk, slowly advancing to the tall shadow next to me. As I began to uncover the unwanted company that wore an overly ironed black suit, I felt eyes staring deeply into my cowering self. I decided to rip the band-aid instead of tug, and found myself face to face with the one and only-

       "It seems you're no longer the newest visitor in this town." 

       My body lurched backward in utter surprise, "Jesus-Gold what the hell-" 

       "Calm your nerves sonny, I'm not here to take your soul."

       "Then why are you here?" I half-whispered, glancing between the wrinkled man and the top hat occupant. 

       "Have you not come to realize that you are in front of my shop Mr.Booth?" He scoffed, gesturing to the blue building surrounding us. "Thought I'd at least come say hello." 

       Before I could control myself a chuckle escaped my throat as I peered at the bulky sign above the shop.

       "May I ask why you're watching him?" Gold added, taking a long look at the man on the park bench. His sudden interest didn't fit his usual personality - then again nothing ever did. 

       "He's been hanging around this park for days now. I want to know what he's looking for." I scratched my jaw, giving Jefferson another long glare. Gold mimicked, and in silence we became two grown ass men glaring down another one. Children began to pour from the building by the park, scattering like ants. As if on cue, Jefferson whipped a book out from his bag. His eyes locked on the random pages he opened it to. 

       The prolonged silence between Gold and I still lingered as we examined the battalion of children and their stalker. From the crowd, a little girl appeared. Her dirty blonde hair fell behind her shoulders as she dragged a woman by her fragile palm. 

       I was baffled to find them advancing tremendously towards Jefferson. 

       He lowered the pretend book, gazing up at the two like he was waiting for them all along. Grins all around, it would seem like they were a family. 

       "Well, there's your answer." Gold ridiculed, nodding towards the two girls. 

       I furrowed my brow, bewildered by the statement. "Who's that supposed to be?" I asked.

       Gold gave me a side eye glance, "You don't recognize her?" 

       "No, I don't actually. What's your point?" I replied sarcastically. Gold's presence in general just seemed to irk me for no good reason at all. 

       The older man took in a shaky breath before speaking, "Why, that's his flesh and blood Mr.Booth." 

       My every limb froze in revelation. "...She's his daughter?" I asked, unaware that Jefferson was ever even mature enough to have a child. 

       "That she is. Sadly though, she has no memory of it." Gold folded his palms over each other, resting them on his golden handled cane. 

       I took a step back, resting my aching bones on the shop behind me. Never, in a million years would I of guessed Jefferson had someone he cared for. He was an utterly careless man, looking after one and only: himself. If you asked anyone, they'd all say the same thing; the only thing he cared about more than himself was that absurd top hat of his. It was shocking, absolutely mind-boggling. 

       "Jefferson has a little girl..." I whispered, "well I'll be damned." 


       "So, who's that new guy?"

       "August, or the new new guy?"

       "The new new guy." 

       "Oh, that's Jefferson. Formerly known as the Mad Hatter." 

       Mary Margaret knelt down, picking up scraps of paper from the hard slate floor. She chuckled at my statement, "The Mad Hatter huh?" 

       I opened the storybook, laying it on the desk in front of me. "Yeah, he has the top hat and everything." I giggled, skimming through the pages I've read a thousand times. 

       An eerie silence overcame the empty classroom. I was too focused on the thick pages and beautiful illustrations that I didn't feel MM's prying eyes on me. "Henry," she uttered, "can I... ask you something?" 

       I lifted my head, my dark locks falling over my eyes. I didn't care to realize the expression of curiosity and skepticism that unveiled upon her soft features. 

       "Yeah, sure." 

       She lifted herself from the ground, subtly making her way over to me. She sat down in a crammed desk that resided in front of mine, angling her body so we were face to face. "Do you really believe in... all of that, Henry?" Her gaze traveled to the open book. My brow furrowed, trying to piece together her sudden disbelief and questioning. 

       "Well... yeah, don't you?" I asked, my pitch rising in frustration. 

       Her gaze veered from mine, and I watched the gears in her mind turn in panic. After all these weeks of speaking to her about this book, these people in the book, I thought I had her hooked. I thought she was the first person to believe with me. Guess I wasn't the mind reader I thought I turned out to be. Or maybe that was only with August. 

