Chapter 5

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"I forgot to remind you guys, but we have a class trip to a World War Two museum where we will be spending three nights at," Miss Hayward, the History teacher, said close to the end of the lesson. A small grunt in agreement came from the busy students.

"Remember the trip is in two day, make sure you have packed the right supplies.  If not, check the packing list sent out by email," The teacher went on to list the activities the trip included. The students had been studying for an exam in two weeks. "Hey! You excited for the trip?" Marinette whispered, Robyn had been dozing off during Miss Hayward's big speech.

"Uhhh, yea," Robyn murmured as she stretched and yawned. "Sleepy?" Marinette  asked as Miss Hayward left the room. "Not as much as Lila," Lila had told the teacher she was up last night saving puppies on the street. She was currently at the back with a pillow, dead asleep. "Well, I heard from a friend that Adrien ran away from her on their date," Marinette's 'friend'  was actually Ladybug snickering and laughing at the scene of Lila crying.

"I was up writing last night while my mother was on a shift," Robyn muttered quietly, the plot of one her unposted books had been dying for a re-write. "Have you packed for the trip?" Marinette finished up her work and started reading Robyn's drafts. "You misspelled 'because' in the 3rd paragraph," Marinette pointed out as Robyn pulled out another notebook to correct every draft of the 3rd paragraphs. "Thank you, if you are wondering about my packing state then please remember that my mother knows everything and packed last week," Robyn re-wrote the paragraph and finished the chapter draft. 

"Class dismissed," Miss Hayward called out as Alya went to wake Lila up. Robyn packed up her stuff and helped Marinette finish her editing before heading to the creative arts club. While Marinette headed to her locker to grab her art supplies, Robyn grabbed a seat in the classroom and started drafting a chapter.

"Robinson, what are you writing?" Marc had pulled out a seat beside her and was writing in a small black notebook. Nathaniel, a couple rows down, was surrounded by other artists, all working on different panel of his 'comic'. "A book, and you are?" Robyn answered formally.

"A small...project with the other artists," Marc murmured, he was writing a scene called the 'dual'. "If you're interested in joining, ask Nathaniel," Marc stuttered and turned a fragile page to the 'members list'. 

"That will make a great book someday," Robyn was reading through the script for Nathaniel's comic. "Thank you, but we are only high schoolers," Marc squeaked, for a person that doesn't get out much, he never really appreciated his work. 

"Robinson, can you help with the paints, I am so tired and I'm afraid I'll drop them,"  Lila was standing towards the door with large paint bottles. As Robyn started walking towards Lila, Alya appeared out of with the books Robyn had been using a week before. One was a documentation of akumas and the other was a list of akuma powers.

"Lila, I have the books you said were about Ladybug," Alya huffed as she placed them down. "Yes, I use them for my books," Lila almost whispered, her head hung low and eyes were focused on Robinson. As she slowly carried some paints towards Alya, Robyn carried the rest until she reached Lila's desk. Lila was painting a version of one of Robyn's book covers that an acquaintance made for her. 

"Back to where we were," Robyn prompted, Marc just nodded and started writing. "What is the basis of the comic?" Robyn asked as she flicked through the previous comic's pages while Marc marked off comic panels that had been completed before continuing to write. "It's a superhero story with bits of time travel here and there," Marc supplied.

"Everyone! I am here to bless you with my wonderful creation," Chloe and Sabrina stalked to the front of the creative arts classroom.

"Chloe, the last time you came here, you left here in fists of rage," Alix commented, she was working on a large canvas. Sabrina had been holding a small purple sketchbook in case Chloe got to work on her collage. When Sabrina noticed that Chloe wouldn't be in the classroom for long, she swiftly placed her sketchbook in her backpack. "Sabrina told me that Lila was here writing her book. Sabrina!" Chloe shouted as she wandered over to Lila's desk, "And of course I wanted to see if she could add me as Ladybug's best friend," 

Sabrina, who was reading Marc's work, stumbled over to Chloe. "C-Chloe, have you seen Robinson and Marc's work, they should be authors," She splinted, her eyes were watching Nathaniel paint while Chloe snatched Marc's notebook. "H-hey! Give it back!" Marc's spluttered as he tried to reach for his book.

"Give it back Chloe!" Marinette said sternly, she was carrying a pink diary and sketchbook. Once Marc got his stuff, the room went dark. A shadowy mist boiled and bubbled throughout the desks as a gloomy figure hobbled along the classroom until she reached Lila's desk.

"You." It barked as Lila cowered in fear. "You." It said more firmly this time. It's hallowed out fingers reached towards her face. "Me?" Lila squirmed, trying to get out of it's reach. "You, liar," It's cold voice laced with venom. "Cheater," Lila almost bit the fingers off of it. "Faker," The figure turned towards the classroom, hands around Lila's torso.

