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So Stefan now knew about me being a witch and so did Elena. You see what happened is I told Stefan and when he was talking about something Elena overheard and blah blah blah.

I walk into school wearing a hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans and really dirty high top converse.

"Hey. You were totally MIA the whole week." Tyler announces as I walk up to him and Matt.

"Yeah Em....what's up with that?" Matt weighs in and I shrug. "Um.. i just had some things to do..."

The bell rings for classes to start I begin to walk off leaving the conversation but I bend a corner and take a shortcut back to the carpark and get into my car.

I haven't talked to Matt and Tyler much lately. I know it's not the best tactic but I don't like lying to them.

I drive to the grill and go to one of the more closed in boots and take out my laptop.

"Just a lemonade please." I say to the lady serving and when she leaves I open up my laptop and open google.

Time to figure out the fuck I am.

I type "immortal fighters" into the search bar. Immortal fighters what the hell even is that.

- A fighter is a person who fights

- a fighter is a person who resists struggles.

- a fighter is an aircraft that-

Oh fuck this.

I slam the laptop down which shakes the table and spills like half of my drink which i groan at. I pull out my phone checking the time and it's 3:30 pm. Damn I've been here long.

I chug the rest of my lemonade and get up leaving my tip on the table and walking out.

Well this research day was no help.

I'm still walking through the parking lot when my phone rings. I knit my eyebrows at the unknown caller Id as i take my phone out of my pocket. "Hola." I answer. "Hello, Emily." This random mysterious voice replies. I roll my eyes although whoever the person is can't see me.

"Give it up batman who is this?" I question in a bored tone. I finally reach my car. I hold the phone between my neck and shoulder looking for my car key and I finally find it. "You hit me with your car." He announces and the key falls from my hand as my jaw slightly drops open. I pick the key up fumbling with it.

He takes the time of my hesitation to ask "Is that a new one?"

I quietly breathe to compose myself as i enter the car. Hell yeah I could take him but I was still a little scared. But could I though.

"Actually that wasn't me. There really are some terrible drivers out here aren't there?" I fake question.

I glance around through my rear view mirror and see the guy in the hoodie approaching.

"That brave act doesn't fool me. I heard your heart speed up. You got away from me once You or your sister won't next time." He threatens and i turn on my engine driving off as fast as I could.

I wasn't scared anymore though since i was in my car and for the most part he couldn't hurt me.

My tires screech as i slam on my breaks in front of the Salvatore house. I get out trying to open their front door. Oh so now they wana lock it.

I knock. And then knock again. And then louder and louder while subtly glancing around behind my back. Stefan finally opens the door with a relieved look and then a worried one. I shove past him walking into the living room and suddenly Damon appears. I groan frustratedly. "A house with three freaking vampires and you can't hear me knocking on the freaking door." I argue. Damon crosses his arms over his chest with an annoyed smirk. "Sure Emily come inside. Not like it's our house or anything." He says sarcastically.

Now is so not the time.

I narrow my eyes at him. "The guy who Elena bounced called me today." I explain. I don't fail to notice the worried looks I get from both of them before I sit down.

"What did he say. Did he say who he was. Or what he wants?" Damon asks. I shake my head. "All he said was that He won't let me get away again. Ugh dumbass if you're gona kill me why call first?"

Before Damon or Stefan could interrupt i breathe another annoyed breath. " and why me? Elena bounced him... i mean I don't want him to kill her or anything but you know what i mean."

"That's because we're predators, Emmy. We hunt. We stalk. It's often as exciting as the kill." Stefan explains, I scoff. "Why? Maybe if i wasn't the freaking prey it might be fun but if you're gona try and kill me just try." Not like he could Anyways. Hopefully.

Stefan walks over to the study and then comes back. "I want you to take this." He holds out a pocket watch. Jeremy's pocket watch.

I take it in my hand examining it. "Jeremy's pocket watch. How did you get it?"

