Shot 2

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At Seesh mahal

" Boss " said Krish with a trembling tone .

" What happened ?" asked Avinash .

" File is misplaced Chief " said Krish with a little fearful tone of the blunder he had did by misplacing it .

" What ?" shrieked Avinash with a loud tone .

" I bumped into a girl ...May be...I missed it over there " said Krish .

" You fool , did you know what a big blunder you did ?" asked Avinash with a shout .

" I am sorry " said Krish .

" Try to find the girl " said Avinash .

" Yes boss " said Krish coming to the hall where he could see Arnav singh Raizada surrounded with guards and a girl was laying down trembling in pain .

" That girl is caught " said Krish .

" OMG . Escape now . Immediately " said Avinash .

" But that girl " said Krish .

"    Krish , If you get caught , I would also get caught just leave the place immediately without being spotted" said Avinash with a fast tone .

" Okay " said Krish cutting the call . He didn't know how to go as everyone was staying still and watching the drama that was happening there . 

She felt completely dizzied by the slap as the intensity easti such an extent.  To be Frank ,she had never ever had got a slap like this in her entire life and she could feel her lips tremble as the blood flowed out of her lips .

" Get up  " said Arnav with a shout .

Tears rolled from her eyes listening his shout . She slowly tries to get up but then she wasn't able to do as her whole body was shivering .

" Get up , I said " barked Arnav holding her shoulders hardly where he made her stand .

Aman silently ordered every one to disperse and make the whole hall empty . Guards soon started evacuating people. Thankfully media people wasn't there as they would be available at the exact timing of 7.30 only .

As people started dispersing to the outside gate , Krish too silently exited the room .

" Tell me what was your plan .What more have you planned ?" asked Arnav pushing her to himself . She was such a petite figure in front of him where she collided to his chest with the pull he had made .

Khushi was just staying still where tears were just rolling from her eyes . She could feel his heart beat thumping louder which was actually matching with her heart beat .

"  Open your mouth . What is your name ?" shouted Arnav .

" Khu....shi... gupta" said Khushi with a trembling tone .

" What is your plan ? To display this video of me and my ex girlfriend in a bed ? This cheap footage to ruin my reputation ?" asked Arnav with a shout .

"  I....don't know....what is in the file . It ...was just few household documents " said Khushi .

" Don't make stories" said Arnav .

" Really....I ... came here to meet Abhishek Verma ... Who is going to marry my sister . I to ...convince him not accept dowry that is " said Khushi with a stammering tone .

" Where is this Abhishek verma "  asked Arnav .

" Room no 102.." said Khushi ...

" Aman" said Arnav .

Aman immediately went to bring the receptionist where he brought her along with him 

" Sir " said Receptionist .

" Does Abishek Verma , Lives in Room no 102?" asked Arnav .

" No , There is no Abishek verma under whom room is booked " said Receptionist .

" I asked her only . She guided me the way " said Khushi looking at Arnav with a little stumbling voice . She didn't know how to voice out the truth . And she didn't know also why the receptionist .

" Enough of the lies . Tell me what have you planned for my sister ?. What is this Shyam manohar jha file . What about my Jiju?" asked Arnav .

" I don't know " said Khushi .

" Then how the hell did the CD about me and some files relating to my brother in law came to your file ?" asked Arnav with a shout where he pierced his nails on to her shoulders where it did exactly hit on the already burnt marks .

" Ah ..." cried Khushi in a pain . Blood started coming from the marks where her full sleeve of the blouse was getting wet due to the same .

" Answer me " said Arnav shaking her a little .

" This not file ...May be it got exchanged ...when I bumped with a man.....Please...I don't know anything ..." said Khushi with a teary tone .

" Stop your acting . Guards , Take her to the room , I would interogate  her on my way " said Arnav releasing her from his hold and pushing her towards the guards .

The guards holded her and dragged her to the room .............

" Out now " said Arnav barking at the receptionist and the receptionist went away immediately .

" Aman , Thanks for clearing the whole place " said Arnav .

" No problem sir . First see what is in the file " said Aman .

Arnav takes and reads the paper and was shocked to the core reading the full biodata of his so called jiju . He was a drug dealer and infact a womanizer . Infact there were more things about which made him tremble... Child trafficking  etc .

His mind got totally shaked . He then checked the file for more things where he had found out the photos and also the few transactions of the child trafficking and deal of drugs that had taken place .

He had never thought that his jiju would be a so kind of bad person .How did he fail to notice this before . Why was he blinded in his sister's love that he let other play again in their life .Today he is there at the same point of when he had lost his mother due to his father's extra marital affair. That day it was his mother who had broken down completely and today it is going to be his sister . And for bringing out this situation only Avinash had framed something like this . Too bring the weaker side of him .

" What happened sir ?" asked Aman .

