Chapter 9

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(I'm not going to explain why I updating this quickly as I, myself, have no clue. Did you enjoy Robyn's personal adventure last chapter? Author-kun out!)

Today, as always, Mrs. Jones was not making lunch. The lady who was making lunch had her hair tied up in a bun and wore her patchy dress with pride. If you looked closely, she had a patch sewed neatly to her apron saying 'The best cook'. Now, if Mrs. Jones had her glasses on then maybe this patchwork of a phrase would be removed and replaced with a neat patch saying 'The paid cook'. "Good afternoon Miss Mittens," Robyn said as she walked by. "Ahh, good afternoon little Jones," Miss Mittens always called Robinson that, when Mrs. Jones wasn't around may I add. 'An informal worker is an unworthy worker' She would always say.

When Robyn entered the dining hall, a small letter sat at her usual space on the table; one of the heads of the table. Her back was facing the quickest entrance to the kitchen, and she faced a large window at the front of the mansion. By the windowsill, there sat a bed of roses which the mansion gardener tended to every Thursday. Mr. Grey was the main gardener and he was a tall and lanky man with a large fluffy moustache. He only worked Thursdays and when he was working, you could smell a whiff of wine wherever he went.

The letter was addressed to Robinson- as anyone who wished to speak to Mrs. Jones would be given one of the numbers of her many numbers- it had the school crest of Madame Boulevard private academy meaning it had to be from her. It read:

Dearest Robinson James Jones,

I plead that you reconsider my request as it is very important to me and my family. I hope to start a sort of partnership with you, a business if you please, over your evening tea I hope to confirm the action to turn your fan fiction account into a money-making business. It would give you the final push to make your world known and me, the fame I've always wanted. After a few decades, we could calmly explain the truth to the ever-growing media otherwise we will be 'canceled' as Twitter puts it.
Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Margret Smelterson.

The corners were torn and damaged, meaning the headmistress of Robyn's old school- Ms. Angel or as everyone called her, Ms. Heathen- read through the contents to see if Elizabeth was in contact with any 'sluggish, uncultured man' as she believed it is so terrible if Elizabeth was. Robyn wasn't amused, if Ms. Angel knew anything about her addiction to writing fan fiction she would drag Robyn back to the academy even without permission as it would 'ruin her credibility. She tossed the letter aside, she wouldn't respond to it as she knew it would be checked too. Her life was crawling inside out as too many people knew, if she couldn't keep this a secret, how could she keep her hero life hidden?

"Your dinner ma'am," Ms. Rose said, her name was Julia and she worked here for extra coins. "Thank you," Was all Robyn could muster, she was still a bit on guard about her identity after that letter. Her lunch was baked potatoes, beans, and cheese, it wasn't her favourite but Miss Mittens had a weekly lunch and dinner order she had to obey. Cutting up the potatoes into smaller pieces and then dipping them into the beans, Robyn's mind drifted away from her multiple identities and onto the Parisian heroes.

It seemed that Ladybug was the guardian of the miracle box, which the Oracle normally assisted in guarding. Years ago when she got the skill box, she promised she would never be an assistant to anyone or be the punchline of a joke. It just wasn't in her nature, she took care of her enemies and she would rise in the world by her own means. She got the box by accident when the guardian went into cardiac arrest, she was moved into the room Mrs. Jones was originally occupying in the hospital and Robyn's mother didn't bother telling her she had moved rooms. The guardian died a few months later, Robyn was the only person who bothered going to her funeral. She guessed this was her 'superhero origins' but this could have happened to anyone, right? Wrong, out of the people who visited the guardian's room, she chose Robyn.

Once Robyn finished her lunch, she trudged up the stairs towards her room, where the gem of her 'hero-hood' lay solemnly untouched just like it was when she picked the Owl skill. "Robi! You took soooooo long, I could've died," And of course, she forgot, the kwamis who taught her everything she needed to know about the magically part of the solar system. "Pidget, what did we say about shouting at the top of our lungs when we see Robinson?" Lori flew after the pigeon-like kwami.