Damon raises his hand. "Well... i stole it from Logan, who stole it from Jeremy and Stefan stole it from me." He confesses all nonchalantly.

"What happened to it?" I ask still examining it.

"Well, it's not just a watch. It's's a sort of compass, but it points to vampires." He explains. He takes my hand holding it out towards him and the arrow flickers and ticks between him and Damon. That's kind of cool.

I flash an impressed look and then tilt my head. "Why did my father have it?"

"Gilberts were one of the founding families, and back in 1864, they were among those who sought to eradicate the vampires. The compass was used to find us." Damon replies. "Did you know them?" I ask and they both nod.

So my dad was a literal vampire hunter. ok then.

"I'll be upstairs." I mutter and walk up to Vicki's room. As I walk inside her room I collapse on her bed next to her.

Yep I could finally do that now since she has control.

"Hey to you too Em." She says sarcastically and I groan. "Sorry hey Vic."

" Heard about the whole witch thing, and the adoption thing and the doppelgänger thing." She lists making me groan again.

"Can we talk about you? How are you doing?" I ask. She rolls her eyes. "As good as you can be when you're dead." She says boredly and I chuckle a little.

"No but seriously, what's up with this whole lookalike adopted thing?" She asks again.

I sit up leaning against the backboard of her bed. "I don't know.... apparently their psycho ex had a twin sister who looks Identical to me and apparently Katherine looks Identical to Elena." I tell her.

"That's weird as fuck." She scoffs. "Yep. Her name's Eileen but apparently she died a while ago." I shrugs.

"Wow." She breathes out. "So this is a normal conversation for us now." She chuckles.

"Now that's weird." I laugh back and I can't help but think how much I missed this. Like just us talking and laughing. It was like things were almost normal again. Who am I kidding things will never be normal again.

We finally stop laughing at absolutely nothing and she rests her head on my shoulder. "I missed this." She tells me. "Me too." I says and she smirks. "But if it makes you feel any better, your blood smells really good."

I raise my eyebrows turning to her and let out a snort. "No... that's just creepy." I chuckle.

---- -----

I walk over to Stefan's room, looking for him to give him back his book but he's not there. So I just rest the book on his table and I see the picture of Eileen and Katherine. If it wasn't for my piercing and the old timish clothes that they were wearing, I would think it was me and Elena.

This is weird as hell and cool.

"You snooping?" Damon asks from behind me and I turn around still looking at the picture. "How did Eileen die?" I question. "In a fire."

"The same one that Katherine supposedly died in?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No. Eileen was burnt by herself, shortly before Katherine was." He explains. That's morbid and cruel.

He walks over to me looking at the picture. "How are you doing with the whole lookalike thing?" He asks. "It's kind of cool honestly." I shrug and he raises an eyebrow at me. "You find it cool that there's an ancient being that looks exactly like you?" He scoffs and I nod. "Hm. When you say it out loud it does kind of sound cool." He shrugs.

I rest the picture back down and something plays over and over in my mind. "What'd you mean when you said you would never put me in danger, why'd you say that?"

He staring at me intensely and it's weird but nice. No. Like two days ago he was a dick Emmy, he saved you once you can't just randomly fall for him.

"I meant exactly what I said. I-" he starts but someone fake coughs interrupting and when I look over it's Stefan staring at us weirdly and Damon leaves. "Really Stef?" I say walking over to him.

"I don't want you hooking up with Damon." He says and I roll my eyes playfully. "I wouldn't have done it in your room. Come on give me some credit." I joke and he just keeps staring at me. This is really weird.

"I'm serious Emmy, he's dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt." He scold. What the hell is this. "I can take care of myself, and I don't even like Damon. I just came in here to return your book."

He looks unconvinced. "I can handle myself."

"I know that, but sometimes you do stupid things." He argues. What was with everyone telling me I do stupid things. I know I do stupid things but come on.

