Y/n POV:
It was Harry's and my 4th year back and today we went shopping to diagon alley with the Weasleys! Even though I was a Slytherin, they trusted me, i'm so lucky that they do!
"Ok, you guys know the drill. Grab some floo-powder and throw it into the flame! Y/n, Harry, you can go after Fred and George do!" Mrs Weasley said. Fred and George threw some powder in and said "Diagonely!" at the same time. A whip, then a crack and they were gone.
I breathed in slowly and deeply as I stuck my hand into the pot. Harry did the same, then, we threw the powder into the flame and stepped in. "Diagonely!" We shouted.
The world started spinning, I felt dizzy and like vomiting, then it stopped. It all stoped as my eyes shifted back into focus. Behind us arrived Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Mrs Weasley and Percy (Who was here to buy things for his new office at the ministry). "So then, Fred, George, Ginny and I will go to the book store and then grab what they need while the rest of you can go around by yourselves, I trust?" Mrs Weasley said, giving us an 'You better behave' look. "Yes" We all chorused at the same time. "Good. We will all meat at the Leaky Cauldron for lunch at.. 1."
As we left for Gringotts, Ron suddenly said "I heard about something big happening this year." "Yes, me too" Said Hermione "Apparently there will be a new student." "No, I mean, I heard that we are having the Triwizard Tournament this year!" Ron exclaimed in awe.
I looked at the entrance of the bank, the same poster there, just like in Harry's and my first year.
After Getting Money:
We walked out of the bank, our pockets bulging with money, We walked down the street and entered 'Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions'. Hermione suddenly said "I need a pet" (Pretend she bought Crookshanks in her 4th year plss). "Alright, you and Ron can go get them, y/n and I will finish our shopping together, we'll meet at 12:30 in front of the leaky cauldron" Harry replied. Ron looked at him in disbelief as they nodded and left.
"Look who it is. The Pottahs" Anyone could tell who's drawling voice that was from a mile away. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked, rolling his eyes. "Well, I wanted you to meet my cousin here. He's joining this year!" He smirked as I looked over and was shocked to see a tall handsome boy with brown, curly hair standing next to Malfoy. "Shocked Y/n?" Draco smirks at me, snapping me out of my trance "He's Mattheo, Mattheo Riddle" Suddenly shock ran through me for the second time, Riddle, he was the son of Voldemort, the guy who killed my parents.
"You're all done sweeties!" Madam Malkin sweetly said. I smiled as I handed her some money over. "See you at Hogwarts Y/n, oh, and, remember, we have new roommates, hopefully not you again!" Draco smirked as I rolled my eyes. How could I forget? Hopefully it would be a better year. Without Draco, maybe the Riddle boy wasn't so bad? "..Y/n?....Y/n!.... Y/N!?!" Harry exclaimed as I shook my head "What?! Who died?!" I joked, Harry laughed. We finished our shopping and headed back to the Leaky Cauldron where Ron and Hermione were waiting for us.
"We know who the new kid is" I said. "Who? They asked at once, I replied in a low voice "Riddle"
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