chapter thirty

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A week has passed by, and things have been pretty normal so far. I mailed my mother after what Draco mailed her, and thankfully she believed me, as what Draco said was wrong. Adrian have been pretty close still, as we see each other at least once a day now. Draco and Pansy are still together, as I decided to not tell Pansy of what Draco told me about her. Cedric and Bella have been seen together at times, talking outside either in the snow, or sitting in the library laughing. Alexa and Blaise have also been getting closer, as Alexa spends a lot of time with Blaise.

At 12:00pm, Professor Mcgonagall called all of fourth year to go into the ballroom, as she has to speak to us. Once I entered the room with Bella, I realised all the boys were sitting in the left side of the room, while the girls were in the right side. I followed Bella, as I took a seat next to her, before Alexa came and sat next to us. We waited for a few minutes for everyone else to come, before Professor Mcgonagall begun speaking, while Professor Filch was fixing the speaker.

"The Yule ball has been a tradition for the Tri Wizard Tournament. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for well mannered behaviour. I expect everyone to put everyone's best foot forward, and I mean this because, the Yule Ball is a dance.." Professor Mcgonagall says before everyone gasps quietly.

I looked across me, when I saw Adrian, as he locked eyes with me before he smirked. I smile a little before I looked back at Professor Mcgonagall, "Hey," Bella whispers, "You're going red.."

I widen my eyes, "What?" I whisper back before I looked back at Adrian. I smiled a little more before I looked back at Bella, as she was was smirking. "Silence!" Professor Mcgonagall says. She continues to speak about the Yule ball till she walked over to Ron.

"Your still red.." Bella whispers again.

I roll my eyes, "And he's still looking at you.."

I look over again, when I see Adrian, as he was still looking at me. I tried to distract myself, so I looked over at Ron and Professor Mcgonagall, as they were now dancing. Everyone laughs or smirks as we watched them dance till Professor Mcgonagall pulls away, "Right, now everyone grab yourself a dance partner, and waltz with us!" She says.

Everyone stands up, when I see that Bella was dancing with her brother Blaise, Alexa was dancing with Flint, Draco was dancing with Pansy, which made me all alone. "So I heard you're good at this stuff" I hear a voice say till I saw Adrian, with his arm out. I smile, "No where near good"

I place my hand in his, when he places his right hand around my waist, pulling me ever so close to him before we started to waltz. I kept loosing my control in my feet, causing Adrian to almost fall a few times. We laugh a little before we continued to waltz. The song finishes soon, "Now, I'd like everyone to find them self a new dancing partner, as we're going to do it again!" Professor Mcgonagall says.

I roll my eyes, when I found myself looking at Draco. He was looking back at me, before he walked over towards me. Adrian left me, as he went to dance with Kiara. Without a second thought, Draco pulled me roughly, when he placed his hand tightly around my waist. I stammer, "What're you doing?" I ask.

"Waltzing, I don't know about you" He says before the music begins and we start to waltz again. I placed my hand ever so lightly on his chest, when I was able to feel his rapid heartbeat. I look at my hand before I looked up at him, "Why is your heart beating so.. fast?" I whisper.

He shakes his head, "Doesn't matter" He whispers back.

"So why exactly did you pick me to dance with you?"

"That also doesn't matter" He says.

"But you could've picked Alexa.. or Bella.. Why did you pick me?" I ask.

He stays quiet as he continues to look at me, as at times he looked down at my lips, then back at my eyes. "So i heard your mother believed you" He mumbles.

I nod slowly, "Yeah, thankfully she did, and I was the one who had to clean up your mess" I say.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

I sigh, "My parents were going to confront your parents, after what you did and all.. but I told my mother to not"

He widens his eyes, "What? Why did you do that?" He asks.

I smirk a little as I decided to stay quiet, "Alright fine, we're playing that game then.." He mumbles.

I roll my eyes as I continued to look up at him, when I realised our faces we're quite close to each other. "You know, you need to fix your feet work Blackwood, no man would be admired by the way you waltz"

"And I care why?" I ask.

"I'm just saying, don't come running to me once someone rejects you because you waltz terribly" He smirks.

"Oh shut up Malfoy will you?" I mutter.

We continued to waltz, when the song ended, and I was pushed harshly on the ground. I look up, when I see Pansy standing above me. "What the hell Pansy!" I yell.

"Don't fucking dance with my Dracy! He's only mine! My Dracy and my dance partner!" She yells.

I widen my eyes when they flick between her and Draco. "Pansy, I asked her-" Draco begins when Pansy looks at him.

"W-what?" She asks.

"Parkinson, you do know the rule was for someone to get a new dance partner" Blaise says. Pansy looks at Draco then me before she runs out, crying. Draco rolls his eyes, "I can't take it anymore with that little brat-"

"Mate, chill.." Blaise says. Draco groans when he goes to sit back down.

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