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The images flash through my head as I speed to wherever my body is taking me. There is no way that this is safe.

The cut that healed on Stefan's hand, Damon's quick reflexes, the animal attacks. Everything made sense.
I stop my car and get out. Suddenly my mind is mine again. I look out in front of me and I'm at the boarding house.

Fuck this place is creepy.

Damn this place was big and creepy from the outside. It's like one of those buildings that you'll see in a horror movie. Or a nightmare. Wait  am I dreaming. No I can't be. Maybe I should pinch myself.

Ok nope ouch definitely not dreaming.

Even though I had control again I could still remember all the things that I had just seen.
I walk up to the door knocking on it. Should I even be doing this. What if he kills me.

I go to knock again but midway the door opens and I'm greeted by Stefan with a confused frown.

This should be interesting.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm still trying to figure out what happened, how did my body just take control.

I look past him into the house and it's exactly what I just imagined. It was basically a mansion that you'll find in a 2000's horror movie.

"Emily?" Stefan calls again snapping me out of my daze and i look back at him. Oh yeah... vampires... blah blah blah.

"Oh ok.... so. Vampires huh?" I ask bluntly. It wasn't really a question though. It was more a statement made to sound like a question.

He hesitates then furrows his eyebrows at me. "I don't know what you're talking about... " he lies.  "Are you okay." Asks fakely.

I fold my arms over my chest looking at him. "Don't lie... that's why the cut disappeared." He shakes his head with a chuckle. "No.. no i told you that wasn't my blood." He tries to convince and i tilt my head. "So... if i just found a piece of wood and happened to stab you. Right in the heart..." i trail pretending to do that and I make this small explosion noise with my mouth. " you wouldn't turn all gray and veigny and... i guess die." I comment with an innocent shrug and a fake confused look.

He doesn't answer, or say anything.

----- ----

I sit inside across from Stefan inside on the sofa with a smug smirk. "Oh it wasn't my blood I'm fine.." i mock in my best Stefan voice. It wasn't that good.   "Ha as if... sorry Stef but I'm not as gullible as my sister." I shrug tilting my head to the side.  Sorry for the names calling Lena.

Is it the best idea to be alone in a house of vampires. Probably not but I know what I'm doing.

Now may also be a good time to mention to y'all that I'm a witch. I know weird right. That's what I thought too when things would just explode when I touched them but I have control now, I'm not gona kill anyone. Hopefully. That'll be weird.

The only person that knows though is Jeremy and it needs to stay that way so...

Shit this place was so freaking big.

For the past minute all he has been saying is please don't tell Elena. He says he'll tell her and for some reason I trust him but he doesn't need to know that right now. "So who's been killing people?" I ask.

"Guilty." Damon chimes walking down the stairs. Of course it's him. Freaking psychopath.

He reaches the bottom of the stairs walking towards us. "I see we're just letting everyone in on the family secrets?" He states sarcastically gesturing at me. I recline in the seat flipping him off. "Please. You can't tell anyone." Stefan pleads. "Well of course she can't because we're going to compell her." Damon says and then tilts his head at Stefan. "Right?"

Another thing you should know is that I can't be compelled. But Either way I wasn't going to tell anyone about their secret.

I turn to Stefan sitting up placing my elbows on my knees. "So what about you.... you had anything to do with any of the bodies."

He shakes his head. "No I don't drink human blood." So what the hell did he drink.

"So your like vegan or something... the hell do you drink?"

"Animal blood."

Damn i did not see that coming. Shit poor jack rabbit and bambee the deer. 

"Animals?" I say raising my eyebrows. "So like..... boots the monkey?" Why was this creepier than drinking humnans.

There goes my childhood.

Damon lets out a  snort at my comment and then turns to his brother. "My brother has a bit of a um... ripper problem so he has to stick to the soft stuff." He explains."But not like you're gona remember any of this." He shrugs.

"You are not messing with my mind." I scoff. "Don't worry. We're not going to." Stefan assures. "Like hell we are." Damon shoots back.

"I trust her." Stefan says. "Well I don't." Damon replies with a glare.

"Look. Stefan is on the list of people that I actually like, you however are not... but I'll keep your secret." I answer.

"How do you know so much about this?" Stefan gestures around to himself and Damon. Ohh he means vampires.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a fake confused look. "You knew exactly what would happen if you staked me? I don't think you got that from the internet." Stefan says and I shrug.

"Well i spent two years in New Orleans. I learned things" I  answer.

It wasn't exactly a lie.

Damon looks unconvinced but Stefan nods possibly believing me. I didn't exactly lie, it was a half truth.

"When are you gona tell Elena?" I question. "I don't know but I will tell her." He assures.

We talk for a few minutes and I get up to leave. I walk all the way to my car and all of a sudden Stefan is in front of me. "Shit!" I call out startled. "Don't do that shit." I  slap his hand.

He chuckles at my nervousness. "I'll explain everything tomorrow, just keep this secret please."

I roll my eyes. " yeah yeah, just don't hurt anyone I care about, keep Damon away from Caroline and we'll be fine."

Aw look at me being all kind and nice.