" I did a very big mistake and see the result is in front of me . Today this place brought me to the same place. I am totally responsible . " said Arnav crushing the piece of paper tightly with rage , frustration and pain . His eyes had some tears .

Meanwhile Anjali came there rushing avoiding all the body guards who is trying to stop her .

" Chote , What is happening ?" asked Anjali coming to him . She sees and gets shocked to see the tears in his eyes .

" Chote ?" asked Anjali highly worried where she cupped his cheeks .

" I failed dhi " said Arnav letting his tears more where he did break down before her .

" What happened ?" asked Anjali ./

" I am sorry .Everything happened because of me . I failed to check him " said Arnav .

" Tell me what happened chote first . Why are you crying like  child " asked Anjali .

" Shyam manohar jha is a cheat dhi . He is a womaniser and drug dealer . He is also involved in children trafficking " said Arnav .

" What ?" asked Anjali shocked .

" Yes dhi . See this evidence , Photographs " said Arnav giving the crushed paper and some photographs .

Anjali was stunned . No tear left from her eyes . 

" Dhi , Please. These sources are real as it is from a very high reputed agency which had provided this information . There is no chance it can be false . I am sorry dhi " said Arnav holding Anjali's hands .

" Why are you asking sorry chote ? What fault you have in this ?" asked Anjali with a blank tone .

" Dhi , I failed as a brother to first cross check him . I brought you to the same position as mumma . I too let you broke " said Arnav 

" I am not mumma Chote . Mumma and I have a lot of  difference . I am not that weak . It is too difficult but I would manage . You don't worry " said Anjali with a few drops of tears rolling from her eyes .

" Dhi " said Arnav hugging anjali tightly .

" I believed him blindfoled chote and that is my fault . It is always a fault when we keep blindtrust on someone and see that is the result " said Anjali .

" Please dhi " said Arnav .

" I had always had a doubt on him but he used to divert me . I had a feeling that someday something is going to strike badly and see how it had done today" said Anjali said with a chuckle and a smile out of pain .

" I would make it all fine dhi . You don't worry " said Arnav .

" No Arnav , This time let me face it . Let me deal  it in my way . You just stay with me " said Anjali thinking something .

" Are you sure dhi " asked Arnav .

" Yes " said Anjali with nod . She comes out of his embrace .She wiped her tears 

" First let me go and deal with that Avinash's guard" said Arnav with a rageful tone . 

" Avinash ?" asked Anjali .

" I would explain later . Come , take rest for this day . Don't think much more . Let me handle this delicate issue now which would burst if not controlled . Aman meanwhile you keep a track on Shyam Manohar jha " said Arnav .

Aman and Anjali nods their head .

" I would leave your room dhi " said Arnav 

"No need " said Anjali where she went towards her room slowly .

Khushi was kept in a room where she was sobbing and seated at the chair . The body guards had surrounded them .

Arnav came inside with a storm where he dragged her hardly and pinned her to the wall. Body guards gave left the room after his arrival .

" Where is Avinash ? Your master ?" asked  Arnav with a stern eyes .

" I don't know about who you are.....speaking ....I am speaking truth . I don't know anything about the person  " said Khushi with a pleading tone .

" I don't know how small girls like you are to in like this . What did that Avinash give to you such that you are too loyal to him? What did he give . Money or a night stand ?" asked Arnav with a disgusted tone .

Khushi stayed silent not understanding of what words he was speaking .

" Answer me " said Arnav punching the wall where Khushi shivered literally with the punch beside her . She closed her eyes tightly .

Arnav  felt his heart beat raise as she closed his eyes . At the tiny corner of his heart , when he had seen her first with a complete trembling way , he felt that she was completely innocent . But then all the evidences were against her , making him believe that .

And secondly , he won't believe anyone now blind folded as he had learned his lessons just sometime ago .

He then punched the wall once more beside her hardly and left the room after switching off the lights of the room .

Khushi was totally trembling where her legs lost the balance which she was holding still now . She sat down with a stun where tears started rolling from her eyes more as she found the darkness again being surrounded by her . Her heart beat started raising in fear and she hugged her knees tightly ..............

"Sir , I had checked the CCTV where all the files of it are deleted. No data is available of Seesh Mahal between that time " said Aman .

" Why ? What the hell is happening ?" asked Arnav with a frustrated tone .

" Avinash's master plan I guess .  Well planned and executed .And I got information with what that girl had told . There is a marriage happening in the gupta mansion as she had specified the guptas as family linkage . The house is of Shashi gupta  where Payal gupta his daughter is getting married . We can go there I guess to find answers for all this " said Aman .

" Then we would go there , We would get the answers from there definitely . For every question whether the girl is telling the truth or not . " said Arnav .

" I guess she is saying the truth Sir " said Aman .

