2- Is this punishment?

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It happened like it was in someone else's dream or fantasy. Yet, it was not impossible to happen to him...or is it?

People like him could not feel things or be able to take to considerations what had happened. But here he was, contemplating on what had happened.

Was it a hellish nightmare? Of course not. His kind did not even dream, let alone sleep. So it had all been real. As real as the world is.

These...emotions that are running rampant within him. Why him though? Why not the companion he had with him? Why was he chosen to understand what had happened to him.

Being devoid of feelings was enough for him to concentrate on important matters.

Was this punishment?

Did he took a wrong turn and was given these different emotions to deal with?

It better not be so. Being devoid of feelings or any human emotions suited him well and it suited his purpose very well.

His job was simple and it kept him on the higher ranks, along with his superiors. Before the incident even happened, he was only about to finish his task.

He was good at his job before everything went wrong and came crashing down.

He wanted to ask fate if this was punishment, but he knew they would only turn a blind eye on this. He knew that whatever happened to him before all this was going to be history.

Nothing he can do could take all this away and let him be devoid of feeling. He may as well...urgh.

He could not even stomach the thought of getting used to this new set or range of rampaging emotions that settled in to his body and his soul.

How on earth could these humans even stomach these different sets of feelings?

He would never know, and he was not as willing to find out as his other companion.

His companion who immediately ran for shelter when everything burned in front of him. All the while he got the full blow of these emotions.

"Tell me, how do you feel right now?"

He heard the voice of his companion. Asking him of such ridiculous curiosity.

Turning to look at him, he didn't even let a tiny spark of this new found feeling affect him.

"I don't feel anything."

"Must you lie about that too?"

"If I told you the truth, you would think it a lie anyway."
He said at his companion. No new emotion betraying him. So far so good.

Seeing as his companion could not get a single rise out of him from these new emotions, then it is possible to control them.

If he could figure them out one by one and understanding them, it would be easier to use them as a weapon. Which will make his job and daily tasks easier.

"Very well then. Let's carry on shall we?" He asked his companion. Again betraying nothing on how he felt. Still a mask of devoid feeling.

The way it should be.

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