Part 5

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Gentian Path (Part 5)

(AN- Anyone spoiling the story at any part will have their comment deleted. Spoiling the story for other's isn't cool, and it's kinda upsetting to have to address this in the first place since it's started to appear in this book as of late. Reading the story and finding out the reveals yourself provides a much more enjoyable experience. So please don't ruin the story or the fun of reading for yourself and others by spoiling. Enjoy the read every one.)

"It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone." - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

You couldn't react to such a statement, the mere thought of this person... the one who had done this all... being the one who also gave birth to you as well. It was too much to handle. But as Midoriya suddenly explained it all to both you and the woman... it made sense.

The physical similarities, the purple ribbon, and how neither of you had met your mother or daughter... and while you still were hesitant, the woman in question seemed less concerned. Dropping her gun from directly towards you and Midoriya, she rushed forward.

"Baby girl!" She cried, as she rushed forward.

Midoriya managed to step out in time as she collided with you and hugged you tightly. Her core pushing your head into her and her arms cuddling you as tightly as possible. A few stray tears dropping from her eyes.

"Oh... how I've missed you... how I longed to see you again." She cried, looking at you with the purple hue that usually was so cruel, now kind. "Now... nothing can ever separate us."

"O-okay... mother?" You tested the word on your tongue.

"Oh this is wonderful! You and I can be together again once more!" She bounced and you barely managed to move with her. "No more separation! From this point on... it's just you and me forever, my sweet little daughter!"

Her laugh was filled with joy, but you couldn't help the panic that set in. Your head turning to shoot Midoriya a panicked look, only to see he had a similar look on his face as well from this development. And with a sudden decision, you stiffened in her arms, making your mother pause and look at you once more.

"I'm not going with you... I need to go back to UA!" You pushed out of her arms. "First... a hospital for the injury on my head that you gave me... but after that... I need to go back to school!"

"Why? I'm here... who else would you need?" Her smile began to falter as you further snaked your way out of her arms and away from her.

Your form began to move back towards Midoriya and away from her. This entire thing finally being too much on you. How could you just jump into this so easily... not after everything that had happened...

"I can't... not when you were planning to do all this." Your voice shook. "I-I have a happy life... and I can't give it up because I met you."

Her eye twitched and her lips turned into a vicious scowl. Her hand reaching out and clamping down onto your wrist. With a powerful tug, she forced you next to her and you yelped in pain. Her body forcing you next to her once more. Her heated gaze turning back to Midoriya with a fire burning away any kindness that had been there moments ago.

"So..." Her voice lowered to a deadly level. "He's the reason you refuse to come with me..."

"Wha..." Midoriya breathed as suddenly the gun was pointing at his chest once more, this time much closer than it had been minutes before when he made his shocking revelation.

"Stop..." You breathed, eyes widening. "Oh please... don't do this, mother."

Tears brimmed at your eyes as your biological mother held you back. Her grip on your wrist turning it white and paling from the pressure she was exerting. Her holding telling you that she had made up her mind and from this point on... she would not allow any more people to stand between the both of you.

If Midoriya was her idea of keeping you from her, then she would eliminate him herself in order to have you. Her mind corrupted and broken to the point where she believed that murder and leaving you with no one else would make it so you would remain by her side. The torment of her own loss of sanity making it seem like she had thought of a good plan.

"I've waited 17 long years for us to be reunited my sweet baby girl... and if this little green haired fool thinks I am going to let you wander away from me... then he can see your daddy before I or you ever do!"

Though you had never known your birth father or even had mention of him until this point, you could tell by the sick grin and the tone she spoke in that your father wasn't an easy person to reach. In fact, if you were to guess you'd say the only way to reach your father... would be a one-way ticket to the afterlife, courtesy of a loaded gun.

"If you kill him, I won't ever forgive you!" Your voice strained, eyes wide with fear and terror.

Your mother glanced at you, smiling down at your little face. Her wrist pushing you close to her as she steadied her hand towards the male who knew better than to try and move or act at this moment.

"Oh, sweetheart... mother knows better than to think your childish words hold any meaning or baring. Children throw fits when they want something they can't have... lucky for you, mommy knows best and will raise you to act like a good little girl." She gushed at you, the words and cooing tone sending shivers up your spine.

She was absolutely mental... and this confirmed it. Despite knowing how much time had passed, how to create artificial beings that would end humanity, and how to operate a gun with one eye covered... she still seemed to assume and think you were a child.

A child who needed to be raised by her doting mother who knew better and would act as a good figure for such an infant. Her mind unable to grasp that you had already grown up, been raised by others, and were now more than capable of decision making and acting on your own accord knowing the responsibilities.

Not to mention she assumed that shooting someone you had grown to care about was her way of knowing right from wrong while you didn't. This was messed up to the highest degree... and you knew you had to act soon.

Your mother's eye narrowed, her lips licked with a fresh coat of saliva as her finger began to twitch on the trigger. Her eyes widening with anticipation that in another moment, her daughter who she had been searching for, for so long would finally be hers and hers alone.

