Chapter 26 "What am I going to do now?"

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The birds are chirping and singing a happy song, such a happy song that it wakes me up. Of course, I can hear their singing, but I resist opening my eyes and decide to just enjoy laying there and being engulfed in Harry's scent. My head lays on his hard, tattooed chest. His breathing is slow and patterned perfectly making me wonder if he was awake yet or not. Flash backs from last night run by in my mind making me softly smile to myself. I can't believe we actually did that.

"I know you're awake." I feel the low rumble in Harry's chest as his groggy voice speaks. Slowly I open one of my eyes slightly to see a lopsided, smiling Harry. He is so unbelievably cute in the mornings. Harry's hair was all tousled and perfectly messy. His eyes were still puffy with sleep although I think he has been awake a little longer than I have been.

I go to move off of his chest feeling a little awkward being like that with someone who is supposed to only be my friend. "Where do you think you're going?" Harry says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest. I giggle and smile like an idiot while he does this, it's everything I have every wanted. Harry. Me. Early mornings. Cute cuddling moments. Just, everything.

Harry buries his face in my neck and sniffs my hair. This seems to be a ritual of his so I get the guts to ask, "Why do you always seem to be sniffing my hair?"

"Well, good morning to you too." Harry says sarcastically.

"Good morning." I say rolling my eyes at him, making Harry smile. "So why are you always smelling my hair?"

"I don't know. It just smells like you, I guess."

"Is that a good thing?" I ask.

"It is a very good thing."

I smile in triumph and cuddle closer to Harry, and he wraps his arms tighter around my body. Silence takes over the room for quite some time before Harry decides to speak up again.

"Last night was...amazing." Harrys says slowly to me in my ear.

I smile to myself and say, "It was."

Another silence is bestowed upon the room until we both hear a knock on the door. Harry and I pull apart giving each other a strange look before Harry gets up to see who it was. I pull the covers over my body more as Harry exits the room. I want nothing more than to spend the whole day here with Harry in bed, but as fate would seem to have it, that will not be happening. Harry is speaking to whoever it was that showed up and I start to get curious. Their voices are muffled so I can't tell what they are saying, but I can tell it is not a man who Harry is speaking to. The other voice is to high pitched and annoying for it to be a man's voice. Actually, it kind of sounds like...Lisa! That must of been who was at the door!

I scramble to get out of the messy, messy bed Harry and I seemed to produce due to our shenanigans last night. I search and successfully find both my underwear and bra from yesterday as the voices outside get louder and louder. They are getting closer to the room I am in as I slip my jumper form yesterday over my head. Now I have to find my pants which seen to be hiding at the worst possible moment. I seemingly check everywhere, and finally find them in the last place that I look. I proceed to put one leg through one hole when the bedroom door opens. Lisa stands in front of me, a judgmental eyebrow raised at the suspicious scene in front of her. Me trying desperately to get my pants on, my hair being a mess, and the sheets of the bed are clear evidence that more than one person slept in the bed and probably did more than just sleep. Harry stands behind Lisa scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit. I stand there frozen in front of them, one leg through one of the holes in my pants and the other planted firmly on the ground pant-less.

"What's going on here?" Lisa says in a slow and intimidating voice. I immediately unfreeze and get my pants on, cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

"Lisa, I can explain." Harry says moving to stand in front of Lisa. Oh no, that is what guys say when they cheat and go on to explain about how much of a mistake it was. I can already feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Harry just used me. I have never felt so worthless. Oh, and Sam. Poor Sam. What have I done? My hand harshly tugs at my hair desperately hoping it will help with some of the guilt I am feeling right now.

"Please, explain." Lisa says making a hand gesture towards my direction and the bed.

"Grace and I had sex. I am so sorry, Lisa." Harry says. I feel my heart shatter from what I have done. What we have done. I brush past both Harry and Lisa, I practically run over to my suitcase and grab it by the handle. I don't want to hear the next words that are going to come out of Harry's mouth. I already know what they will be, he is going to tell Lisa he is sorry and I was just a mistake. Then he will quit speaking to me and I will have neither Harry or Sam. My life really is pathetic.

I rush over to the hotel room door, open it, and rush out. Harry keeps calling after me, but I have to idea why. In the end he is just going to go back to being with Lisa. She will forgive him and they will live happily ever after, just like how I want to be with him. I don't even have my ticket for home with me. Harry took care of all of that. I guess, I will have to spend the money I have been saving to buy a new car on a ticket home, but first I am going to go somewhere here in Paris where I can think clearly.

Harry didn't chase after me which made me think my judgments were right and that I was just a mistake. What am I going to do now?


A/N: O.M.G. Lisa's back....

Niki xx

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