ςhคթtєг 23

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hey :)

So 2 more chapters to go. I am going to try and complete this before schools starts.


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Chapter 23



*Liam's POV*

"Please talk to him, Li" Harry said as he ran a hand down my side gently. I sighed as I moved my head that was placed on his chest. 

"I can't" I murmured, tears running down my face as I clutched onto Harry's t-shirt.

"You still love him, Liam" Harry whispered. I pushed myself up so that I was looking into his eyes. Harry smiled as he brushed his hand against my cheek and laid a soft kiss on my temple.

"I am sorry" I breathed out, pressing my forehead against Harry's. 

We both were in Harry's room, cuddled up on his bed watching a movie and while Harry was perfectly relaxed, I wasn't. Zayn was practically a room away from where I was sitting and I am dying to just get up and run to his room; Run to his room and tell him how much I love him and how sorry I am.

But I can't.

"Louis talked to me this morning about you and Zayn" Harry said as he pulled away from me. We both sat up straight knowing that we are going to have to talk now. 

"What did he say?" I asked even though I knew very well what Louis must have said to Harry. I wasn't angry with Louis, he was just trying to help the situation. 

"How you think staying away from Zayn is good for him" Harry said as he grabbed my hand in his own. 


"And I agree with Louis, Li. That's one of the worst ideas you have ever had" Harry interrupted. "He needs to see you and believe it or not he's actually going mad"

"But he derserves someone better" I said.

"No he doesn't, He deserves you. He loves you and you love him" Harry said, squeezing my hand. 

"I love you t-"

"No you don't. Not like you love Zayn, anyway. He's the one for you Liam not me. Hell, I love you but not like Zayn" Harry said as he placed a hand on my cheek, stroking it softly.

"I am sorry for this" I whispered, closing my eyes and leaning into Harry's touch. 

"Don't be." Harry said.


"So you should now go and get your man" Harry said chuckling slightly as he let go off me.

"You're going to be fine, yeah?" I asked as I grabbed on to his hand. 

"I am going to be fine as long as I see you happy" Harry said, his fingers lacing through mine as he smiled.

"You're amazing, you know" I said as tears streamed down my face.

"I know" 

I grinned as I pulled Harry in for a hug, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck, breathing into his musky scent while he placed his hands on my waist and kissed my cheek.



"Can I kiss you for one last time?" Harry asked, as he ran a hand through my hair. 


"You sure?" Harry asked. I rolled my eyes and caught his lips between mine. My arms wrapping around his neck as I pulled him close. Harry's hand were on my waist, keeping me steady. It was perfect. It was always perfect with Harry. 

"If that douche bag ever hurts you, I am so going to kill him" Harry said once we had pulled away, a grin on his face, his thumb stroking my cheek while his eyes gazed into mine.

"Thanks for everything Harry" I said, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"If you stay here for one more second I swear I am never letting you go" Harry chuckled before he let go off me. I grinned back at him, giving him one last look before walking out of his room and towards Zayn's. 

Taking deep breaths, I stood outside Zayn's closed door. I didn't know what to say when I walk in through the door. I didn't know how to apologise for everything. 

I gently knocked on his door, after some shuffling the door finally opened. 

I took Zayn in, his tired eyes, the dark shadows beneath eyes and how weak he actually looked and that was all because of me. 


I threw myself at Zayn, engulfing him into a tight hug, my face going deep into his neck searching for that familiar scent of his. Zayn steadied the two of us by wrapping his arms my waist. Zayn let out a small sigh and just when I thought he was going to push me away, his arms tightened around me, bringing me closer to him. 

I smiled into his neck, my hands running into his hair as I did so.

"I love you" I whispered into his neck, making my lips brush against his tan skin with every word. 

"God, don't ever leave. I love you too" He mumbled in my hair but it was loud enough for me to hear it. 


There you go. 

Sorry if it's shit.

That took me three to complete. I would have posted it yesterday but then shit happened. So yeah. I am sure you all know about the Zerrie engegament, I don't really know what  to think of it but I guess I cool with it as long as Zayn's happy.

But I'll be still writing Ziam stuff.




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