       "...Did you... tell your friend-"


       "Yeah, August. Did you tell him that I volunteer at the hospital sometimes?" 

       "No... I never really thought about it before. Why?" I rose a brow, reading her facial expressions as best I could. She seemed befuddled, like she was trying to put together a puzzle that was missing a piece. Either that, or she was ignoring that the puzzle was complete the entire time. 

      Who was I kidding, I was a nine year old kid who believed the whole town was make-believe. Maybe I was the one in denial. 

       MM shifted in her seat, "Nothing you need to worry yourself about. Just one odd thing after another." She sighed, dazing off. I could see the look in her eyes, and I knew. This book was just a book to her, there was no magic about it. Her face was painted into the pages, yet she didn't see it. I knew she didn't. 

       "Can I tell you a secret? One that you have to keep?" I muttered. This was the icing on top of the cake. 

       "Of course." 

       Images of my mother surfaced, and her soothing voice echoing through the telephone. I wasn't imagining anything, it was real. She was in the hospital, just like August had said - he wasn't insane. There was something odd about the entire situation, along with the mysterious phantom called Emma. "My mothers been gone awhile," I exhaled, "but not for the reason you think." 

       Her brow knit together in confusion, "What are you talking about, Henry?" 

       My fingers wrapped around the cover of the storybook, closing it gently. I trusted MM, especially with this. I wanted it to stay a secret, I didn't want talk. Things spread quickly around this town like wildfire, and there were no firefighters to keep it under control.

       "My mom..." I paused, making sure she was listening intently, "...she's not on a lengthy business trip anymore. She's in the hospital." 


       "So, you're telling me that August knew about your mother before you did-"


       "and that you didn't believe him-"


       "but then she called you on your birthday-"


       "and low and behold she's actually in the hospital with a doctor named Emma who appears in that book." 


       MM stopped pacing, and faced me. "Huh." 

       "You get it now?" I asked, looking up at her with pleading eyes. 

       She fiddled with her thumbs and looked to the floor. Even with her face hidden I could see her thoughts spinning in her head. I was pulling her in - and it felt awesome. "I think so." 

       The corners of my lips stretched from ear to ear. I felt ecstatic, because for the first time in forever I felt like I was completely sure that someone was listening to me. They believed me. 

       "So?" I giggled, raising a brow towards her. She returned a grin, and began to waltz towards my small physique. She sat down once more, taking my fragile palms in hers. 

       "So..." she trailed off, her eyes not leaving mine, "I want to help you, Henry." 


       "Why are you stapling down the same poster over and over again?" 

       "Trying to get the word out, obviously."

       "August, we already have five just on this side of the bulletin board."

       "The more the merrier, my pop used to say." 

       MM rolled her eyes, and continued to staple a variety of printed out posters. A multitude of sayings were plastered on the covers in bulky letters screaming, 'Believing is the first step!' or 'Read the book! Who are you?'. To me, those sayings made me cringe more than believe - but MM insisted that they were perfect. Who was I to object? 

       "I'm really glad you two are getting along so well," I mocked with a smile. They both shook their heads, trying to conceal their grins miserably. 

       "So am I." They said in complete sync, in which double takes followed. I giggled, squeezing myself between them. I lifted the flimsy piece of paper and began to staple it into the board. I could feel the tension between the two adults, basically suffocating in it. But before my lungs had the chance to crush under the pressure a new voice presented itself, catching both of their attention. 

      "Is this an action of desperate thinking, or is the town finally getting their heads back on their shoulders?"

       August and MM whipped their heads around, catching a familiar man in their line of sight. 

       "Ah, Jefferson." August exhaled, "And..."

       All of our eyes trailed down to the girl attached to his palm. She eyed us suspiciously, but as her dark eyes caught sight of me - she smiled. "Hi, Henry." 

       I hesitated, furrowing my brow, "...Hi, Paige." I felt August's eyes on me, but didn't dare turn my head to look. I was sure he didn't understand what was going on. Either that or I was oblivious to whatever this father, daughter thing was. 

       "Jefferson... please tell me you didn't A: bribe this poor girl, or B: kidnap her." August's sarcastic remark sent giggles bubbling up in my throat, but I kept them down. 