I get back home and everyone is still asleep, or maybe just in their rooms. I check the time and it's almost three in the morning so I go into my room and lay down on my bed waiting for my tiredness to consume me.

-------Next day-------

Well last night was weird. After I came back I slept for some time but then I woke up early to go for a run.

I walk back inside and stop in the doorway with a skeptical look on my face. "Scum ball. Scum bucket." Jenna scolds.

Is she talking to me? Umm... whar did I do now?

"Who got you mad?" I question walking inside.

"Him." She scowls at the Tv.

I know him. The news guy.

"The news guy?" I ask.

"Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell." She snaps with narrowed eyes at him. "Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?"

"Oh, no way." Elena chuckles as she walks down the stairs. "You and him?" She laughs walking into the room with a box in her hands.

Was she just standing there this whole time.

"He's cute." I add causing Jenna to glare at me.

I want ice cream. Emmy you literally just exercised.

"He is not cute." She scolds. "There's nothing cute about him." She demands and i raise my hands in mock innocence backing off.

I walk over to the table Elena is at and I lean over snooping into the box."What are you doing with that?" I ask."I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box."

"Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display." She explaines and i walk closer to rummage through it.

Jenna joins us at the table followed by Jeremy. When did he get here? "Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna questions examining the piece of jewelry.

"Originally it was great-great-grandma Mary's wedding ring." I add with a charming smile.

"How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?" Jeremy asks looking into the box.

"Probably..." I start but Elena glares at me. "Neither of you are going to find out." She says snatching the pocket watch out of my hand and she looks back at me. "Stop encouraging him." She scolds.

My original plan was to tell Jeremy about Stefan and Damon. But I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe when Stefan tells Elena then I'll tell Jeremy.

"That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away." He adds and i nod in agreement. "Yeah I agree with Jer." I answer causing Elena to roll her eyes. "I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan."

Just in time for me to leave this conversation the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." I announce before basically skipping to the door. What? I was hyper. I still need ice cream.

I open the door and see Stefan standing there. "Hey." I greet. "I promise I'll fill you in on everything.... if you can come by the house today." He informs. "Uh.. okay."  I angle my body back into the house. "Lena! It's for you!" I shout although she's not that far away.

No offense but Stefan is way too serious. He was so.... broody.

"Stefan." Elena calls out excitedly as she shows up at the door. I step aside so he could walk in and they kiss. Really? ew couldn't they wait until i left. "That's my cue to leave" I mutter and walk upstairs.

----- ------

Today feels like a good day. I don't know why but it is.

I finally get out of my sweaty clothes and bathe and wash my hair. I wrap in my towel and walk out of the bathroom to my room.

I change into a crop top and black ripped jeans with my leather jacket.

I blow dry my hair a little so now it's only a little damp and the water gives it this nice wavy effect. I put on my boots and then walk out of my room.

Stefan already left, so I guess I'm meeting him at the house, so I walk downstairs and as I open the door Tyler's there about to knock.

I start to close back the door but he catches it. "I'm here for my mom." He sighs. "I was supposed to pick up a box of stuff."

I roll my eyes opening back the door. "Jer. Bring the box please." I call out to Jeremy who's sitting at the table and he gets up.

"be careful." I say before taking my car keys and walking outside.

"Yeah, be careful with it, dick." Jeremy mutters That's my brother.

I turn back around glaring at them. " Hey! Not now, okay, guys?" I scold.

"I'm fine. He's just being a punk." Tyler comments. "Ok how about you leave now." I chime before getting into my car.

I'll forgive him by tomorrow or tonight but whatever.

I drive off.

----- ------

My supposed fifteen minute drive to the boarding house was cut down to five minutes. No one drives fast in mystic falls so what's the point of a speed limit. Well no one except for me.

I knock on the front doo and it creaks open.Ok this is how people die.

"Stefan..? Stefan?" I call out. "Upstairs!" He shouts back. I follow the sound of where his voice came from.

I turn a corner and bump into Damon. Why? Why is the universe torturing me.
He smirks with a small mischievous wave.

"God your like a freaking roach." I argue. "Someone's fiesty today." He taunts. I narrow my eyes at him. " i swear to god i-"

"- what.. what will you do princess?" He tilts his head asking. I swear to god one day i will just (inserts neck snap sound)

"Don't you have children to terrorize or something?" Stefan chimes from wherever he is. Damon rolls his eyes before giving a wave and walking off. I give a tight smile at Stefan. "Like a real life hero... got the hair and everything." I tease. He gives a sarcastic laugh and walks back to his room. Do i just follow. Ok this is weird. Whatever.

I walk into Stefan's room. Why was this exactly what I expected. "Damn." I mutter glancing around his room.

I immediately speed walk over to his bookshelf. He had a whole bunch of books it was like book heaven.

Yes people i like books. Ok i like to read. Shut up.

"You like to read?" He asks.  I look back at him with a sarcastic scoff. "Yes Stefan i like to read.... and you're a.... vampire is it..." i shoot back. Hehe Emmy 1 Stefan 0.

