7 - War.

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ALL OF MY WORK IS CURRENTLY UNEDITED. Heavy editing will happen once I get the first 10 chapters out, afterwards I recommend re-reading the book because there's a chance that I might add onto the chapters to lengthen them. Enjoy.


I was once asked what war meant to me.

Like any other child I didn't think deep enough to understand the three letter word, I only answered what my heart believed. 

"War is defeating bad guys, it's winning."

But war was so much more then that. It was the destruction of the human race, or more so self sabotage thereof. Some described it as evolutionary and empowering while others believed it to be thieving. But in the end war was something to be fearful of. 

War was hell.


"Valentina Ricci, what the hell are you doing here?" 

Looking up I'm met with my 5th oldest brothers face. Francesso.

"Maybe because this is a college party? What the hell are  you doing here, aren't you like 31?" I say staring blankly up at his face.

"I'm 26 Val. And your coming with me young lady, Alessio's gonna love that your here." He replies with a glare before grabbing my wrist and starting to drag me behind him. 

"Yeah about that." I rip my wrist out of his hold. "I'm not going anywhere with that bastard. Have fun." Turning around I grab a cup of something off the table and start downing it as I walk away from him.

"Put that down." He grumbles yanking out of my hands and pouring it into a nearby plant. What was up with rich people and putting plants in their homes anyways? I think I saw a palm tree in the main entrance.

"Holy shit Valentina." He eyes widen as he finally looks straight into my dilated pupils and red eyes. "Your shitfaced, how long have you been here?"

I roll my eyes at him. I've been getting shitfaced at parties since I was 14 which may I remind you is because my brothers decided they didn't want me. Why did he care all of the sudden?

"Get the fuck off of me." I mumble as I slightly push him and his hands away from my face. 

"No, this is it. Your coming with me and Alessio whether you want to or not. C'mon." Pulling on my wrist once again, I stay in place.

"Valentina." His voice warns as he looks back at me. Giving him a blank amused stare I try to rip my wrist out of his hold once more but it seems like he's more aware now. Welp, I tried to be nice. 

"Francesso?" I saw sweetly as I look up at him with a smile on my face. 

"Yes?" He replies confused but intrigued.

"You should know I don't like being manhandled." I say letting my smile drop and turn into a glare while kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. 

Watching as he doubles over to hold his poor crotch, I only pat his head and skip off into the crowd where I'm praying I can lose him. 

Finally getting in deep enough I start to move to the other end of the group to make my escape. Smirking to myself when I've made it I move into a different room glancing behind me to make sure that no one is foll0wing. 

If what Francesso said is true and my hot headed brother is here then that means that I need to double my guard. Getting caught by Cesso is one thing but Alessio is a whole other story. Even when I was younger and doing something I wasn't supposed to be, the punishments I would receive from him we're hair pulling worthy. 

Shivering at the memories that I definitely don't wanna relieve. I find the cooler with alcohol in it. Even though I know my intake of alcohol tonight is getting scary, I still chug a can of beer.  Or maybe two. I don't know, I never keep track. 

Feeling another ding in my pocket I pull it out only to find a notification from Ben telling me to be safe. Shit! I totally forgot about Emilio's message. But when I go to check our chats nothing pops up. 

"Hmm, must be caught up doing something." I mumble to myself before shoving it back into my pocket to find something to do. Like  maybe hop parties, I can't stay here for that long anyways if I wanna stay uncaught by my brothers. I'll deal with their stupid punishments tomorrow when I'm not drunk and high off my ass.

"Valentina." I hear his voice behind me. Shit.

"Who's Valentina?" I reply not turning around. 

Feeling my arm being grabbed and turned around I come face to face with the one and only Alessio. This night really couldn't get any better.

"Wow, shocker seeing you here." I say grumbling under my breath.

"Cut the act, we're going home." He says pulling me behind him as he starts to walk out. 

Jesus what is it with men in this family and manhandling me.

"Let fucking go of me." My voice comes out as venom as I go to pull my arm out of his grasp.

"Quit pulling. I'm taking you home." 

"You aren't taking me against my will, and I'm not gonna go with you voluntarily." I say back as I start to actually struggle against him.

He grits his teeth and whips his body around to face me. Just when I think he's about to scream at me he grabs the upper part of both of my arms and throws me over his shoulder. 

I yelp caught off guard as my irritation starts to spark. I've had enough. I start kicking against him and hitting his back while letting out a string of curses. 

We finally get outside when I hear two more familiar voices.

"Did you really have to put her over your shoulder?" Angelo. My angel brother.

"She wouldn't have come unless I did." Alessio shoots back while still holding me here.

"You bastard! You put me the down before I chop off your dick and shove it so far down your throat you'll be shitting your balls out for the next month." I say as I continue to hit his back.

"See." Alessio says with a sigh.

"Fine, but this doesn't explain how exactly we're gonna keep her from jumping out of the back seat." Angelo replies with a tired tone. 

"I'll deal with it." Alessio answers. 

I feel him move to a car before he stars to open the door. 

"If you put me in that god damn car I will jump out and kill myself." I start to yell as I realize I'm actually going with them.

God please if your real let me escape, I just need a little more time.

"Oh I know little sister." He replies with a smirk as I feel him get in and remove me from his shoulder just to be plopped next to him and Francesso

Don't get me wrong, I was tall for my age but I was practically a dwarf next to these 6'0 men. So being squished in-between these two was the last thing my anxiety needed before sending me into a full blown panic attack. 

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yell as I start to push my arms into their sides and climb out of the window. I could tell it shocked all three of them before they reacted.

Alessio grabbed my upper body and Francesso my legs as they kept me immobile. Wrapping one arm somewhat around my head to cover my mouth he yelled at Angelo to start driving. 

Going into panic mode I start to claw at his hand and face that was leaning down next to my head to whisper comforting words into my ear while kicking at Cesso.

"Please baby, we aren't gonna hurt you." He says as he keeps his hand on my mouth to keep me from yelling for help but starts to stroke my hair where my hairline is. Tears start to roll down the sides of my face and then all of sudden I feel a prick in the side of my neck. 

Looking to the side my eyes widen in shock at the syringe being pulling away from my body and all the dots start connecting. 

They had just drugged me.

The tears start to become rivers as I yell louder against his hand and open my mouth to bite it. Yelping he pulls his hands away and I take it as an opportunity to get away from them. Pulling myself up I hit Cesso hard enough to make him let go of my legs as I crawl over the chair and into the back of the car. 

The car had stopped with all of the commotion so I opened the back and toppled out. Even though I was very wobbly I knew I only had a certain amount of time before I was gonna pass out so I took off running. 

 I could hear my name being called behind me and car doors slamming but I didn't stop. I couldn't. I had to run.

I had to run from the war that my brothers we're going to drag me into. 

I had to run from the war inside myself.

This is rough but it's the best I have right now. I haven't re-read at all so sorry. 

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