       Jefferson rolled his eyes, and glanced down to the small girl, "I'm actually trying to do something good for once - you should try it Pinocchio."

       "Oh like taking an innocent little girl out for ice cream is considered redemption." August spat. MM and I glimpsed between the two men, trying to follow the point of the conversation but getting nowhere. 

       "Funny, considering falling in love with a blonde and learning from past mistakes is."

       "Jefferson, you better shut it right now-"

       "Everyone's going to have to learn at some point August-"

       "Go." August groaned, irritation outspreading upon his face, "It's not time." 

       Jefferson shifted his weight on his opposite leg, pulling Paige closer to him. "It's never the time, August." 

       The awkward silence remained as Jefferson turned and waltzed away with the girl in hand. August clenched his fists, and in that moment I saw actual panic rising into his bright blue eyes. No matter how many times I told myself that he knew what he was doing, I continued to yearn for answers. I wanted to know everything, even if it hurt. What would hurt worse than realizing your mother was actually an Evil Queen in her past life? I couldn't think of anything. But there was no doubt in my mind that August could find something

       "Henry," MM spoke softly, "why was Paige with your friend?" She questioned. August and I faced her, with two completely opposite expressions washed over our faces. Confusion and fear. 

       "I...I don't know." I stuttered, glancing back at the tall man with the dark clothing. "But I guess I'll figure out soon." 


       It smelled of week old trash, and decomposed corpses. For such a tidy town you'd think such a simple place would smell of something much less foul. Then again, it was an alley. What more did I expect? Trashcans lined the building, some knocked over and scavenged through. Others where piled high with so much trash, you'd start to wonder if they even had a garbage corporation or not. 

       I checked my watch impatiently, tapping my foot on the rubbish covered cement. It was quiet, the complete opposite of the world beyond the muggy alley. It was peaceful, so I decided to enjoy the tranquility for a moment or two. My head fell back, leaning against the hard buildings surface, and let my eyes close with ease. I could've sworn I fell asleep for a moment before a groggy voice lured me back to fantasy town again. 

       "C'mon slacker, tired already?" My eyes snapped open, and absorbed the details of Jefferson's face. He had a grin, and his eyes seemed to pierce through the shadows cast throughout the alley. I ran my hands through my hair, collecting myself before speaking. 

       "What is with you and creepy appearances?" I groaned, blinking rapidly to clear my vision. 

       "What can I say? It's what I'm good at." He stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared me down.

       "I'm guessing sneaking little girls behind their parents backs is something you're also really good at." I scoffed. 

       Jefferson squinted, as if he was perplexed by my statement, "You really think I'm that type of person? Practically a pedophile?" He asked, tilting his head. "I actually got permission, thank you very much." 

       "I find that hard to believe. That child, nor her parents know you Jefferson." 

       "Well then it seems like I'm a good persuader." He fidgeted with his scarf, loosening it from it's tight grip around his neck. "Why do you care so much anyway. Ever since I showed up you've wanted me gone." 

       "Because I know why you're here," I replied, taking a step closer to his tall figure. "Paige is your daughter. And you want her to leave with you, don't you?" 

       The air thickened, "Her name is Grace." 

       "Tell me I'm wrong, Jefferson." I opened my arms, trying to prove my point with ease. He seemed taken aback by my discovery - which is exactly what I wanted. "You can't take that girl."

       "Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do with my own daughter." He growled, his hot breath hitting my face like fire. 

       "She doesn't even remember you. It's basically kidnap!"

       He chuckled, anger bursting through his veins, "Says the man who fundamentally broke into the mayors house looking for her child." 

       "Ooh, using big words now are we?" I snapped. "And stay away from Henry. I don't know what you're planning, but that kid is the only way we can fix everything. He is the key, and if you want your daughter back - if you want Grace back, you better not fuck anything up." 

       "Who's to say everything's already fucked up?" 

       "What are you talking about?" I snarled. 

       "The kid already knows her name. A first and last August. With that, you can figure out anything about that person. For Christ sake I walked in on him chatting up a storm with her!" Jefferson burst, heat rising to his cheeks in anger. 

       I paused, gazing at him in utter disbelief. "He...he talked to her?" I asked, fear rising into the pit of my stomach. 

       "You better watch that kid," he shook his head, "he's smarter than you think." 

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