The Closet:

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Mattheo's POV:

I never liked Layla, she was only there because mother thought she was a good choice. I wanted Y/n though. I wanted her. I need to break up with Layla. She's wicked.

I go down to breakfast, Y/n wasn't in our dorm when I woke up.

I entered the great hall and sat down next to Blaise. Layla showed up "Hey babe!" Her voice was squeaky and annoying. "Look, Layla, I don't love you." She looked at me as tears filled her eyes "Y-you do-don't love me? So who d-do you lo-love?". Draco smirked and whispered "Y/n."

Shock filled Layla's eyes as she stormed out of the hall. I couldn't care less.

Y/n POV:

"Y/N FUCKING POTTER!" Layla screeched, as I looked around I saw her running to m looking like a mess "YOU STOLE MY MATTHEO!" I had no ida what she wa- oh. He must've broken up with her. Oops to him.. now she might get it from me.

Suddenly Layla slapped me and I stood there shocked, them I pushed her onto the floor and said "You bitch! i didn't do anything to you! It's not my fucking fault that Riddle broke up with you!" I then slapped her and started to walk away before Layla got up and punched me.

Nope I couldn't take it anymore "Levicorpus!" She flew up and I went down to the hall.

As I walked in I saw all eyes land on me, maybe because I had blood all over me. Meh!

I sat down next to Mattheo (which was the only seat left) and said to him "Thanks a lot, Riddle" "Uhh, you're welcome" I got up and faced him "You're so fucking stupid Riddle! I'm hurt here and like thins because of YOU Riddle! You're stupid girlfriend pounced on me for no FUCKING REASON! I don't know what I even did to end up like this!"

I storm out without breakfast.

I could hear them whispering about me but I didn't care.

"WAIT! Y/N!" I turned around to see Mattheo running towards me.

I walk away.

Suddenly, I'm pulled into a closet! I look up to see who my next victim is.


"What do you want?!"

"I wanna say th-that, look, I really like you and I'm sorry for how Layla treated you!"

"I don't give a shit about Layla. But, even if I liked you, I don't think we would work out."

"What why?" Mattheo's eyes were glazed.

I took a deep breath in "You for one, are a stuck up git. I haven't forgotten how you treated me at the start of the year. I'm in this very state because of your 'girlfriend' and I don't want even more hate from her because of you. The least you could do is make sure she doesn't hurt me. Talk to her for heaven's sake! I'm not going to put up with you, especially after Layla."

I know, I know, most of my reasoning made 0 sense and I was being a git right now but I'm too shocked by what happened. Mattheo has been supporting Layla all this time! He didn't give a shit about me, and now, all of a sudden, he's into me! I roll my eyes and leave.

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