Astronomy Tower:

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I was debating whether to go to class or not, no, not today, if anyone asks I'll say I called in sick.

Time skip to tomorrow since i'm tooo lazy to write.. hehe:

I got into a simple outfit and head out of my and Mattheo's dorm.

At The Great Hall:

I walk up and sit as far away from the others as I possibly can, i'm in no mood for heir pity right now. "Hey, Potter" Marcus Flint snapped me back to reality "Party tonight, spread the word, Slytherins only!" I nodded as I started to stand. I grab an apple and leave.

Mattheo's POV:

I didn't go back to our dorm last night, I stayed with Draco and Blaise (Who shared a dorm). When I went back to my dorm I saw that Y/n was still sleeping, she looked so pretty when she slept. NO! NO! NO! I'M MATTHEO RIDDLE! LAYLA IS MY GIRLFRIEND! I CAN'T THINK THIS!

I quickly put my clothes on and left for the Great Hall. I stepped in and went and sat next to Draco. Layla walked in and sat next to me.

After around 10 minutes, Y/n walked in. She had a simple outfit on but still looked stunning! Ugh! Mattheo! Stop thinking about her! She stayed for around 5 minutes where she talked to Flint. For some reason I felt a giant amount of jealousy boil in me. Why though? I don't know!

She only took an apple. That wasn't enough though.

Y/n's POV:

I grabbed the apple and finished it as I walked down to the Black Lake.

At Potions:

I walked in and saw that I was the last one to come. Luckily I didn't have to sit next to Mattheo, but I did have to sit next to Draco. I would rather avoid all of them, but, better than Mattheo or Layla. Snape did his dramatic entrance (as usual 🙄).

"Alright class." He said "I need all of you to sit next to particular people as we will be doing projects and you will be working next to them. I don't care if you don't agree. Suck. It. Up."

"Potter, the boy, with Malfoy. Miss Parkinson with Granger..." He eventually got to "Miss Potter, with, Mr Riddle." My heart sank as i got picked with the one person I didn't want to be with!

I rolled my eyes as I saw his smirk. "Hey Y/n"

Mattheo's POV:

I smirked as I knew I was the last person she wanted to be with "Hey Y/n" She rolled her eyes and slumped down next to me.

After Class:

Mattheo's POV:

"So then" I said "Y/n, meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 6 tomorrow? To work on Potions"

She lifted an eyebrow "Why there?"

"Its peaceful" I say.

She nodded.

I sighed as I walked off to my next class, Transfigurations.

At The Astronomy Tower:

Y/n's POV:

I walked off after the little conversation with Riddle. I had a free period but I didn't want to do homework. I went to the Astronomy Tower instead, I know, its where he wanted to meet but I loved this place anyway. I got to the top and couldn't help but notice that the weather was peaceful. I loved it here.

After around 5 minutes of staring, my mind strayed to Mattheo. NO. STOP. But still, his beautiful brown curls that- NO! Why am I even thinking this!? I wasn't- no!- was I?

Even if I was falling in love with him, there is no way in a MILLION years he would ever love me.

I heard the bell ring, signalling the last period had start. I took in one last breath of the air around me. I could smell the storm that was coming. I checked my timetable.



At Potions:

I walked in and looked at the rest of the class who were as confused as I was. I sat down next to Mattheo my "partner".  Snape comes in looking pissed.

"As you all have seen, we have Potions, again." Snape said "There had been a slight 'mishap' in the timetables and I assure you, it won't happen again. Today, however, we will be studying Amortentia. Who know what it is?" As usual, Hermione's hand shot up, but so did Layla's. I never thought she had enough brains to talk troll, yet alone answer in Potions!

"Yes, Miss Rosier?" Snape indicated to her. Layla replied "Its the strongest love potion in the world. Whoever you smell is who you like." She smirked at me then glanced at Mattheo.

I rolled my eyes.

"Correct, 5 points to Slytherin. Since you answered correctly, why don't you tell us what you smell Miss Rosier?" Snape raised an eyebrow.

She walked up to the cauldron and smelt "It smells like, Cigarets, Cologne and Blood." She smiled to Mattheo while walking back sown to her spot. I rolled my eyes. Again.

"Miss Potter, why don't you go now?"

I stepped to the front of the classroom, no. No! NO! I smelt everything Layla just did! But i couldn't let them know, especially NOT Mattheo. So I replied "Nothing." while shrugging.

Mattheo's POV:

Layla smelt me. Obviously. I don't care though. I wanted Y/n to smell me. NO! Am I really falling for this girl? I sigh and shake my head. Snape chooses her. My head snapped up.

"Nothing." She said shrugging. Well, what could I expect? A Potter to love a Riddle?

"Mr Potter, you're next." Harry walked up and he said he smelt Treacle Tart, something from The Borrow' (A flower maybe) and some perfume. Ooh! He liked Ginny Weasley!

After a few more people Snape called Draco up "Umm, a Storm? Uhh, the sea breeze and.. eer.. I think its citrus?" Y/n's head snapped up at that.

After Draco it was me. I smelt the as Draco. Uh, I needed them to believe it was Layla. "I smell, coconut, burning firewood and ashes." That's what Layla was.

Layla beamed but I think I saw a tear escape Y/n's eyes, she hastily wiped it off.

Should I have not lied?

I shrugged it off.

Y/n POV:

Eventually it was Draco's turn "Umm, a Storm? Uhh, the sea breeze and.. eer.. I think its citrus?" I wasn't paying attention but when i heard it my head shot up. Me?! He smelt ME?!

I was hoping Mattheo would smell me and would admit it but he said "I smell, coconut, burning firewood and ashes." That was.. Layla. I sighed as I felt a stray tear roll down my cheek. I rubbed it off before anyone could see it.

A/N: Hehe, ik its a bit long but, tell me if you liked it plss!

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