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*Tessa pov*

I was surprised at the fact that soon enough I'll be where I belonged. My alarm goes off and I smacked it almost immediately, will I miss Riverdale High? I don't know.


I was with Veronica and Jughead at lunch today, it was odd that their Scooby gang wasn't together, I heard the clatter of students in the cafeteria just talking at their tables at usual until the clicking of heels were getting louder and closer to the table the three of us brooding teenagers were sitting at.

"I'm so bored," I muttered and they hummed in agreement.

I slowly look up to see the bright and powerful red wearing Cheryl Blossom standing there staring at Jughead, he looked confused but fearful in case Cheryl tried to beat him up again in front of everyone.

"Jughead, I'm sorry. I had no right to pummel you the way I did that day. As recompense, I'd like to give you this." Cheryl tossed something to Jughead and he caught it swiftly with both hands in confusion.

"My iconic spider brooch. It'll catch a pretty penny at the local pawn shop. Enough to keep you in burgers and 'S' T-shirts for years, if not decades." Cheryl said to him.

"Cheryl, what is going on?" Jughead and I ask, she looked sad.

"I'm gonna go get my phone from my locker," I stood up and walked away, I didn't make it very far as Kevin grabbed my hand rushed with me back into the cafeteria in sheer panic.

"Guys, hurry it's Betty's locker. Come on, it's bad! Come on, come on!" Kevin shouts and I looked at him in confusion.

"What's going on?" I asked him as I was being dragged slightly by Kevin, he was really strong too, he doesn't look it though.

"Come with us," Veronica said and we all raced after Kevin.


"Check it out!" A boy shouts and I raced into the crowd and saw Betty staring at her locker, I look at her locker before staring at Betty and I quickly grabbed her hand.

"Betty, Betty," I whispered and she looked at me, I glanced at the words on the locker and growled slightly, it said: 'go to hell serpent slut!'

"Hey, no It's nothing, Tessa, it's just a jerk with a can of spray paint." She told me and I stood in front of it to block the view at hand, I didn't want her or anyone to see this horrid mess.

"Sweetie, I don't think that's spray paint, okay?" I hugged her as I pushed her head into my shoulder and got her out of the awful sight. It was pigs blood.


I walked into Southside high with my anger fuming, I was checked by the security guard and he let me through.

I stormed into the cafeteria and slammed open the heavy metal but broken doors, the whole cafeteria went silent as I tugged my jacket to fix it and then I walked in, each step I took my anger got wilder.

"Tess? What are you doing here?" Toni asked me and then she saw the look on my face, "Something at school happened, didn't it?" She asked me and I nod as I got on to the table and stomped my heel into it, everyone stares at me and I growled before clearing my throat.

"Who in their fucking right mind went to Riverdale high and harassed my friend by writing in pigs blood?!" I shouted, not one soul in that cafeteria said a single word. Toni, Sweet pea and Fangs stare up at me in horror.

"I bet it was a ghoulie! Go on, fess up so I can plummet you!" I roared and no one said a damn word, "I will find and hunt down whoever wrote in pigs blood! I hope you all know I will... and if I find whoever did it, I'll prepare for them to go missing." I warned and then I hopped off the table with my anger getting worse, I straightened my serpent jacket and walked away without another word.


"Someone wrote that on someone's locker?" Toni asked me in shock.

"Someone wrote that in pigs blood, pigs blood! that's fucking disgusting," I told her as we walked out into the courtyard, not that there was much of one anyway, "I'm so angry, she did nothing wrong but write an article about FP, that's it," I groaned as I rest my forehead on my hand as we sat at picnic bench.

"Betty Cooper's locker got written all over?" Toni asked me, I nod my head with a heavy sigh.

"I'm moving to this school tomorrow, are you excited, Toni?" I asked her to change the subject, she smiles at me and brought me into a side hug.

"Oh, of course, I am!" Toni squeals excitedly and I smile as I hugged her properly, my anger washed away completely.


I walked into the jail with a slight smile on my face, Keller gave me permission to give FP some food from Pops "Hey... Daddio?" I laughed as the door closed, FP rose an eyebrow at me as I put the bag of Pops in front of him.

