Who Is Elijah Wood?

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For those of you who happened to stumble across this book without any knowledge of Elijah Wood, here's some interesting information about him!

Elijah Wood is an American actor and film producer born on January 28th, 1981. He started as a child actor at the age of 8. His first movie role was Video Game Boy #1 in Back To The Future II

Since then, Elijah has been in 120 other titles (not including Back To The Future II) with 4 upcoming ones. He has also produced 19 movies with 2 upcoming ones

Elijah Wood is known for:

- The Lord of the Rings trilogy (played Frodo Baggins)

- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (played Patrick Wertz)

Some other acting jobs he's taken that I feel deserve some recognition:

- Over The Garden Wall (voiced Wirt)

- Happy Feet (voiced Mumble)

- Wilfred (played Ryan Newman)

- The Adventures of Huck Finn (played Huckleberry Finn)

If you're curious to know more about Elijah Wood, then feel free to Google him or ask me questions!

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