" Appearences and words are always deceptive Aman . Lets go anyway " said Arnav . His heart flinched a little as he said it because his heart was still screaming that she was innocent .

Aman nods his head where they both went to the Gupta mansion .

Arnav entered the house of gupta mansion where as Aman went somewhere else getting down the same car .

Arnav came inside  the house where it seemed as if the wedding was stopped . His body guards also followed him .

"  Who do you want beta ?" asked Buaji seeing him enter the Mansion along with bodyguards .She was little afraid but she didn't show it off .

" Does Khushi gupta belong here ?" asked Arnav with a stern tone 

" Khushi gupta " asked Buaji with a confused look as if not understanding about whose name he was taking .

" Yeah " said Arnav .

" There is no one named Khushi " said Shashi coming to Arnav where his eyes held some kind of rage .

Arnav noticed it but he kept silent . He changed the topic .

"What happened to the marriage of your daughter ?" asked Arnav .

" It was called down as the groom asked too much of dowry which we couldn't offer " said Shashi .

" And my dear payaliya is too broken. Her mother is with her , consoling her " said Buaji with few tears in her eyes .

" Why to arrange this much when groom is asking dowry ?" asked Arnav.

" We thought we could arrange but we wasn't able to " said Buaji shedding few more tears .

Arnav found it to be totally dramatic . He didn't know why he was feeling these people are hiding something and are also trying to cover for something .

" How did you thought to arrange for the dowry" asked Arnav .

"  By selling the shop papers" said Shashi .

" Where is it ?" asked Arnav .

" Why are you asking these questions ?" asked Buaji with a frustrated expression .

" I need answers or I would ask my bodyguards to treat you in my way . Take this as my first and last warning and bring the papers " said Arnav .

" Wait , I would get ." said Shashi going inside and came back taking the papers .

Arnav checked it keenly where it was written in name of Sohan . But then Sohan's sign was missing in it .

" Sohan ?" asked Arnav .

" He was the one who left our Payaliya alone " said Buaji .

" So there is no one named Khushi here " said Arnav folding the paper . He had noted something from the shop papers .

" No . Who the hell is that girl such that you are keeping on asking ?" asked Buaji with a barking tone .

"  I am asking because a girl used your name and had played a very big game " said Arnav .

" What ?" asked Shashi with a shocked tone .

" She was telling about someone asking your shop as dowry and some Abhishek Verma was the groom . How possibly she is lying right ? The groom name is Sohan Verma and she told it is Abhishek Verma " said Arnav .

" I think I have never seen a worse girl like her . How dare she could use our names and just change the groom name " said Buaji .

" Yeah , what culture her parents had nurtured her . Don't leave that girl for sure if you get . If not bring her to me,  I would show her what I am " said Shashi with a rageful tone by fisting his hands .

" Sure uncle . I would make sure if I get her , I would bring her to you " said Arnav 

" Bad blood " said Buaji with a disgusted tone putting all her rage for that girl in that sentence .

 But uncle , I have a doubt . Would you clear ?" asked  Arnav .

" Tell beta" said Shashi .

"Why is it that you chose to Marry your daughter to an old man of age 55 years ? And that too with a high amount of dowry ?" asked Arnav flipping the paper in his hand as if a stone file .

Buaji and Shashi was taken back by their question where their face lost the color which they were holding before ....................................

At the other side . In Mumbai . At an Individual bungalow very close to the sea .

A women was seated there by viewing the sea from the balcony of her room where her hands had a grip of a photo. There were few tears marks on the photo which indicated that she had cried seeing the photo .

It was actually a photo with a small child of age 4 years and her parents , posing cutely .

" How many years are you going to sit seeing this picture Aisha ?" asked a man coming towards her where he sat beside her .

" Till my death Kiren " said Aisha clutching the photo to her heart closely .

" She is no more Aisha " said Kiren with tears in his eyes .

" But then she is still my daughter right ? My daughter whom I had beared for 9 months in my womb . Who was with her with the every moment . But then I failed to protect her Kiren " said Aisha hugging his shoulder .

" We can't do anything by blaming each other " said Kiren .

" Yeah . She won't come back right . My Khushi wouldn't be alive now right . She won't call me mumma with her cute tone na ?" asked Aisha .

" Why are you asking questions like this  and complicating it more " asked Kiren .

" I am sorry " said Aisha coming out of his embrace .

" Aisha don't worry . Our daughter is happy there in heaven . God is looking after her . No one can do anything to her " said Kiren .

Aisha just nods her head blankly .

How was the update ?

Why does gupta have some kind of rage towards khushi like this ? If Khushi is really Aisha and Kiren's daughter then how did she land up to guptas ?

What do you think about Anjali ?

What do you think about Arnav here ?

Why are the guptas lying about Khushi ?

Would Arnav know about Khushi's innocence or not ? 

 Would be waiting for your likes and comments .

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