" okay that's fair." He smirks. I let out a gasp. "Agnes Grey!" I announce. "I've been looking for this." I say pointing at the book. "How do you even have this.." but then the realization hit. He's a vampire dumbass he was alive when this book was still a thing.

"I was uh... you know- kind of alive." He stutters out awkwardly

"You can borrow it if you want." I raise a brow excitedly at him. "Are you sure.. like sure sure." He nods walking over to me to take the book out.

"Yes i am sure you can borrow it." He assures handing me the book.

I walk around examining his room. His bathroom was literally my dream bathroom it was amazing his whole freaking room was amazing. Elena has a rich ass boyfriend.

" I imagine that this room is what the inside of your brain looks like." I comment.

He furrows his eyebrows with a confused smile. "Um... is that a compliment or...?" He trails. "I don't know, it's just neat and organized." I shrug. "So what's your story?" I ask changing the topic.

----- -----

He tells me all about Katherine and how she turned them in 1864 and how she was a psychotic bitch. He didn't actually say that but... that's what it sounds like.

Apparently Katherine had a sister named Eileen but they killed her for being a witch. That's harsh as hell they freaking burnt her to death.

And about his ripper days and why he only drink animal blood. Still creepy as hell.

Or how Katherine played both Damon and him. This girl is a real bitch.

At this point i had made myself comfortable on Stefan's bed. I was laying there while he paced around his room telling me his stories.

By the way Lexi, who was apparently his best friend sounds like a badass.

"That's... alot." I breathe out as he finishes and he nods. "Yeah. This is why you can't tell anyone." He says and I get up. "Secret's safe with me."

" it's a pretty badass story if you ask me." I shrug. "How is that?" He asks sassily.

"Because.." i trail confidently. "You went through all that shit and here you are as a decent huma- vampire being, i mean look at Damon you could have turned out like that but no... you're a good person Stefan..." I tell him. my speeches are the bomb.

"Ok.. what time is it?"

"It's fourish.." he answers checking his watch. the hell was fourish. Do they not teach time in vamp school.

"Look at you being all nice to me." He smirks teasingly. I roll my eyes. "That was a once in a life time thing so you better save that moment cause it is not happening again."

---- ----

I walk into the house going upstairs to my room. I'm guessing Bonnie and Elena are probably getting ready in her room since i saw Bonnie's car outside in my parking spot. But it's all good.

The fact that I didn't have a date for this thing meant i had to be extra hot. I was always extra hot so i had to go above and beyond.

I take a bath and then wrap myself in my towel before going back into my bedroom.

I put on a dark red mini dress that's kind of flowy at the bottom and has a v shaped neckline showing a small bit of my cleavage.

I walk back to the bathroom to curl my hair.

I reach probably like halfway until I hear shouting. Crap really Elena and Jeremy again.

I run out my room hurrying over to Jeremy's own.

"Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it." Jeremy argues. I walk into the room with a confused frown playing on my face. "What did Tyler take?" Elena glances back at me. "Jeremy stole the pocket watch." She accuses.
Jeremy is going through a rough time but he wouldn't steal. Especially from us.

"I highly doubt that. Who steals from their own family, at least take something from next door...." I start but Elena glares at me and I back off. The last thing I wanted was a lecture from her. She turns back to our brother who looks pissed as hell.

"If i go on E bay please tell me i am not going to find it... is that how you pay for your drug?!" She snaps making my jaw drop.

Did not see that one coming. That was a surprise to everyone. Well not everyone but you know what i mean.

Jeremy finally get up from his seat and takes the watch from a drawer. "She's right I would never sell this." He answers.  The realization finally hit me of what they were talking about.

Ohh the pocket watch.

"Then why did you take it?" Elena questions still shouting. Jeremy let out a sigh. "Because it's supposed to be mine." He says. "Dad said it goes to the firstborn son. Damn sis you messed up. Big time.

"His father gave it to him, and now what?" He replies causing Elena's expression to soften.

"And he was going to give it to you." I finish the obvious and he nods.

"Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, okay? Mom promised Mrs. Lockwood. What do you want me to do?"

"Just take it and get out." He demands.

I go back to my room, putting on some black heels, a small gold necklace and i kept on the bracelet that Stefan got me.

The doorbell rings  and since i was already dressed and everything i go to open it. "I'll get it!" I shout.

I walk down the stairs as fast as I could which was not really fast since heels are not my favorite things. I finally make it to the door and see Stefan.

I open the door wider for him to come in then walk to the bottom of the step to call Elena. "Elena! Your boyfriend's here!" I shout.

After about a few minutes, Jeremy Elena and Jenna come downstairs and we leave.

We pulled up to the Lockwood mansion after a very quiet ride. Elena had driven in her car with Stefan and I was with Jeremy and Jenna in her car. Jeremy was still mad but mostly at Elena since I gave him back the watch. Elena was mad at me but she'll get over it.

We finally reached up to the door after waiting in the long ass line. "Hi, Mayor Lockwood" Elena greets with a pleasant smile and he nods. "Hey. Hey, guys, come on in." He welcomes and we walk inside.

I had no intention of being nice to Mr Lockwood since he was a dick. Yes he was mayor and somehow he was

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