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Matt looked behind him to see Matilda. "Mattie, I-.. You weren't suppose to hear all that.. I'm sorry." He apologized. Matilda walked over to him and gave him a hug. "It's okay.. we can talk later if it's still troubling you." She said with a soft smile. He nodded before she gave him a kiss. She let him go from the hug and looked back to the cell.

Tamara just stood there looking kind of awkward in this situation. "Oh god-" Matilda said going up to the cell bars. "Your poor face! Come here." Matilda beckoned. Tamara hesitantly went over to the bars, eyeing Matt warily.

"This must've been from that mask of yours." The ginger female stated, looking at the cuts around her eyes. "You need to go to the infirmary. These aren't going to stop bleeding unless we treat them. Or they're going to get infected."

"Mattie, she's supposed to stay in here." Matt said to his lover. "It's okay, I'll make sure she doesn't do anything bad. I doubt she'll be able to when she can barley see." Tamara had just noticed she had been squinting her eyes the entire time from the pain. "Mattie I-"

"Matt please, just this once." Matilda asked again, giving him a begging look. The male sighed and took the keys from his pocket. He went to the door and unlocked it. "Don't you dare hurt her." Matt whispered sharply to Tamara as she stood at the doorway of the cell. "I didn't plan on it." Tam replied before Matilda grabbed her by the arm and tried to quickly rush her out of the cell room and to the infirmary.

Matilda walked down the hallway, keeping her arm around Tamara. She didn't want her to stumble or fall since she could already barely see properly.

The walk was quiet, the hallway: empty. Every soldier had already been rushed to the infirmary already, or were resting in their rooms, or working on something else already. All that could be heard as the click of their shoes against the hard floor.

"It's good to see you." Tamara said softly, breaking the silence. Matilda looked over to her and smiled softly. "It's good to see you too." There was a bit of silence once again, but it was a more of a comfortable silence now. "When Edd said that we had a prisoner and it was you I wasn't expecting this. I honestly expected for you to be fighting to get out and for you to still be wearing your mask.. But I'm glad you're not." Matilda added with a smile. "I haven't talked to you in forever! You'll have to tell me how you've been and what's been happening and what happened." She listed off excitedly. Tamara chuckled softly with a smile. "What's so funny?" The ginger asked. "Nothing.. I just forgot how hyper you could be sometimes.. I missed it." Tam smiled over to her.

Once they got to the infirmary Matilda brought her over to an empty bed. "Okay, let's see what we can do for ya." Matilda went over to a set of cupboards and drawers, clearly moved over here as a makeshift area to keep supplies. Tamara looked around, they weren't in a room really, it was just a very wide hallway that fit a decent amount of people. They had makeshift curtains around some of the beds to at least give the patients some privacy. And the patients around them were either asleep, chatting, relaxing, or being helped by another nurse or doctor.

"Here we are." Matilda smiled and walked back over to Tamara. "Okay, open your eyes superrr wide for me." Tamara's chuckled before she did as told and stopped narrowing her eyes. She winced at the movement. "Okay... now just like- move around your like eyebrows and eyes and stuff." Tamara did as instructed, wincing at most slight movements. "I bet I look insane right now." She joked to the ginger. Matilda giggled and nodded. "Yeah, a little bit. You can stop now." And she stopped. Matilda leaned in and looked at the cuts and gently brushed her finger against one, causing the soldier to groan in pain and squeeze her eyes shut. "Oh- I'm sorry!" Matilda quickly apologized. "We'll have to clean up the cuts and scars.. it's going to hurt but It's necessary." Tamara sighed and nodded. "We'll have to put some bandages on them too... we made have to cover yours eyes with them honestly."

"Matilda, how am I supposed to be able to see then. How am I supposed to protect myself if something happened." Tamara stated.

"We'll get you someone to stay with you and help you get around. Maybe Ell or I could do it." She smiled.

The soldier sighed. "Fine, just can we please get this over with." Matilda nodded and got some wet cloth. "Okay, hold still.." Matilda started to gently wipe away the blood, making Tam hold her breath and but her lips and tongue to keep herself from shouting out at how much it hurt. Matilda apologized profusely everytime she saw Tamara's reaction or anytime she'd let out a pained hiss.

Once they were done a lot of the blood was cleaned up, but more was definitely going to be on the way. "Okay we're going to do this super super fast." Matilda poured out some rubbing alcohol on the cloth and quickly patted each and every scar and cut with it. It was getting harder for Tam to not shout and she lightly held onto the bed for support. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry." Matilda apologized, feeling terrible. "It should stop burning in a bit." She said and went to throw away the cloth. She came back with some bandages and once the burning stopped she started to put them on. "Hey 'Tilda.. reusing a bloody cloth for that isn't really healthy..." Tamara pointed out.

The ginger sighed and nodded. "I know. But we can't waste resources here. We have so many people here. And so little people that can go out and get us things without being recognized by the army." The girl explained. She put bandaids and large stickable bandages on worse looking cuts before she grabbed the bundle of bandages. "Okay, ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Tamara shrugged. The bandages were wrapped around her head until they covered the area of scars completely. "I look like an idiot, don't I?" Tam asked. Matilda snorted and giggled. "Just a little bit maybe. But it's just until those scars heal up!" She added and put away her things. "I'll help you around for now." Matilda said. "But tonight you're going to stay in bed here. And you're going to rest."

"But Edd-" "I know, Edd wants to keep you as a prisoner in a cell but I think he forgets that you were and are our friend." Matilda said. "Wow thanks that cheered me up sooo much." The black eyed girl said sarcastically. The ginger giggled again. "Just lay down. I'll help you get everything figured out." Matilda helped her lay down and not lay down and fall of the bed, and she explained to her how there would always be a nurse in here if she needed anything.

"Now I gotta go. I need to go make sure Matt's okay. And I need to check on Clover. I'll see you tomorrow Tamara. Byeee!" She smiled and waved before walking off.

The infirmary was quiet. Everyone was mostly asleep other than a few soldiers just laying there thinking to themselves. Tamara tried and tried to sleep but it was no use. So she joined the few awake and just laid in her bed. She couldn't open her eyes much because of the bandages so she kept them closed.

So she kind of just.. laid there. Thinking.

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