"Don't start I already got the 'your too reckless' speech from Matt." I comment and he sighs but I leave. I have to get ready for the decade dance anyways

"So you're coming to the dance?" I ask Jenna. Tonight was the 50's dance in school and Jenna was already dressed up.

"Alaric asked me to help chaperone." She blushes.

I wasn't really mad at Jenna anymore for not telling us.

Part of me wants to meet my birth parents and part doesn't.

Jenna walks to the couch and sits next to Elena who does not look very happy. I begin walking upstairs to get changed but Elena starts talking. "Why didn't you tell us, Jenna?"

This should be interesting.

I walk backwards down the stairs and see Jenna's slightly startled look. She swallows a small gulp. "Your mom was gonna do it eventually."

"I never thought I'd have to." She defends.

Elena sighs leaning to the side to face Jenna while i lean against a wall standing up. "If our mom were here right now and I asked, she'd tell us the truth." Elena says.

"Your dad was about to leave the office one night when this girl showed up." She starts and i walk over sitting on one of the living room couches. "She was sixteen, a runaway, and about to give birth to twins. He delivered her babies, and he gave her a place to stay, but a few days later, she disappeared. And there you both were."

"Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby. I-it just wasn't happening. All Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom."

I glance at Elena and then Jenna with a confused frown. "Well, why were our parents' names on the birth certificates?"

"Your dad was a doctor, Emily. He took care of it. They didn't wanna lose you, so they kept it quiet, told as few people as possible, but if anyone ever wanted proof, they had documentation." Jenna explains.

"What else do you know about her? The girl?" I chime in. "Just her name." She says. "Isobel."


she just left us like nothing. She didn't even try to reach out or anything.

But she was only a child.

Okay but she's probably all grown up now how do you just leave your children and not look back.

"Hey." Elena greets with a small wave walking into my room and I flash a small smile in return. "Oh. Stefan gave me this but you need it more." I tell her taking the pocket watch out of my jeans pocket. She examines it twirling it around in her fingers with knitted eyebrows.

"This is Jeremy's.... what... why did they have it?" She asks and I turn back to my mirror finishing my makeup for the dance. " long story but apparently it's a vamp compass." I shrug. "It belonged to our dad who was basically a vampire hunter."

She sits on my bed with a scoff. "Wow." She breathes out and I nod slowly.

"So... how you doing with everything that been happening?" She asks me and I shrug. "I'm fine." I lie and she shoots an unconvinced look and I roll my eyes before she leaves my room to go get ready.

I was only focused on two things right now.

One: stopping myself from somehow liking Damon
Two:finding out what the hell a fighter is.

I change into my costume and walk to the bathroom to curl my hair.

Her outfit.

I plan to do these really big side part curls but I start hearing noises so I peak into my main bedroom from the bathroom to see if anyone was there and when they weren't I peak into the hallway.

"Elena....?" I call out. Not creepy at all.

I walk slowly to her room. "Elena." I call again and then hear the blow dryer. Ok so... she's not dead.

I turn to leave but hear a ticking noise. Shit it's gona blow.

Haha always wanted to say that. Ok Nevermind.

I look around the room realizing the compass on her bed and the hand was moving like crazy.

Oh fuck. That better just be Stefan.

I pick it up and walk closer to the corridor looking out while dialing Stefan's number.

the line finally connects. "Stefan's phone. How may I help you?" Damon chimes. God I could just hear his smirk.

I mentally roll my eyes. Wait why was he answering Stefan's phone. "Where is he?" I question still scanning the corridor.

"He's on his way to you. Forgot his phone." Damon replies more seriously probably hearing the small amount of worry in my voice.

I hang up the phone before he could say anything and I walk back into my room.

Well i guess it was Stefan after all.

From the corner of my eye I see Elena walk past in the corridor but I don't study it and go back into the bathroom to curl my hair.

A short but loud scream echoes and startles me making the curling iron fall and burn my shoulder in the process. Fuck!

Ignoring the pain I speed walk out of the bathroom and see the creepy vampire guy from earlier holding Elena tightly with his vamp face showing preparing to rip into her neck. I raise my arm up waving it to the side causing the guy to hit the wall.