"Goodbye, little hero... your help was more than appreciated in reuniting me and my sweet baby."

Midoriya's body lit up with a burst of green lighting from his veins, his quirk activating in case he might somehow be faster than a speeding bullet. His mind racing and glancing around every possible little area to see if somehow... there was a way for him to turn this around.

"Izuku!" You cried as jerked your arm out of your mother's grasp as she began to pull the trigger.

Her eyes wandered to you as you dashed towards the male, arms extended to tackle him to the ground and away from the single little piece of metal that could take him away from you. Only a few more steps and you'd be there with him... next to the person you wanted to stand beside.

Your ears vibrated as a loud echo went off inside of the warehouse. And then suddenly you were pushed into Midoriya's arms and held onto him tightly, your eyes and body feeling that much weaker. Your head holding still to his shoulder, and his heartbeat easily heard from how close you now were to his chest. His heart racing and his hands gripping you tightly, the sounds of a gasp and then the sudden cut of a loud and muffled sniffle making you think what could have caused him to suddenly begin to tear up himself.

"No... no..." Midoriya breathed as he held your form, seeing as the back of your clothing had a single hole through the center of it that had not been there before. His mind repeating the scene of what had happened not even ten second prior as his grip on you tightened.

He had been frozen still, mind racing between trying to find a way to escape unharmed and how truly terrifying it actually was to have a gun pointed at him for once. Usually, it was always a crazed villain with a wild quirk... but this time, it had been one simple weapon that moved faster than his own body.

And as you had broken from your mother and sprinted towards him, no doubt trying to get him to move... your mother had shot off the gun herself... and before any one of the three of you had noticed or realized... the bullet had struck you.

And currently, through tears and anger bubbling in his chest, Midoriya was barely holding onto your body or his sense of sanity in this situation as well. How could she... how could your own mother shoot you like it was nothing? She clearly saw you moving towards him! Did she think she could pull the trigger fast enough...?

"Shame... and here I was hoping we'd get to see each other more..." The woman sighed, tossing a few stray silver locks away from her good eye. "But... I suppose in the end... it was never meant to be the two of us together, right my daughter?"

She paused a moment, hand covering her mouth as her voice leaked out through her lips. Her body shaking from the giggles that rippled through her form at this development. Midoriya's eyes widening at how it was possible that she could be entertained by the idea of her own daughter having gotten shot by her own hand.

"But I suppose you were reckless!" She chokes out through giggles. "I mean who runs out in front of a loaded gun! Only a true moron! Perhaps it was for the best... you would have never survived anyway..."

Midoriya's chest tightened and as delicately as he could, he placed you down on the ground. You had slipped away into unconsciousness a moment prior, the bullet wound being the final nail in the coffin for you on this day of emotional highs and lows. And now, you had drifted off into a land of slumber, with Midoriya hoping it would not be the final time for you to do so.

His mind wandered back to his own mother as he stood up, legs shaking and arms quivering at the scene that had just unfolded in front of him. His original idea of revealing this to the both of you making him assume it would end the possible carnage... but instead... he had made it worse.

That's all he seemed to do for you... make things harder and more screwed up for you. His mind berating him over and over again as he thought of how despite this all... you trusted him still and wanted him by your side. His own mind finally telling him where his true feelings for you lied at this moment. And how... he wanted you both to come out of this so he could spend as much time as possible making up for his mistakes and making you smile brightly.

"Moms are not supposed to hurt their kids..." His voice was shaky as more tears poured from his eyes. "Moms are supposed to support them! Love them no matter what! And allow their kids to love their dreams even if it hurts them in the process!"

Your mother paused in her laughter, eye narrowing towards the unsightly boy who was bawling heavily at this moment. She sighed and shrugged working towards reloading her gun again. One more bullet was all she needed.

"A child like you could never understand parenthood... and how at times... children need to be taught a lesson so they know right from wrong. A future hero like yourself should at least have some comprehension on this subject."

Midoriya shook his head, green pools practically glowing in the dim lighting thanks to his quirk. Another step he moved forward, body urging him to move... to get his point through! He paused in front of your mother, eyes looking up at her and snatching the gun from her hands before she could even blink.

"No, you're wrong." He shook his head, breaking the device underneath his grip and strength. "Children learn for themselves! Even if an adult messes up, even if society tells them they should give up... that child is allowed to learn and grow and continue following their dreams!"

"Parents know better! So shut your trap!" She screams, reaching a hand out to claw him with her own fingers.

"No!" Midoriya yells, dodging her arms as he maneuvers to be behind her and thrusting an arm forward. "Not until you understand the pain you put your own daughter through... and that parents can be bad! And that parents are not always good!"

His fist collided with her back, sending her flying off. Her body hitting a vat of growing black ooze. The spray of water erupting as her body hit the floor with a thud, the black sludge crying out as it died from being prematurely released and not having a host to attach to.

Her form struggling to get up once more, but as Midoriya's footsteps wandered over to her, her eye widened. Her mouth clamping shut and her eyes shaking as he stood before her, his body back to normal and his arm sore but luckily not damaged like it used to be before. He had managed to control himself this time... at least that was good.

