Bachelor Party (Ezra) Pt. 2

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''Dude'' said a voice but I choose to irgone it since I was sleeping ''Come on Ezra wake up'' said the voice again this time it's was familiar ''Ezra'' said the voice again follow by sharp pain on the cheek. ''Ezra'' the voice shouted. Slowly I opened my eyes looking around my surroundings seeing a window exposing a bright sky, a empty champagne near me and my wallet with alot of 20's. I groaned as I got up quickly, too quickly as the room began to spins that I nearly lost my balance.

'' Hey you finally woke up'' said Frankie opening the fridge ''There coffee on the counter there'' he pointed at the TV stand I smell it and instantly my stomach turns painfully into a knot. I looked around sitting on the bed as it's took me a few moments for me to realize that I'm in the hotel room but yet my head pounds as I try to remember what happen yesterday.

''I got breakfast'' sang Zayne as he slam the door instantly my heads pound, my ears starts to sang a painful song ''Could you please stop talking?'' I asked Zayne as he sets the food on the counter.

''Oh oh looks like Ezra experience his first hangover'' mocked Frankie as he laughed while Zayne snorted I gave them the middle finger as I went to the bathroom to rinse my face as I splash the cold water on my face I instantly felt relieved, refresh like I could start this bright, beautiful day. As I looked at my own reflection in the mirror seeing a kiss mark with lipstick along with the letters call me. Then my phone vibrated with a video message from Mary out of curiosity  I opened it.

''Hi Ezy'' Mary yelled she laughed out loud ''I just want to say thanks for this awesome fucking night'' she similed as she took a another drink ''And I love you'' she smiled she had the phone show the floor as she was walking towards something she giggled as a pair of hands was grabbing her ''Ah I missed our snuggles'' said a slur voice that sounds familiar ''I miss them too'' she laughed then she show the video up to her face ''Goodnight'' she whispered as she zoom in on the guy face that's buried underneath the covers ''Goodnight Mary'' the voice mumbled back. I pause on the video seeing the guy face, the curly hair, and the drunken simile as the guy looks like me. 

''Shit'' said Frankie as he's watches the video ''Dumbass'' he mumbled as he's pause the video ''Yep that guy is  you'' said Zayne. I groaned as I pour myself another cup of orange juice this is definitely bad, I'm not even sure if I slept with her or not but I don't think I did I mean I was drunk but not completely  wasted.

''Think Dumbass Think what happened that night?'' Frankie asked grabbing a breakfast sandwich ''I don't know'' I replied as my mind kept rewind to the previous night but the rest was all a blur because I could remember was the night a the rooftop.

''I don't remember the rest of the night'' I said ''Me too'' said Zayne sitting on a desk chair ''Let's check our phones maybe we took pictures'' I nodded in agreement. So in the past hour we check our phones for any pictures, texts anything that reveal what's happen last night.

''Whoa Whoa look their an article about you'' said Zayne

I shrugged ''It's probably about my music or engagement''

Zayne shook his head ''No it's said that Ezra Hayes and his bodyguard along with a citizen named Zayne Bailey have went to county jail for the night for apperantly punching another local''

''What?'' I asked grabbing Zayne phone scanning through the article

''I can't believe this'' Frankie said grabbing Zayne phone looking at the article 

''I know my mom would kill me'' I said running my fingers through my hair

''No they just called me a fucking bodyguard I have a name dammit'' Frankie said

I shook my head as I looked out the window since the article is out that probabley means that Ashley have seen it which means that she probabley wants answers that I can't give her. ''But look it's say that we post bail by anonymous'' said Frankie ''So who would post us bail?'' said Zayne I shrugged ''Uncle Lou?'' Frankie shook his head ''He's said that he not doing it anymore remember Vegas?'' I nodded ''Right because you wore a cop hat'' ''Hey it got us out of a lot of tickets'' he replied ''And it can't be Caleb because he hates us''. My brain twists as I try to come up with someone that would bail us out, someone who knows us, who cares deeply for us then like a light bulb, the answer come.

''Mary'' I said ''Mary bails us out it's makes total sense''

Frankie nodded as he grabs his leather jacket ''Well then let's go''

I nodded as I grab my keys, jacket and wallet while being pepared to get some answers.

Mary doesn't lived to far just on the surbuan side of town so when we entered into her condo apartment it's wasn't no surpised where she lived. 

''Ezra'' she similed when she opened the door she reaches over to give me a hug but I just walked past her went into her apartment which was everything white. 

''What are you doing here?'' Mary asked heading to the kitchen ''You could tell me that later but first would anybody like anything?''

''Cut the shit Mary'' Frankie said for a moment I could have swear I saw a flash of hurt on her face but then it quickly disappeared.

''Fine Frankie it's call making a conversation'' she crossed her arms ''What do you want to know?''

''Did we sleep together?'' I asked as my palms sweat and my stomach tied in knot  if anything I'm nervous because it's not like I still have feeling for Mary which I don't but it's more like of Ashley reaction how she would be once I finally told her the truth. Would she leave again? or Would she stay? Are we still going to be married? there a lot of scenarios I pictured in my mind like her packing her bags, screaming, yelling for me to never call her again. But regardless of the answer I would tell Ashley the absolute truth if she haven't seen the video already and give her space of any decision she makes.