He gets up from the floor now baring his fangs at me but then vamp speeds out of the house.


Shit my hand hurts.

As I run down the steps Stefan speeds into the room immediately embracing Elena. "Are you ok? Are you ok?" He whispers to her as she sneaks glances at the door making sure no one was coming back. Stefan and her sit on the couch.

I collapse onto the couch next to Elena placing my hand on her shoulder. "You okay?" I mutter to her and she nods slowly.

Elena had gone into the kitchen. Knowing Elena she probably went to cry in private but I don't know.

"That looks bad, do you need help?" Stefan asks. When I look over at him I realize he's talking about the burn on my shoulder. I kind of forgot it was there because it stopped hurting. "Last time i checked I could clean a small burn for myself." I shoot back and get up to go upstairs. Stop being a bitch.

I go into my bathroom and look at the mark in the mirror. How the hell do you clean a burn.

I glance around to make sure no one was there and then pull out my phone. "Hey Siri. How do you clean a burn?" I whisper into my phone.

Ok so.... just some burn cream....? Okay whatever.

I walk to the main bathroom and look in the medicine cabinet. Burn cream. Burn cream. Burn cream....

Yay! Burn cream!

I take it and walk back to my room.

"Okay Em just a little pain okay. Suck it up." I mutter. "Don't you have some witchy juju thing for that?" Damon asks. When did he even get here.

"There probably is but.. I wouldn't know." I shrug while looking at Damon through the mirror.

Yeah yeah i know some witch I am. I have a book with spells but I don't practice them. I really should start though.

I inhale a breath and take some of the cream out. "How did he get in?" Damon asks as I rub the cream in. A small wince escapes me. "Um.... ouch... he was invited in. He posed as a delivery guy."

That disguise was honestly kind of smart though.

Damon gives an amused look. "Well, he gets points for that."

"Did he say what he wanted?" He continues.

I roll my eyes covering the cream and then turning around leaning against the counter.

"No Damon. He was too busy tryna kill my sister." I reply sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.

I fold my arms tilting my head at him although the little movement makes pain shoot through my arm. "You still don't know who it is?" I ask, he purses his lips. "Don't look at me like that. I told you I don't know."

I shrug pushing myself off of the counter and heading out of my room and to downstairs. "I told you we had company." Damon says looking straight at Stefan. "You think there's more than one?" Elena asks looking up from Stefan's arms matching his worried expression.

"We don't know." Damon answers before sitting on the arm of the chair that I was on which was the single chair in the corner of the living room.

"Damon, he was invited in." Stefan suddenly says sending not so subtle glances at Damon.

Oohh he means kill him.

"Then we get him tonight." I chime in a nonchalant voice standing up earning a look from Stefan.

"That's a bad idea." Stefan buts in and I roll my eyes but before I could say anything Damon answers. "Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives in it. It's worth a shot."

Hmm. He actually agreed with me. Well guess we're gona kill someone tonight.

"I'm in." Elena announces making Stefan glance between both of us anxiously and she grabs his hand comfortingly. "I'll be with the two of you and Emily, I'll be safe." She assures and I raise one eyebrow. "Or maybe we'll both die." He looks worried as I say it and when I turn back at Damon he also looked a little concerned.

God it a joke.... maybe.

I head back upstairs and get my purse.

"You ready?" Damon startles me. I flash a fake smile. "Yep. I'm driving my car though so you waited for nothing." I answer. "Is you driving the best idea though?" He comments and I roll my eyes. I know exactly what he's referring to but I play dumb. "What's with everyone commenting on my driving, I'm a great driver."

"Well I'll drive with you then." He shrugs.

So somehow I'm driving my car and Damon is in the passenger seat. We drive for about ten minutes and arrive at the school.

Damon gets out of the car pretending to be scared and I scoff. "What's your problem."

"Me?" He scoffs. "See now

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