Deja Vu Though:

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A/N: TW - Self harm! ⚠️

I walk up the stairs of the Astronomy Tower. I felt memories relay in my head. i bring out my knife and play with it. I slowly cut into my hand, I think I deserve it though.

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks, no one saw me cry, ever. But when I was alone, I let it all out. I heard movement and quickly wiped my tears, it was 11:50, CERTAINLY passed curfew.

I hd no Prefect duty today, I had it on Monday, day after tomorrow. I got up and hurried back to the dungeons and into my dormitory. I saw that Mattheo wasn't there, probably off with Layla.

I rolled my eyes as I got into bed. I snuggled into my blanket and drifted off.


The next morning I woke up at 7, perfect timing too. Just then I saw Mattheo get out of the shower, wet hair, how I so badly wanted to touch it, his abs and practically everything about him. He had a towel around his waist. I blink while clearing out my emotions. I got up, go to the bathroom and do my daily routine, brush my teeth, take a bath, brush my hair, get dressed, make-up and then finally shoes. I finished putting on my shoes and saw Mattheo had too.

"No good morning?" He asked.

I thought about it then said "Ask Layla." I then get up and leave the dorm and hear him let out a slightly strangled cry.

I got to the Great Hall and took my breakfast. Cereal. Then, I had 2 pieces of toast.

I then hear Layla say to me "You really do eat too much! Cut down if you ever want a boy to like you!" She then smirked as her minions laughed.

I said "Are you done? Mhm? Yeah? You are? That's great." I smiled, finished my breakfast then left. All eyes followed me.

Mattheo's POV:

That was good, Y/n has changed, A LOT. The way she roasted Layla so calmly. I was inspired. She left after eating. She looked so pretty. I practically watched her the whole time. I only realised when Draco said "Mate, you're staring" My eyes snap off her as I focus back on my meal.

Y/n POV:

I walked over to Harry, Ron and Hermione, I was only close to Hermione.

"Hey sis." Harry said

"H-Hi Y/n!" Ron went slightly pink, WAIT, he had a crush on me!?

"Y/n!" Hermione squeezed me

Ron: "I wonder what class the Slughorn guy teaches."

Harry: "DADA obviously."

Y/n: "No, he teaches potions, Snape, if i'm correct got the DADA job this year."

Ron: "No way! How do you know?"

Y/n: "Well, Ron, when Harry and I went to his house, I saw many potions ingredients, what would a DADA teacher need that for? Also, Snape has wanted the position for YEARS now, so why not let him have it? Dumbledore has thought it through."

While I said this, I kept my eyes on Ron, he turned a deeper shade of pink, eventually hitting red.

My theory was correct.

Harry: "Bet ya 10 galleons you're wrong!"

I smirk "Go ahead, we have potions first anyways, 5 on that, 5 on DADA, deal?"

He nodded his head.

We made our way to potions.

"Hello sir." I say walking in, we have 5 minutes before the bell rings.

Slughorn: "Hello Miss Potter! Hello Mr Potter, Miss Granger and Mr Weasley! Don't! I have special people you need to sit with." Slowly the whole class came in and we were all standing at the back of the class.

Slughorn: "Welcome! Class! I am Professor Slughorn! I will now tell you WHO you are to sit with for the rest of the year. They are your potions partner. Mr Potter and Miss Rosier, Miss Parkinson with Mr Weasley, Miss Granger with Mr Berkshire, Mr Zabini with Miss Patail, Miss Brown with Mr Malfoy and Miss Potter with Mr Riddle." I saw him shudder at Riddle's name.

Layla: "SIR! YES HERE SIR! Can I PLEASE be seated with MATTHEO?"

Slughorn: "No Miss Rosier, that cannot be done."

She was fuming as she sat with my brother.

Mattheo and I went and took a seat at the back.

Slughorn: "Today I want to test you all and see what level you are at, can anyone tell me what this potion here is?"

My hand shot up "It's Amortentia, sir."

Slughorn: "Indeed it is! I didn't think anyone would know! 10 points to Slytherin! You will find in the books how to make it, you will all, in pairs, make your own batch, best pair wins a bottle of Felix Felicis or Liquid Luck! Ready? GO!"

I got up and left to get the ingredients. I knew this of by heart.

I got back and got to work.

Suddenly Mattheo said "That's wrong. The book says to add it AFTER you add the Powdered Moonstone." I say "I know what i'm doing, if you want to help, stir this clockwise 10 times then anti-clockwise 1 time until it turns into a light pink colour. Then, we're done." I say adding the Rose thorns. He did as I said, no questions asked and after 3 times it turned into the final colour.

I put my hand up as the professor came to us "Sir, we're done."

Slughorn: "Are you sure? That was quite fast."

Y/n: "Yes sir, go ahead and test it."

He did. His eyes widened

Slughorn: "I have never ever seen a potion so perfect! You have your mother's talent. I would like to invite you to dinner this Friday, welcome to the Slug Club. Bring Mr Riddle with you."

I nod as he hands us both one bottle of liquid luck.

Slughorn: "WAIT! Class! We have a perfect batch of Amortentia here, Y/n, Mattheo, please tell us what you smell!"

Y/n: "Mattheo, go."

I knew I would smell something!

I wouldn't go first.

Mattheo: "Alright. I smell.. Storm wind, sea breeze and citrus.

Slughorn: "Miss Potter, why don't you go now?"

Y/n: "I smell... Cigarets, Cologne and Blood."

I realised what I had said, my eyes widened as i walked out of class, I just admitted that I liked Mattheo! Well, he admitted that he liked me. WAIT! HE LIKED ME?! STILL?!

I felt myself smile as I walk back to our dorm.

Deja vu though.

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