It was a dark gloomy night on the Boiling isles, and Emperor belos was walking around the castle. That was until he heard crying. Following the sound he finds a small child.
"Hello there, how did you get in?" He crouches down. But the child doesn't stop crying. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to harm you" he says picking her up. He spots her round ears "you are a human.." he mumbles to himself "m-mummy! I w-want mummy!" The child whimpers.
"I don't know where your mummy is, so calm down please" he lightly wipes her eyes. "I don't even know how I'll get you back without the portal"
"Guess you'll be staying here until I get that portal huh?" He carries her to a bedroom. He then calls kikimora "yes my Liege?" She answers. "I need some assistance in the bedroom on the west side of the castle. "Yes sir!" She hangs up.
Soon enough the small woman arrives "sir? Why do you have a child?" She asks spotting the kid in his arms. "I found her in the castle.. and she's a human"
"A human? How did she get here?!" Kikimora asks walking over, "I don't know"
"Okay.. does she have a name?" The child looks up at Kikimora "L-Luz!" Luz smiles. "I'm thinking, maybe I could train her in the emperor's coven" Belos smiles.
"Are you sure sir? Shouldn't we return her home?" Kikimora asks "we can't, the owl lady has the door. So until we can obtain it, Luz can be apart of the emperor's coven"
"I'll go and find her some clothes, can you hold her?" He doesn't wait for Kikimora to answer, he places Luz into her arms. "My L-Liege- s-shes almost as big as me!" Kikimora tries to object but it's to late he's already out the room.
Sighing Kikimora turns her attention to Luz "so, how old are you?"
"Can you walk?"
Luz nods her head and Kikimora places her on the ground.
"Where are I? Where's mummy?" Luz asks "o-oh well I'm not sure where your mother is kid, but you are on the Boiling isles in the demon realm" Kikimora answers.
"And Emperor Belos is going to raise you in the emperor's coven"
A few hours had past and Luz was dressed in some pjs. They had cute little otters on, and by this time most of the coven heads where notified of the arrival of Luz.
Luz was happily playing with some of the coven guards. They gave her a few toys which she seemed to enjoy. "You've got to admit it, the kids cute!" One of the coven guards say.
At that point Luz yawned, "well someone's getting sleepy" One if the coven guards laugh slightly while picking up Luz. "Let's get you to bed shall we?"
They place her on a bed, waiting for her to fall asleep before leaving the room.
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