"Stay away from me!" She cried, uselessly splashing water towards the male who stood tall above her. "I have no time for a self-righteous pest to lecture me! Especially one who thinks he's so enlightening in his morals!"

"I'm not..." Midoriya breaths. "I'm telling you what (Name) told me... about how many times she's died because of you... the times she's watched friends die... how she was lost in an endless stream of despair and loss of hope because you decided that breaking her down to a child who would always obey you... was better than actually trying to reconnect and get to know the daughter and person she is!"

He looks down, fists trembling as an image comes to his mind. One that had been long forgotten but also what had made him so angry in the first place. The idea of all parents doing what was right for their children and their child simply having to believe and go along with it.

But from all the time his own mother tried to make up for his absence: missed birthdays, lonely holidays, photoless appearances in his school ceremonies. No matter the excuse he would tell Midoriya and Inko when he finally decided to come home... Midoriya knew... it would never be justified. Not when he had been gone and caused this much pain.

"(Name) deserves someone who intends to be there for her... not someone who only wants her for their own selfish gain or hopes. As her mother... you should know better... but despite your blood relation... that's all I see that the both of you have in common now."

As the woman tenses up, her body squirming and unable to move thanks to the numb and paralyzed state the throw and crash into glass and water had made her, Midoriya came forward. Kneeling in the water and using what Hatsume had given him... he restrained her.

His eyes drooping as she screamed at him, her mind finally snapping and saying anything and everything to him under the sun at this moment. Her mind lost, almost as much as her freedom and plans for destroying the world.

Midoriya finished up the restraints that Aizawa-sensei and Midnight had taught his class over the first year. His form looking over to you, his mind remembering what had happened and he dashed back over. His knees collapsing next to you, afraid to grab you and feel what he knew would be on your clothing.

But... he wanted to check on you... see how bad things were and do what he could to help you. His phone ready to dial for a medical emergency over a police emergency if he so saw. And with your mother tied up and not going anywhere, as well as making her own voice hoarse... he knew he was okay to help you right now.

"H-hey..." He hesitantly spoke, shaking you gently.

His hands roaming to where he had expected a spray of blood, so when he instead found nothing of the sort, his eyes widened. There should have been blood of some sort! He saw you get shot in front of his eyes!

"Huh?" You mumbled, sitting up perfectly fine and rubbing your locks. "What happened?"

Midoriya's eyes widened before he slowly closed them as more tears began to come out of his eyes. Your own eyes widening as he bawled harshly right in front of you like no tomorrow. Your body frozen and unsure of what was wrong... or what had happened since the bullet hit you.

Through his sobs, Midoriya managed to choke out his questions to you. "How are you... where is the... why did you...?"

You simply gave him a knowing nod, movings your hands to your clothing and undoing the first button and then the second and so on. Midoriya's eyes opening like saucers and his face reddening from how you were undressing in front of him.

"I-I don't think now is a good time for this..." He blushed deeply as his hand covered his mouth thus muffling his words.

"Oh stop being such a hormonal boy and look at me, Izuku." You shook your head, watching as the male stiffened.

Slowly and naturally so, the hero-in-training turned to look at you. His eyes trying not to stare too much, but when he saw what you had underneath your attire, he couldn't help it. The black and thick fabric that was covering your chest was strange... and also unexpected.

"W-wha... what is this?" Midoriya asked, hesitantly reaching out and running his hands over the fabric.

"I stayed up all night making this fabric... basically, the fabric used here is made out of fireproof materials, but the real kicker comes from the hair I've embedded into it. You see, in my class, one of my classmate's skin turns into an unbreakable shield when a certain part of his body is struck.

Therefore... taking his quirk into account, I made it so this fabric acts the same for me. Therefore any gunshots, stabs, etc will be virtually ineffective on if it happens to me. However, it's only good for one spot at a time... so I'm glad that psycho only fired once.

And well... I guess I passed out cause this entire night has been full of ups and downs. We had a fight, I got knocked out and have a concussion probably. You saved me... I found out the person giving me endless torture is my birth mother... and now... I was almost shot. But I'm glad you are okay..."

You finished your little speech, glancing to Midoriya. However, to your shock, he was still observing your fabric and now poking it and watching it react to him doing so. His eyes lighting up at such an amazing piece of tech.

You giggled a bit, knowing how much this dork loved heroes and the people who made them such good gear. And while you had to admit to being a bit annoyed that he hadn't listened all the way through, he was too adorable at this moment for you to stay angry.

"So you walked in here knowing you'd at least be safe from bullets... amazing!" Midoriya beamed. "And this suit is so cool! I'd love to have one of my own!"

"Say no more." You nodded to him. "When we get back to UA... I'll stitch it into your current attire!"

"What!" He shouted, eyes wide with stars in them. "A-are you sure? I-I don't want to give you more work than you need."

"After tonight and everything you've done for me... I think you deserve an entire costume made of my and Hatsume's best inventions that will help benefit your quirk."

Midoriya paused as he thought your words over, his mind buzzing with an idea of his own. One that he was shocked had

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