Part 13

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(Y/n) laughs and nods. "Yes, my parents. Did you forget I have them?"
"Well you never talk about them."
"They live in the UK most of the time. I rarely see them anymore. I was raised in the US for a few years then they brought me here to live with my grandparents. They have my younger brother Bradley with them."
"Um... how old are they?" Enji reluctantly asks.
"Younger than you if that's what you're wondering."
The hero looks away. "I was afraid of that."
"I want them to meet you before the wedding, Enji."
Endeavor sighs but nods. "Ok darling. I'll accept all their criticism and hatred like an adult."
"I'm sure they won't hate you."

"Mama, papa!" (Y/n) cheers as she hugs her parents.
"Hello sweetheart." Her mother greets in Japanese.
"Is this him?" Her father asks in English.
(Y/n) sighs and pushes her parents into the estate, Enji following with their bags.
The three start ranting in English and Enji just stands there confused.
Finally the (h/c) man turns to the hero.

Enji bows then looks down into his eyes.
"What makes you think I should let you marry my baby?"

"Sir, I love your daughter. I made a mess of my family and I am working on it. I won't ever make the same mistake with (Y/n) and our daughter."
"Daughter? You had sex with my daughter?!" The man yells and lunges at Endeavor.
(Y/n) and her mother hold him back.
"Daddy it was my fault. I used my quirk on him and things went awry."
"Awry? So this was all a mistake because of your quirk. Great! You don't have to get married and you can come back to Bristol with your mother and I."

"Sakura, this man is not good for our daughter. He has hidden her away for a year and now wants to marry her. He's no family man."
(Y/n) clenches her fists. "I love him. Does that mean nothing? He has changed. Does that not matter? I asked you here because I wanted you to meet the man I'm gonna marry."
Enji wraps his arm around her waist as she walks over to him. He smiles softly at her and kisses her forehead.
Kenji clenches his fists. "I will not approve this marriage. I won't come to the ceremony either."

Tears well up in her eyes and she turns to her mother.
"Mama," she whispers in English.
"(Y/n) please think this through."
"I have thought about it. Since the moment I saw Katherine pop up on the ultrasound. I have wanted to marry Enji. Not for his money, not because he's the father of my child, but because I love him."
The hero blushes slightly and looks down at his fiancée.
Her father leaves quickly, followed by her mother.

"I'm so sorry." Enji whispers.
(Y/n) buries her face in his chest.
"Little flame, he has every right to be angry. If I was in his place I wouldn't give my blessing either."

"Enji, they're my parents and they should be happy that I'm happy."
The hero sighs and kisses her softly.
She blushes but kisses back.
"How about we start planning the wedding? You'll have fun and it'll get your mind off them."

"What color scheme?" Enji asks, looking through some colors.
"Does there need to be one? Can't everyone wear what they want?"
"Shouldn't the wedding party look coordinated?"
"Just because your first wedding was formal and stereotypical doesn't mean ours has to be."
"Do you have a dress picked out?"
"Yes actually. Do you want to see it?"
"I thought the-"
"Enji didn't I just say I don't believe in superstitions?"
"Technically no but I get what you mean."

(Y/n) comes out and twirls.
"Do you like it?" The maid asks, as she helps (Y/n) out.
"I'm speechless."
The maid puts the veil on and Enji stands up.
"You have only looked this beautiful twice before."

"When was that?" (Y/n) asks curious.
"The night we conceived Katherine and when I burst into the delivery room."
"Enji I was a sweating, panting mess both times."
"And yet I still found you beautiful."

"For better or for worse." The maid mumbles then walks away chuckling.
(Y/n) blushes but smiles. She cups his cheek gently and he holds her hips.
"We will have an amazing time."
"I hope Fuyumi will be my maid of honor."
"I want Natsuo to be my best man." Enji confesses.
"Gasp, not Keigo?"
The hero sighs and shakes his head. "If it were only up to me he wouldn't be at the wedding."
(Y/n) giggles softly and runs her hands down his chest. "And he would never forgive you. But now we just have to ask the children if they'd be ok with that"

"Maybe I can hold Katherine and we can be the flower throwers." Shoto comments walking over.
"Shoto! How long have you been here?" The father questions.
"Just a bit. You look lovely (Y/n)."
"Thank you Sho. Would you really be ok with doing that? Maybe you could also be the ring barer."
The boy smiles and nods. "Yeah. I'll go talk to the others about their roles."
The redhead pats his son's shoulder and smiles softly. "Thank you Shoto."
The boy pauses for a moment then nods and leaves.
"Progress is nice." (Y/n) whispers and rubs her fiancée's arm.

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