Chapter 12

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So my best friend who I thought was my only true friend hates me and I've been having a very sucky few days but it's ok I've deleted all my social media and refuse to talk to people and stuff and my mental state has gotten worse so I've decided to write some chapters good news though in the tag 900gavin I'm #1 which is really cool and everyone telling me I'm an amazing author makes my day every time I love all of you and want to thank you so much for the support 

Gavin's pov
" We can't have you dating the dpd property. Please don't be as stubborn as the lieutenant." Captain Fowler said calmly.

How dare he. Conan is not property. He's my partner in more that one way.

"He's not your property according to the android rights law he is his own person. So you can't not suspend me fire me or get rid of Conan." I snapped.

I stood up. Fowler shook his head." We both know those things aren't people." How dare he say such a thing.

" Shut up captain. They have feelings they are alive at one point I would of agreed with you but I understand them now." He shook his head and motioned to his door.

" Leave reed."

" Gladly."

Conan's POV
I got an alert. Two suspicious men walking around a hotel.

I got Gavin and we headed out.

The hotel

Gavin and I split up.
I was walking around the hotel was on lock down. I had my gun out.

"Detroit police." I heard Gavin yell. He found the perps. I started to make my way there slowly.

"Drop the weapon and get in the ground." Gavin yelled his voice wavered.

He's in danger. I started running towards where I heard Gavin. I didn't need to follow the sound of his voice any more. The gunshots went off. I ended up behind the guy. I tackled him.

Gavin was shot  in the shoulder and in the arm multiple times. He used his arm as a shield. I handcuffed the guy. It took everything in me not to kill him. I turned around quickly after hearing footsteps. The other suspect had a gun draw on me. I put my gun to the first guy.

"Drop the weapon or I'll shoot your buddy." I identify both suspects Jack and Jake shark. Bothers, twins to be exact.

" He's your brother. You want me to kill him." I threaten the guy with a guy on me." You're a cop you won't."

" Well he just shot my boyfriend so I think I will."

The gun lowered his gun to the ground I hand cuffed him.

Then the paramedics rushed in. I glared at then. What had taken them so long. One of the paramedics looked at Gavin's arm and looked at me and the other guy shaking his head slightly. What did they mean."

"He'll live but he need to get to the hospital now." One spoke.

At the hospital.

" Let me see him."

" your not family." How dare they saw that I'm his boyfriend. I rolled my eyes.

" I'm his boyfriend." They looked at me funny and laughed. I turned to the nurse who laughed.

"Dating a machine this guy getting anyone even a robot isn't likely." The fuck did he just say.

" I mean look at him your a robot handsome you probably could do better." He continued.

He is gonna fucking regret it. I punched in the gut then the face. He fell to the ground gasping for air. Two guards grabbed me. I'm the most advanced android to exist stronger than ten men and faster them then to. I shrugged.

" You shouldn't insulted him in front of me." I growled. The nurse groaned.

The guards helped him up. They knew they can't take me down. I sat outside Gavin's room. The doctor left the room.

" Will he be ok." I said standing up.

" Well we cant tell non family members."

I groaned." Fucking tell me or you'll regret it understand me doc." I shoved her to the wall I was taller than  her.

" He  lost an arm and had it replaced with cyberlife technology. He's got a broken rib and concussion sighs show he was hit with a gun."

She said quickly I left her go." Thank you." She nodded and ran off." What'd you do to her." Elijahs voice sounded through the now empty hallway.

I ran my hand through my hair. Fucking kamski I hated him. Why was he here.

"Go away." I muttered sitting down. He shook his head.

"Not while my brothers is the hospital."

Ugh why couldn't he be a bad brother and leave.

I shook my head slightly." They say he hasn't woken up." I looked up alarmed. That fucking doctor." They don't know when he'll wake up ." Elijah said sounding worried.

Gavin's pov
I looked around. The white ceiling walls. I'm in a hospital. I remember be shot a few times. I looked at the arm that was shot. It was black with some blue lights.

"What the fuck!" The snapped sitting up quickly. I looked the arm up and down. My arm was gone.

" Conan go home and take a shower. Your a mess you need sleep or food." I heard a familiar voice say. Hank?

" No." I heard Conan snapped he sounded exhausted which I didn't know could happen to androids they do  need to recharge.

"Please Conan you really need to recharge by eating or sleeping. Also you need a shower." I heard Connor begging his brother to take care of himself.

" Visiting time is about to start. I'm not going to miss seeing him." Conan snapped outside the room I was in.

Oh Conan. Why did he miss me. How long have I've been here.

" Conan you have been here for almost a week. Sleeping only while waiting to see him."

Connor snapped. I've been asleep for a week. Fuck I need to get up. My head was pounding. My arm didn't hurt but it freaked me out. Considering it's not there any more.

"Sir y-you can v-visit him, but I-I need to check his vital signs." A women's voice stuttered.

" Of course whatever you need." Conan's said he sound happy.
The door opened I waved slightly.

"Hey tincan." Conan's gasped and hugged me. It hurt slightly I let out a small groan.

"Did I hurt you." He asked panicked.i shook my head.

He kissed me." You are really are  idiot Gavin. Using your arm as a shield what the hell."

He snapped out of being happy I'm alive to scolding me.

I apologized. Then the doctor  came in.
She looked really nervous. She kept far from Conan.

"I'm sorry sir but you need to leave for a little bit while we make sure he's ok." She said softly.

Conan left and the doctor seem to regain her composure." What the hell happened." I asked aloud.

"You were shot." The doctor responded I shook my head.

"No everyone seems so afraid of Conan the biggest softie on the earth ." I said annoyed she get my first question. She looked down.

"He hurt nurse and a few guards then threatened me ." She responded.

Oh Conan.

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