"Not so fast, monster," Ladybug's calming voice filled the dark room. "Great entrance milady, not as cool as mine," Cat Noir's casual rhythm started as he struck a pose. "Dare not heroes but amusing entrances are what actors play by," Oracle's old-fashioned tone made everyone turn and look at her. "Who are you?" Hawkmoth's dark and menacing voice spoke through the akuma. "I am Oracle, information gatherer and guardian of the skill box," Oracle bowed and deflected a blow from the akuma. "Where is this box?" "Merlin's beard, why do you think I'd tell you,"

  "I, Truth Seeker, will steal your deepest darkest secrets," To protect Ladybug, Cat Noir is hit wit a cane from Truth Seeker. "I hate my father!" He shouted, everyone looked at him with utter confusion. They all expected a reveal.

"Is that it?" Cat Noir gulped, revealing dark secrets that didn't include his identity was hard. "Oracle next," The akuma smirked. When Oracle was hit, she simply said, "Life isn't easy," Oracle couldn't lie easily but she could nonetheless. "What! Is that the only secret you have?!" Truth Seeker shouted. Ladybug, who was dodging various attacks, used her lucky charm which ended up in ear plugs. "Justice has always been blind, right?" Oracle commented as she dodged a blow from her left. 

"Justice is blind, justice is blind. That's it! She can't see because the truth is blind," Ladybug shouted, she sneaked up behind Truth Seeker and blocked her ears with the ear plugs. Truth Seeker was now wandering around the classroom aimlessly while Ladybug grabbed her coat and ripped it.

"Bye bye little butterfly," She said as she threw the ear plugs in the air. The akuma became a tall ginger-headed girl whose eyes were wrapped in bandages. "Whose there? Where am I?" The ginger shouted. "Let me take you to a empty room, and I'll explain," Oracle was quick to lead the giant girl to a quiet room.

"Pound it!" Before Ladybug ran to a bathroom, Cat Noir pulled her into a hug and whispered, "Don't run away from me bugaboo,"

"Not now kitty, I'm going to find Oracle," Ladybug whispered while Cat Noir ran in fear of his identity of being shown. While he ran, he muttered, "So we're becoming the reincarnation of the  Adam West Batman now, are we?"


After school, Lila Rossi went home. Her mother would be out for the whole evening so she would be having cold pizza from the fridge and some left over ice-cream her mother brought from her various parties. Her phone was blasting documentaries about heroes and what their powers are from.

About the time she arrived at her apartment, Alya posted the video of the most recent akuma. "Ladybug and co. arrived just in time to save Lila Rossi, Ladybug's best friend, to soon if you ask me," Alya's electric voice vibrated through the phone. Happy with Alya's response, Lila made sure to like the video and commented 'They love me! I'm so happy Ladybug can save me every time even though Hawkmoth found out about our friendship'. Before passing out on the sofa, Lila made sure that the microwave was prepped for warming up pizza.

The news had been turned on and it blasting information about what Chloe's father has been doing. Lila wished that one day she'd be the main star on newspapers and TV shows. She knew Alya was on the way to becoming a news reporter and she hoping that when she made it big that Alya would be reporting her in the best light. Her mother, Miss Rossi, had never really acknowledged Lila's lies and was too busy at work to find out.

Her childhood wasn't the best but she was trying to find her own way life instead of waiting for her mother to come and brighten the world for her. When the ringing and vibrating of her phone started get louder, Lila picked. "Lila! I have information!" Alya shouted, her face was glitching in and out of existence.

"Wait, from what?" Lila backed up before heading into the kitchen with her phone for a snack. "You know?! From those books you suggested," Alya responded, she flicking through the pages until she seemed content with the page she had landed on. "What does it say?" Lila had read those books but she had seen Robinson reading them. "It says that most akumas gain powers that relate to their ambition for example 'The Bubbler', Nino was at a party and wanted all parents to float away and so he gained party bubble powers! Cool, right?!" Alya finally calmed down before flicking to another page. "What if we wanted to created miraculouses out of jealously of wanting to be a hero?" Alya questioned and started researching on her computer at her apartment.

"I don't know," Lila shrugged before writing down a note to later give to Hawkmoth. The origin on the moth miraculous was wanting temporary soldiers, whose powers were enhanced. If Mayura had the same origins, that could mean they could create an experimental God. "The fox miraculous could do the same right?" Lila asked. 

"No! The fox miraculous can only make illusions!!" Alya shouted before cringing as her mother shouted back. "I have to go do charity work, bye Alya!" Lila said before hanging up.


While Robinson waited for her mother to pick her up, she wrote down ideas for future skills. A frog skill could be useful for camouflage but a polar bear skill could more useful for more core strength. The little permeant heroes Paris has was weighing a tole on her. What could be the most use is an ant skill which make use of civilians like a hive mind by touching them. "Robinson!" Mrs. Jones called from her car. "Coming mother!" Robinson shouted before running into the limo. 

Many people would think that Mrs. Jones would hire a driver but she preferred to drive herself. "How was school?" Robinson just grunted before starting sketching a new animal-based skill. A crown could be used as an ant skill. "Are you going to answer?" Mrs. Jones asked before turning into the driveway of the mansion. "No,"   

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