Sully, the seagull kwami, stopped staring at the window and took it upon himself to intervene. "GUYS! GUYS! We get it! You're bored!" Sully screamed and flapped his wings even though it didn't help with his flight. "Can we- just be quiet for at least one minute," Robyn groaned and held her head as she stumbled through her room, almost tripping over Loki, towards her bookshelf. She took longer than a minute to find what she was searching for, the guardian guide. She thought that she could print another copy and give it to the new guardian of the Miracle box, Ladybug. Her copy was massive and old so she would never be able to bring it to and from patrol meetings. She would also need to translate her copy into French as Chinese could be hard to read for a beginner.

Before she could do anything though, she remembered it was her and Cat Noir's patrol night. She quickly said her transformation words and Lori went zooming into her skillful. "Don't make too much of a racket, the neighbours could hear," Robyn remarked as she made her passing remarks to her only mentors. "TRY TO MAKE FRIENDS! I WANT MORE KWAMI FRIENDS!" Pidget shouted as Oracle jumped out of her window and Sully, Mel and Beaker struggled to close the window after their guardian left.

"Ten bucks, she freezes up," Sully grabbed a deck of cards from the drawer. "YOU HAVE A DEAL!" Pidget shouted and Sully shuffled the cards. "Robi never freezes up," A duck kwami called Pongo ('I know you know this reference') joined them at the desk on the right side of the room. "Gambling is unholy, stop it at once," Angie, the dove kwami, joined the game as Sully dealt the cards.


"I always win, Pidget, you should know this by now,"

"Not always, Sully, just sometimes," Craig, the crow kwami, placed his first card down as Pidget looked stumped. "Can I just say, when have you ever won a bet Sully?" Craig asked as Angie, his romantic partner, placed her card down on the table, "Robi has never frozen up in her life, even when Roger died, I guess her brain is thinking a mile a minute,"

"Thanks to Lori of course, Lori's always had a mental effect on her holders," Angie commented while shuffling through her cards, figuring what she would place down next. "Remember Darcy? Lori's mental tampering went too far with her," Pongo pondered ('IT RHYMED!') while Polly, the parrot kwami, pointed out at a few cards she could place. "We all remember Darcy, that poor soul, how could Lori's tampering cause such a catastrophe? How could we ever talk to Lloyd again?" Polly whimpered, remembering her lastest holder- Lloyd- as she also remembered the large fight between them before she left.

"You think this will happen with Robi? Does she even know that Lori's skillful is broken? If not, why haven't any of us told her?" Pidget finally calmed down and asked a relevant question. "I don't know. Robi doesn't know and she doesn't need to unless it starts effecting her, Lori can't help it. She hasn't had a long term partner for centuries," Rocket, the albatross kwami, answered as he zoomed over from his skillful.

"Since Lydia?"

"Since Lydia, I miss her, she always had that sense of trust roaming around her," Mel sighed as he took everyone's cards in when Craig won. "WASN'T THAT WHEN IT BROKE?!" Pidget started shouting again as Angie took it upon herself to deal the cards. "I guess,"

(One word, lore. To be honest, the author's note at the beginning is a joke, I took so long writing this as my brain wanted to write four chapters of a different story and write fifteen chapters of a fanfic that's not even my words just a theatre (When I started writing this word, it auto-corrected to 'threat-reduction', how funny) script with a few characters being added. Most of this chapter blurred off draft and I waffled on about a bit of lore I created for the skill box. I also wanted to ask you, do you feel that Robyn is another 'Mary-sue'? I hope you're familiar with this term or if you're confused, look it up or ask me in the comments as I'll happily explain. For further notice, I wrote while I was on an airplane meaning some of this may be me waffling on. Have a great life! I am not discontinuing this if anyone was wondering where Chapter Nine was. Author-kun out!).

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