Chapter 4

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Elijah Kamskis Mainson Gavin's pov
I woke with a jolt. I never got a good night sleep the nightmares that haunted me made that impossible. I was in a unfamiliar room and bed.
" Hey gav." I sat up and looked up to see Elijah standing in the doorway. I never wanted to see his face again. He looked like mom thankfully . I see my father in my dreams to often." Hello Eli." I called him his nickname. His eyes teared up.
" Why didn't you come. I thought you cared about her." He asked me.
" You and her let him beat me until I couldn't breath because I told the truth." I snapped." He beat her to death ." I nodded." I know Eli."
He entered the room quickly and hugged me." I could've defended you, her." He looked so sad. Why did I put all the blame on him from back then.
I hugged him back." No you couldn't of you were a skinny thing back then." I started to get up. I missed him.
I was out of the police academy. I wasn't going to tell them till I got through school paid by them. I just got recruited by the Detroit police department maybe one day I will be detective. I would use my own last name not theirs. I took a deep breath and entered the room. Where my father sat he sent shivers down my spine. I was tough enough to take him.
My mother was covered in new bruises." Ok I've decided lying to you has to stop. I'm gay." I came out smoothly." I always knew you were a faggot." He yelled my brother who was sitting on the couch flinched. He afraid he would get hurt.
He turned and smacked my mother.

" You made me adopt a gay fuck." I punched him. I stood in position.Holding up my fist he turned and punched me
In the face." You'll pay for that."
Flashback over
I shudder those memories.Boy did I pay. Why did I ever go back.
Conan's POV.
I found my creator talking to Gavin.
I felt things for Gavin's but I would never let him know. Last time I tried he shot me. So it's best I keep it to myself. Elijah also told me to never tell Gavin how I feel." Eli I'm sorry I came back." Gavin said softly." Gavin he beat you to the brink of death for being gay. You shouldn't have come back .He hurt me after you left that's why I was so angry with you. Why I hurt you." Kamski said almost a whisper.
I decided to leave the brothers be.
I started to explore the building. I walked into a massive room with a red pool with 3 girls joking around. As soon as they saw me they froze up and looked emotionless." What is your service to Elijah." I asked curiously. One girl smirked she got out of the water. She strutted towards me swinging her hips slightly." We are his android toys we do what he wants. But I'm going to make an exception and do anything you want." She got very close to me. I was confused. What did she mean." I'm afraid I don't understand." She lifted her face really close to mine I stumbled back." What are you doing."I cried out.
Software instability.
She smiled sweetly towards me.
" Haven't you ever questioned your program. You felt things." She said stepping towards me." Well if you haven't I can change that."
I was confused she keep stepping closer to me and I backed up till I was against a wall." That's enough Cora." A voice I recognized sounded through the room.
" Connie, Chloe, Cora how are you ladies doing."He addressed the three girls." Now rk900 how have you been." Markus finally spoke to me. I let out a breath of relief." It's Conan I got a name." I smiled thinking of my name.
" I got shot and I'm starting to enjoy the dpd." Markus smiles at my nervous response." Enjoy hmm so you are starting to feel things." I looked down ashamed. He walked over and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up our eyes met." It's ok." I nodded. Then Gavin and Elijah walked in."Hey we said we would let him go deviant on his own." Elijah yelled. Markus nodded holding his hands up." I'm not the one trying to corrupt him." Markus threw a sour glance at Cora." I was making sure he was ok." Markus said flatly. Elijah nodded." Cora I got you that pretty pink swimsuit and you try and corrupt my newest model." Cora smirked.
" Don't make me take it from you."
" But Elijah what would I have to wear."
" Nothing." Gavin made a disgusted face at the flirting between Elijah and one of his androids.
Connie and Chloe were giggling.
A male android in tight shorts and no shirt walked in with a tray.He had 4 glasses of whiskey." Thank you Calvin." Elijah smirked and smack his ass as he walked away. This man weirded me out. I thought humans could only have one partner and he probably had his way with every Android here. Elijah handed me Gavin and Markus a glass.
Gavin drank his quickly. While Markus frank his slowly. Elijah handed his glass to Gavin who drank this one to.
I didn't understand why Markus was here." Well boys I have a meeting with Markus here see you soon Gavin. Don't wait so long next time." Markus looked uncomfortable." Where is Connor I thought he was coming." Elijah smirked." Did I say that oh well." The men walked off.
" Well we have work today so let's go." Gavin said to me. We walked out together

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