I braced myself for the answer as I looked at Mary ''No'' she replied ''We did not sleep together'' I nearly jump for joy but decide to composed myself ''Then what about the video?'' I asked causing Mary to groan of embarrassment as she took a cup of water  ''Us having a good time? or You saying that you love me?'' she took a sip of water without even glancing at me which could means that there was more happening that night ''Mary'' I asked in a soft voice ''What happened that night?'' She looked at me with her soft green eyes and sighed ''Fine but have a seat it's a long story''

 Last Night Mary POV

I'm sitting on the hotel bed watching TV when my phone rang after a series of interviews and guest starting in numerous of Tv shows I was pooped, tired but yet I can't ignore a phone call especially if it's someone important. Without looking at the caller id I answer but immediately regretted it when I heard his voice.

''Where are you? I been calling you all day'' Caleb. Uh. Just by hearing his voice I immediately want to just throw the phone out the window but yet we do business together, were the infamous ''it'' couple along with Ashley and Ezra but as my mom would say ''The show must go on'' Even if you want to walk away  sometimes.

''Doing a numerous of interviews and  TV shows that you didn't bother to show up too'' I replied I could hear silence on the other end followed by gigging and somebody saying be quiet which was Caleb, I rolled my eyes as I already know what he's going to say since we been through this a numerous of time. ''What have you been doing?'' I yelled out of habitat. ''I've been busy'' he replied a stir of jealously  settle through me of course he's  screwing with someone else.  He's Caleb Hayes the guy who gets everything he wants just by the snap of his fingers and for awhile I thought I was someone he wanted until a few years ago.

I sighed ''Let me guess your at a club aren't you?'' I asked I could hear Caleb sigh in frustration ''Mary please don't start like I said for the millionth time it's for work purpose I have a movie to promote''

''Oh yeah and I'm pretty sure your giving your promotion to other women too'' I replied switching the channel as the previous one show a couple embracing ''Mary can't we talk some other time?'' he asked as I could hear a women giggling an shouted his name ''You know what? Don't even bother to call back'' I hung up before he could say anything else. We have been down this road before the cheating, him apologizing, buy me gifts and as usual I take him back because he's Caleb Hayes, the infamous actor, brother of Ezra Hayes the rock star with a gentle soft soul. An I'm Mary Hitchens the too infamous actress, starting in the notorious crime movie called '' Dickson Drive'' that made 250 million in the box office. With our looks, charm and most of my wit together me and Caleb are inseparable  or was in this case. I looked in the mirror seeing my own reflection that have changed since his morning. My blond hair that uses to have big curls have now deflated turning into different directions by laying in bed for a few hours, hours of makeup that was once perfectly on have now been smudge and wearing off. An my eyes have looked so hollow, so empty probably from years of being on camera smiling ear to ear pretending that everything was fine.  When everything in the end turns into shit. I looked at the hotel phone nearby as I dialed the number of room service before I cold hang up my voice already finished my order as I said ''I would like some Champagne''

 I was 2 drinks in and I'm still not drunk. I stare at the TV absentmindly as I took a few sips of champagne it seems when I'm drunk that I'm free willing to do anything I want without worrying about fucking it up or if anybody watching, it seems like I could Mary Hitchens vs. ''Mary Hitchens'' the actress. A knock on the door interrupts me from my thought for a second hope sparks from my chest as I thought Caleb came by to apologize, begging me to come back, forgive him. But instead it was Ezra and his bodyguard Frankie.

''Mary'' Ezra sings ''Looked what I find'' he holds two bottle of champagne with a bold simile on his face ''Care to join?'' he said probably knowing the answer and since nobody watching why not?

After 4 more drinks my mind was spinning and my thoughts was racing but not too fast that it could run away. As I laid on the floor of the hotel room cracking up with Ezra and Frankie on a random comedy show.

''Oh my gosh that shit was hilarious'' Ezra laugh ''I can't believe he did that with the dog'' as he took another sip through the bottle. Frankie nodded his head as he took another sip too ''What should we do next?'' he asked Ezra shrugged ''Your my best man think of something I'm just dying of boredom here'' he laughed as I giggled. Frankie snapped his fingers ''How about a strip club?'' while Ezra shooked his head ''But Ashley would kill me'' but then he simile ''But Ashley not here'' he laughed again ''Stay here I go get my wallet'' he run out the door laughing his head off while Frankie shake his head.

''You know you got some balls right?'' Frankie said after a few moments of silence I looked around ''I don't got chesses balls but I bet you could called room service'' as I said that I realize that champagne makes me stupid as Frankie and I laugh out loud.

''Not that but for releasing that video''

I shrugged as I took another sip ''What can I say I'm drunk'' I simile

Frankie chuckled causing my heart to skips beat ''An here I am thinking your a prude women who wouldn't bare of doing anything like that'' he said in his most rich guy voice which for some reason makes me laugh harder as I got up an crossing my arms together in a tough guy pose ''And here I am thinking your Mr. Tough guy who never cracks a simile'' I said in my most tough guy voice our laugh combine together as I stumble and fall into his lap but yet he catch me as our laugher dies down while I'm staring at his grave grey eyes. An as he's staring at me I found myself suddenly cautious of the way I looked like my makeup that's already wore off or my hair as I try to run my fingers through it but instead he laugh ''You already looked beautiful to me'' which causes my heart to flutter and as he slowly leaned forward and kissed me sparks fly. As I had the sudden urge to just take off his shirt and he's seems to response to my hidden request as he took off his shirt exposing his abs as he returns back to kissing me causing me to moan in pleasure. As he softly throw me into the bed and kissed me all over I began to explore all of the pleasures I never explored with anyone.

As I lay on the bed gasping for nearly air a few minutes afterwards I began to simile as  I looked over at the other side of my bed my heart cracks when I saw that Frankie wasn't there. An maybe it's the liquor talking but I wish he was here again.

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