The Lost Diadem Of Ravenclaw:

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A/N: OK! I'm doing a time skip here, it is 1 month BEFORE the Battle Of Hogwarts. Also, tysm for 50 votes! (It still means a lot to me), also this book is now #12 for the tag 'harry potter'. Tysm for 1.8k views! Ok, let's get on with the story.

"POTTER!" I heard one of the Carrow siblings shout. Oh no. Wait no, oh yes.

I cast a spell to make me invisible, I couldn't get caught. I had to do this.

On Monday, I received a message (using the coins we got from Dumbledore's Army in 5th year) from Harry, they were still looking for horcruxes and they wanted me to find one particular one, the lost diadem of Ravenclaw. Me, being me, I decided I needed to talk to Luna.

I reach the talking Eagle Knocker, I was supposed to answer a riddle. Riddle. No! I can't let my mind stray now! I knock using the knocker three times.

Voice: "Welcome to Ravenclaw Tower. Answer to pass, are you ready?"

I stood there for a minute, was I supposed to answer? I think I was, oops.

Y/n: "Oh! Yes."

Voice: "Why can't a man living in Scotland be buried in London?"

I knew this one! (A/N: Ok, I want to see if ya'll know the answer, Imma post the answer in the next chapter or in the comments later! 😜)

Once I said the answer, the door swung wide open!

"POTTER!" I heard him again. I ran in and up into Luna's dorm.

I stood there as I saw Enzo in her room. My mouth fell as I saw them, MAKING OUT.

I gag and say "Please stop, i'm being chased here and you're all over each other!"

Luna laughs dreamily as Enzo rolls his eyes.

Luna: "Why were you being chased?"

Y/n: "As you know, it's 10 pm, I got caught by male Carrow and yeah.."

Enzo: "Why THIS dorm though?" He knew he couldn't say our since it wasn't his.

Y/n: "I needed to talk to Luna, that's why I was out."

Luna: "Sure, what's up?"

Y/n: "I need your help, do you know anything about, the lost diadem of Ravenclaw?"

Luna: "All i know is that its lost, but you should ask Helena Ravenclaw, the Ravenclaw ghost."

Y/n: "THANK YOU SO MUCH! I will leave you in peace so that you guys can er.. finish this in peace?"

Enzo smirked as I left. But when I got into the common room I was met my a furious Carrow.


Y/n: "No I won't!" I try to escape. Key word - TRY

Carrow: "Crucio!"

That spell has no effect on me, its been used too many times and "Moody" trained me against it.

I laugh and say: "Really? Is that the BEST you can do?" My face becomes emotionless "Levicorpium Sindorum." He goes flying back and hits the wall! Oof. "Crucio Levelium." It was the same spell, but more powerful. Mattheo and I had a few one on one times where we created more advanced spells. Let's say we both knew they would come in handy.


Now i'm trying to find Ravenclaw ghost. I think I see her "Excuse me! Excuse m-"

Ghost: "Yes?" She looked a little pissed.

Y/n: "Sorry, are you Ravenclaw ghost?"

Ghost: "Yes, I am, call me Helena though."

Y/n: "Alright- Helena. Um, I was wondering, do you knew where the lost diadem of Ravenclaw is?"

Helena: "No."

Y/n: "Yes you do. I can read minds, you're lying. Please, its a horcrux and I need it to defeat Volde- Moldy Voldy" They had tabooed the name, now I needed a different one as I will not call him 'The Dark Lord'  or 'You know who' as the first makes me look loyal to him and the second makes me look weak and scared of him, i will insult him instead.

Helena: "Moldy? Voldy?" Ok, I don't have time for this, I quickly read her mind and look through her memories, her life with the Bloody Baron following her, her mother's last wish, the diadem, THE DIADEM! I knew where it was!

Y/n: "OMG! Thanks. A lot, your memories are helpful!"

Helena: "Did you read my memories without my permission!"

I ran off to the Room or Requirements before she finished.

'A place to hide thing, a place to hide things, a place to hide things.' I thought 3 times while walking 3 times too. I look up to see a door, it was old.

I walk in.

There were mountains of things students and staff have hidden here for years. I searched for a long time, I check my watch, i've been here for 2 bloody hours! It was not 1 am. I've been here since 11 pm, yesterday! At last, I see something shimmer. A diadem. THE diadem!

Hang on.

How do I destroy this? God. This is bad. I rub my head, then. Fiendfyre! I ran over to a corner, a little should do.


Y/n: "What. The. Fuck!?"

Horcrux: "I know your deepest secret, what you dread the most!"

Suddenly pictures flashed through my mind. A wedding, not mine, but Mattheo's, with LAYLA. And they looked happy, Mattheo looked happy. Tears started glossing over my eyes. The part where they exchange their vows. The priest asks if anyone objects. I rise. But I can't speak. They put on the rings too. They, kiss. I fall onto my knees. No. I need to stop. I need to finish this, this is the only way to avoid that.

Y/n: "Fuego Demonio" (A/N: I couldn't find the actual spell soo..)

A slow, steady flame took over the diadem. The screaming pierced my ears. Once the screaming stopped, I stopped the fire too.

I pick up the diadem "Reparo." It was back to normal. It was pretty too. I couldn't wear it though. I will keep it for someone that may need it, for when someone needs it not for personal gain, but for helping others.

I leave the room, apparating of course.


I'm so dumb!

I could have avoided all that trouble if I just apparated straight to Luna's room!

Still, I couldn't avoid that make-out session.


I quickly write a letter to Harry:

Dear Snitch (A/N: Nickname for Harry, don't judge!)

I found it! I found what you wanted me to find! I managed to destroy and repair it. That part is gone, don't worry, how many are left for you? When will you be returning?


Firebolt (A/N: Your nickname, don't judge)

I quickly tied it to my black owl, she couldn't be seen during the night, best time to send, best owl to send with. "You know who, give it to snitch." I say. She hoots then leaves.

I go to bed, I wonder if he'll get it.

The next morning, I wake up to Raven at my window. She got Harry's reply!

Dear Firebolt,

I got the letter, nothing happened to it. That's lovely news though! We have the cup. We'll be returning in 1 weeks ish. The battle is starting.



P.S. I HATE THAT NAME! Makes me sound mean!

I laugh at his reply then burn the letter. Better gone than in the wrong hands, I do that to all our letters.

I head down to breakfast.

I have no friends, all my friends have been threatened to be killed by their parents if they talk to me, from all houses, only Luna or Enzo talk to me anymore. Mattheo can't. Not in public anyway.


Who said we can't have mind convos?

(A/N: Next all is in the mind of Mattheo and you! Until I say.)

Y/n: "Hey"

Theo: "Goodmorning."

Y/n: "I did it!"

Theo: "What? OH! The task?"

Y/n: "Mhm. Umm. Also. You do realise there is like less than 2 month until your wedding, right?"

Theo: "Don't reming me of that! I don't want to be reminded. We're going into war next week, father said."

Y/n: "Hmm. Harry said he would come next week."

Theo: "You ready?"

Y/n: "I think so. I mean, the spells work out."

Theo: "I know! I heard what happened with the Carrows. Nice to know our spells are powerful!"

Y/n: "Yeah, ok. I need to go, I have Charms first."

Theo: "Same. See you in class. I'm so happy we're partners in all of them."

I roll my eyes and get up to leave.

(A/N: Ok, back to normal.)

I walk into Charms and sit at the back.

I wonder what would happen next week.

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