"Daddio?" FP asks with a laugh and I smile before I sat down on the table and sighed.

"I wanted to tell you that I've been moved to Southside High, I start tomorrow... I don't mind, but I also am getting fostered by a rando couple." FP slowly nods his head at me.

"You and Jughead are going to the same couple, right?" FP asked me and I nod my head in reply, "Red told me, are you going to be alright being away from your trailer?"

"Of course, I am... I might ask them if I could still keep my trailer and live there..." I told him as he ate his food.

"I'm so sorry, kid, I can't believe I asked you to do–" I covered his mouth with my hand, I typed something into my phone and showed him.

'they have mics around the room, I suggest you choose your words wisely.'

FP nodded his head before I removed my hand from his mouth, "It's alright, Hotdog was a pain in the ass to look after," I glanced at the camera before giving FP a look.

"I can't believe I let you look after him, he bit you! How ridiculous am I?" He played along and we both laughed.

"Horrible, come on, eat up. It took a lot of convincing to get that food in here," I laugh as he started eating his food again, I started typing on my phone quickly and then placed it out of the camera's view and slid it to FP so he could read it.

'I heard that they want names from the serpents to get you lesser prison time, what the hell are we supposed to do? We've been targeted and then that means I will be too.'

FP glanced up at me and he grabbed my phone and typed back to me.

'The serpents are my tribe, I would never give up the names of the people who helped that night, especially yours, Tessa.'

"I need to go soon, will you be okay in here?" I asked him.

"Of course, I would be," I nod my head slowly as I turned my phone off and sighed, "Thank you for being a good kid and look after Jug for me."

"Always," I got off the table and leaned down to hug him.

"Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone," I rolled my eyes as he kissed my cheek.

"I won't, I think something like a miracle will happen soon," I whispered back before standing up, "FP, you'll be outta here before you know it," I said and he rose an eyebrow before I leaned down and kissed his cheek before standing up straight. I nod at the guard and he opened the door, "See you later daddio," I wink and he laughs as I made my way towards the door.

"See ya, kiddo," I waved and left the room, I waved to Keller and he waved back as I fixed my serpent jacket and left the station.


I slowly started packing my trailer up slowly as things might've not gone to plan, I sighed heavily as I rubbed my thumb over the jacket I was given from the football team.

"maybe I changed my mind," I muttered as I folded the jacket and placed it with the other clothing I had which in reality wasn't much. I lifted the heavy box off my makeshift bed and placed it with the others already waiting in case the couple who fostered me didn't agree with my request.


(Warning: Depressing things and the attempt of self-infliction. if you want to skip this part because it either disgusts or triggers you then please, by all means, go to the next chapter or scroll past this small part and keep reading the rest of the chapter.)

After finishing my sad packing, I decided to have a shower, I felt really bad... I promised him that I wouldn't relapse... maybe one more time? Just one more time to say goodbye to my addiction once and for all.

I opened my switchblade and looked myself in the eyes of my mirror and nod slowly. I needed this... I wanted this, I hopped into the shower and felt the burning hot water hit my back instantly but I was numb to the sensation of it to notice that it was all the way to the top.

"I'll never be with the one my heart wants," I whisper to myself as I looked down at my bare wrist and bit my lip, scars riddled my forearms, the deep, the light and the old.

The hot water was hitting my back harshly as I kept staring with a shaking hand, I had a firm grip on the handle as I pressed the cool but sharp blade on to my wrist; I exhaled softly as I dug it into my skin and drew a line more than once on both forearms and then I started on the inner thigh, bawling my eyes out.


I had my thighs and my wrists wrapped tightly by bandages, I was expressionless, dull even, to my core. I've had a very hard, shitty life and things like guilt has been eating me up inside since I helped clean and get rid of Jason's body.

I had my eyes glued on the Tv with my knees pressed against the pillow I was clinging to my chest.


I felt my body screaming to me that it wanted to sleep so, I grabbed my blanket from the back of the couch and laid down with the Tv as noise in the background.

My head hit the comfy pillow and I slowly breathed in, held it for ten seconds and breathed out; it helped me sleep usually so I kept going until I fell asleep.

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