Can't be together

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I'm staying
Cause I know there is a chance
I'm trying
Cause I know anything can change
But what if they just a dream?

Everything was silent and I... I don't know what to do
"The sound of the wind" leads me to choose between fighting and letting go but my heart still wants to stay
What should I do?

Even right now I still miss you

Although the memory of betraying keeps turning in my head
My tears have surcease from crying last night
And here I am, again and again, waiting for nothing

Can I let you go?
Now, the thing that I know is everything will be over
Like a flower that relates to bloom and won't bud again
I let you go like I buried my dreams so deep that nothing would show up

I can say neither "thank you" nor "sorry"
Everything just passes away
But I still hope your happy ending story with somebody but me

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