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Edd stood on the stage with a grin to everyone. It wasn't a kind grin, more of a taughting one. "Well, looks like everyone is enjoying this party. It's a shame I wasn't invited." All of the guests seemed to stare up at him, scared of how the party would go from now with the "villain" here.

Tori looked over at him angrily while Clover had to keep a scared expression though she knew that the plan was working. Tord glared up at Edd along with Tamara. The two had already parted from their dance once all the rebels had stormed in.

"Awfully quiet now, isn't it?" Edd added as if this was all casual. "You shouldn't be here, Edd." Tord spat. The brunette looked down and around until he spotted the owner of the voice. "Well, you don't see anyone else complaining now, do you?" Edd said smugly. "Just get out of here." Tamara said sourly from beside Tord. "Hm.. guess there is one other person who doesn't want me here then..." The rebel leader said, looking down at her now. Tamara's hand seemed to be slowly gravitating towards the skirt on her dress. And soon she grabbed, from a holster under the skirt, a hand held gun. She pointed it up at Edd and soon the other rebels pointed their own weapons at Tamara. Tord looked around at the weapons now pointed at her and stood even closer to her. Edd raised his eyebrow looking down at them. "Now, Tamara, why don't you just put down that gun. You're very outnumbered here." He pointed out. The female just stayed quiet and glared at him. "Fine." Edd shrugged. "Stay like that then."

"Now. Let's get down to business, shall we?" He grinned. "So. You may think your precious red army is good right? Well you're really wrong." He chuckled. "They may have advanced quite a few things but have you see the towns? The cities? They don't care about them. All they care about is taking over everything and being incharge of it all." He stated harshly as he glared out at the crowd. "We, the rebels, are trying our hardest to beat them. To try to get things back to normal so everything isn't ran by two commies." Edd spat. Tord seemed surprised to hear Edd say that word. Edd was never the one to call him that.. it was always Tom or maybe Tam.. "Not to mention," Edd started up again, "They banned cola for no reason at all! But... that is besides the point of most of this... Now. Who would like to join me and the rebels. If we can get enough people soon we could be free from their terrible rein. Who's with me!"

Just as before it all remained quiet. The guests look back and forth around to eachother to see who would step forward and join. A sudden laugh broken through the silence. "Wha- who is that?" Edd questioned as the guests looked back and started to make a path for him to see. "I thought you'd know who I was just from my laugh Edward." Tori stated as her laughter died down. "No one wants to join your little group of rebels, idiot." "Everyone won't move just because you and your soldiers are here." Edd disagreed. "They knew you'd kill them in a heart beat."

"I guess that is true." Tori nodded and started to walk forward, through the path created by the guests. Millie pulled "Sara" closer so that she was out of the way. But all Clover wanted to do was see how things would go. "Exactly." Stated Edd. "So why don't you.. oh... I don't know.. give up already and surrender your soldiers? You are outnumbered." He reminded once again and squatted down to be closer to speaking face to face with her when she got to the stage. Only when Tori got infront of the stage did she reply. "Oh? Are you sure about that Edd?" And at those words the doors pushed open once more and more red soldiers came rushing in. Edd looked around for an escape before saying. "This isn't the last you'll see of me." "Oh I know Edward." Tori replied before nailing him right in the face with her robot arm. Edd stood up and stumbled back as he held onto his now bleeding nose. Tori began to circle around to the steps to get onto the stage while he was occupied. And with this going on all the soldiers were fighting eachother as well. Tamara shot and fought any rebels coming towards her or Tord, and did her best to protect Tori while she could. And one could say she was doing a damn good job.

Clover stared out onto the fighting as guests shrieked and yelled, trying to stay away from the fights or the rebels. But what she was trying to see was Edd and Tamara. She heard him say her name so she knew she had to be near there. And she knew of course that Edd was still on the stage. She watched as Tori climbed onto the stage and Edd looked up, seeing her. He let go of his bloody nose and turned to run. But Tori soon sent her soldiers after him. As the young girl looked for Tamara she only realized it was truly her she was looking at since she was near Tord. They both seemed to be in the middle of a fight. It was pretty easy for Tord to take care of the soldiers coming after him, considering he did have a whole robot arm. But Tamara was struggling a bit. A rebel knocked her gun out of her hand and she was left to fight with out it. She aimed her punches towards their face until they knocked her pretty hard in the jaw. Tamara did nothing for a second and that gave the rebel the perfect time to beat her. They threw a punch at her chest, knocking some of the air out of her. They aimed to punch at her nose next until two arms hooked around the rebel's neck and held them their as they struggle to release themself. Soon enough they went limp, simply passed out, and they were dropped. "You're welcome." Tom stated, stepping around the person to Tamara. "I could've handled that." She stated. "Sure you could've. Thank me later then." He teased and ran off to finish more fights. Tamara picked up her gun and turned to help Tord with the people he was fighting.

Soon enough the party was cleaned of the rebels as they fled, and everything was calm once again. Soldiers took dead of hurt people away and Tori went up onto the stage once again to speak. "I'm sorry about that little fight there. I promise this wouldn't 've happened if I had put more soldiers in here. It's my fault. But don't believe anything that rebel says. He's just a lair. Now, please, enjoy the rest of the party. We'll get things cleaned up and I'll return to talk to guests. Speak to me if you have any concerns." And she walked down the stage back down to Tamara and Tord. "Come on, you need to meet someone." She stated and lead the way.

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