he's introduction

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We arrive at our classroom.

Teacher:ok class we have a new student.

Then a guy walk to our classroom.

Hi I'm Jeon Jungkook and I'm 25 years old and nice to meet you all.he said

Teacher: thank you,you can sit beside Lisa.

Then he sit beside me.i remember that he was my childhood bully, that's why I hate him.

Lisa's pov.

I was paying attention to the teacher,when I feel that someone is staring at me.

*Break time*
Me and my friends went to the canteen when a a group of boys came all girls start shouting like they're crazy.

Can we sit here?. Jungkook said

There's a lot of available table there why us?.I said with a annoyed tone

Ohh dummy I want to be close with you.he said with a smirk

Hi jungkook.a Random girl said

What do you want?.he said with a annoyance tone

Can you sit beside us?.the girl ask

No!.jimin yelled

Then everyone start laughing.

Let's go girls.i said

Where are you going dummy.he ask with a smirk

I just ignored him and walk away,after that I went to the library alone bcs the teacher told us there's a upcoming test so I need to study even I'm the top student in the school.

*Day passed the exam is starting*

Teacher:so now I believe you guys, you can pass in this exam do your best.

Exam results.

Lisaaaaa!. jisoo run towards on me

What?.I ask

You got 2nd placer.she said

What how?who beat me?!.I ask angrily

Jeon Jungkook.she said with a cracky voice

How?.I whispered to myself

After what I have heard I decided to go to the garden to get some fresh air.i sit at the corner of the fountain.

What are you doing here?

What.... ohhh it's you.i said with a annoyed tone

He sit beside me.

Why are you here.jungkook ask

It's none of your business.i said

Congratulations btw you got 2nd placer.he said with a polite tone

Why are you happy?.I ask

Bcs you got 2nd placer.he said

I stood up.

You know what.... Since you came here I got 2nd placer I'm not the top student anymore bcs of you!.I ran away

Jungkook's pov.

I felt sad I think it's my fault bcs I made her 2nd placer but I want to annoy her,she so cute when she got mad HAHAHAHA

Author: Jungkook is laughing with no reason HAHAHAH I'm just joking,I hope you enjoy my story.

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