chapter fifty

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He kisses me again as we both smile into each other's kisses. My arms we're wrapped around his shoulders, as his hands were still on my waist. "Mila.. if we want to do this.. I want to.. keep this a secret.. just for a little while.. do you mind that?" He asks.

I look up at him as my hands slowly fall to lay on his chest, "Yeah.. I don't mind.. I mean it would be better to not tell anyone for a while, till we actually know who to tell.. but can I at least tell Alexa and Bella?" I ask.

"Uhh.. can we not tell anyone, like literally anyone.. I don't even want to tell Blaise and Flint.. if you don't mind.." He mumbles.

"Yeah, of course, I don't mind.." I say.

He smiles as he looks down at me before he plants another soft kiss on me.


A week has passed by, and I haven't exactly been with Alexa or Bella, or anyone from the group. I have been spending time with Draco for the whole week, as I now have no time to even talk to them. We wouldn't even go to breakfast, lunch or dinner together, in case we looked too obvious for being together. Draco and I would always hang out in either my room or his room, in the common room, the library and sometimes the Astronomy Tower. I loved spending time with him, as he made me happy. He always made my day, which would be surprising, as this was Draco.

It was weird dating Draco, he was very formal, with a slight intimidation on him. He was still nice towards me, but if he ever told my stories about his father controlling him, he would immediately change the topic before he even finished the story. He sometimes helped me in potions, as he was known to be one of the top students for potions.

I walked into the Great Hall, when I look at the Slytherin table and notice that Draco made eye contact with me. I walked towards the Slytherin table, as his eye contact didn't break off me. "Oh hey stranger" Bella smirks.

I smile a little as I take a seat next to Draco, as he looks up at me. "What're you doing here?" He whispers to me.

"I'm having my lunch, like you should be" I whisper back.

"So tell me Malfoy, where one earth have you been that we haven't?" Blaise asks.

Draco takes a bite out of his apple, "Oh here and there, studying.. the library.. Astronomy Tower.."

"The Astronomy tower?" Alexa asks.

Draco nods before he takes another bite of his apple, "What're you doing in the Astronomy Tower?" Flint asks.

"Studying.. or just reading or whatever.. why do you guys even care?" He asks.

"Because we do care Malfoy, we haven't seen you in the past week," Bella looks at me, "Even you! Where have you been? I have a thousand things to tell you and the only time I see you is once your returning back to the dorm at 3 in the morning!" She yells.

"I'm sorry, I'm just busy-" I mutter.

"Doing what?" Blaise asks.

"I'm just.." I stop when I realise that Draco's hand was laying on my thigh under the table, as his hand kept on going higher, then sliding back down to above my knee slowly. I clear my throat, "I-I'm just doing my job for the.. Inquisitorial Squad.." I say.

They all nod before they look at Draco, "Malfoy, just be honest, are you seeing someone?" Flint asks.

Draco looks at Flint for a few seconds before he nods slowly. I hear Pansy gasp on the other side of the table, "Who is it? I'm going to fucking murder-" She begins.

"Pansy, calm down.." Alexa says.

I chuckle a little, "It's not your choice of who he dates Parkinson" I mumble. I feel Draco's grip on my thigh tighten, as if he was trying to warn me to be careful of what I say.

"Yeah it is! Draco doesn't know how to make decisions, so I make his own decisions-" Pansy says.

"Oh shut up Parkinson, I never gave you permission to make my own decisions" Draco says.

"I know you didn't Dracy, but we all know I tell you to make the good decisions.. I mean, no wonder he's so nice now, it's all thanks to me!" She says.

I roll my eyes as I look down at my plate of food, when Draco's hand loosens on my thigh.


"Okay Mila! Please tell me.. are you seeing someone or something?" Bella asks.

"What?! No! Of course not! Why?" I ask.

"Because you always come to the dorm late now.." Alexa says.

I stammer, "Well I'm here now, aren't I?"

"But you weren't this week"

I groan, "I'm telling you, there's nothing going on.. it's just the Inquisitorial Squad, that's all" I say.

They both nod slowly, "So it has nothing to do with Malfoy?" Bella asks.

My eyes widen, "Malfoy? Of course not! What on earth are you talking about?" I ask.

"It's just you guys are really close now.. and he did tell Blaise that he did like you.." Bella says.

"Yeah, we we're just curious because you spend so much time with him.." Alexa says.

"And the way he looked at you at lunch today.. It's like he's ready to take a Crucio spell for you.." Bella says.

I chuckle slightly, "There's nothing going on between me and Malfoy"

They both nod again as they smile, "Okay, well can I now say my shit?" Alexa asks.

I nod as I smile, "Okay.. so Blaise and I have gotten pretty close.. and I wanted to say that were.. dating now.." Alexa mumbles.

I gasp before I shriek with Bella and hug Alexa. "Really? When did he ask you?!" Bella asks.

Alexa laughs, "Last night, I mean I knew we both liked each other.. but he actually asked me to be his girlfriend.."

The more Alexa spoke about her relationship with Blaise, it made me think of my relationship with Draco. I thought about how Blaise allowed Alexa to tell her friends about her relationship, and that Draco didn't give me permission to tell them about our relationship. I didn't mind obviously, but I wanted to at least tell Bella and Alexa.

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