Chapter Four

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"Adeline where are you?" A girl with long, wavy-red hair and purple eyes comes forward, calling the words loudly in the forest. "Come on, Adeline. Mom is looking all over for you." The same girl calls out again a little, more annoyed this time.

"Oh, come on." Another girl jumps from the bushes. Her platinum blonde hair is covered with the emerald colored leaves, that have taken the same color as her eyes. "You are no fun, Annabelle." She comments and sighs. "What if I don't want to go home?"

"Come on, she is worried about you." Annabelle whispers in a low voice and looks away from her, something nagging inside of her.

"I always thought that we got our powers accidently." Adeline comments as she starts walking forward, never looking back to check if another girl is following her or not. "You are too soft for your powers, Annabelle, while I am too... Let's say I am not suitable for my powers." She chuckles and shakes her head.

"You don't even know what you are talking about." Annabelle sighs and shakes her head, pushing her red hair away from her face. "Why would anybody want it? It brings nothing, but destruction and pain."

"And what can mine do?" Adeline asks irritated. "Heal someone? Why would I want to heal someone? Your power grants power, while mine grants nothing."

"It grants love, Adeline." Annabelle smiles gently and takes a small bunny from the ground, patting it gently, before letting it go. "While mine can only grant fear. Sometimes, I even feel jealous of you." Annabelle whispers again. "Nothing bad will happen if you lose yourself to it... While... If it happens to me..."

"I doubt that." Adeline smiles, more like smirks. "You are doing everything to hold power inside of you, you are slowly killing yourself and not using what has been gifted to you. You are stupid for that, Annabelle. Nothing can change that."

I snap my eyes open as I sit on my bed. I look around and smile as I spot my old teddy-bear at the corner of my bed. I take it and hug it tightly, trying to remember every single detail of my dream. Today, it hasn't been a nightmare, but a story about two girls, who knew each other. Maybe they even were sisters.

I think you should tell your mom about your strange dreams.

I look around, bewildered from the voice coming from somewhere around me. I look around once more, spotting no one and then back on the Teddy-bear I am holding.

Stop staring at the poor bear. I am the voice inside your head. Don't act like you don't know me, I am basically you, but improved version.

Um, you haven't showed up for several years. Why now?

Because it is beginning already and you need someone to help you. I have been here all these time. I didn't see the need of showing myself, until the recent event.

You mean the near death experience and the constant nightmares?

Not only them. Haven't you noticed strange things happening around you? I mean.... Nightmares, near death experiences, new students at school, dreams about people you have never met before, feelings as if you are being watched? Even your parents are acting strange. Come on, you should have noticed that.

I haven't noticed anything out of place. And Jacob has nothing to do with my dreams. He isn't even in my dreams to begin with.

Of course he is not. He doesn't have to be in them to smell suspicious. I do not trust your boyfriend as well. And I do not think this accidents were actually accidents. Waters do not get spilled on people you hate out of nowhere and earth do not usually shake when someone is seeming a nightmare about earthquakes. Also, light doesn't turn off in the whole street for the whole day just because someone got little electrocuted.

Your point?

Ask your parents. I am not here to tell you everything. It is their job. Though, I must tell you that they have been slacking off in it. You do not have much time left about it and I wouldn't advice postponing it any further. Talk to them first thing in the morning, it might change your whole life.


"Cassie, why aren't you ready?" Mom comes inside the room and looks at me with skeptical eyes. She sighs as takes double look at my trashed bedroom. "What is going on in here?"

"Mom." I whisper in a low voice, feeling ill and sick, as if I am about to vomit up every bit of my insides. She turns to me alerted. "I do not think I can go to school today." I whisper and sigh, leaning against my bed frame.

"What is going on, Cassie?" She whispers in worried tone and sits in front of me, on my bed. Her blonde hair is falling on her eyes. She pushes them away, tying behind her. "Tell me what's wrong." And I do. I tell her about my dreams and voice, constantly whispering in my head. I tell her about the strange sisters often appearing in my sleep and making me feel as if  I am missing on something. And to my surprise, she listen to every little bit I have to say.

She looks at me with sad eyes, guilt pooling inside her orbs as she looks away. Her hair gets loose and falls on her expression, hiding it from me.

"Mom?" I call her in low, quivering tone and sigh, closing my eyes. "You don't think that I am insane, do you?" I ask her with fear dripping in my voice.

"No, of course not." She smiles at me with pain and wipes tears away. "I didn't know it would be so soon." She starts blabbering and looks directly in my eyes. "Well, of course I knew it would happen, but I didn't know it would be like that." She whispers and stands up. "Get dressed okay? Me and Richard have something to tell you." She whispers as she leaves the room, leaving me alone in confusion.


"I told you, Rose!" Dad whisper-yells in the living room. "I told you when he came that summer that it was time."

"NO it was not!" Mom screams back and sighs. "You know the time, Richard. I am scared to let her go and tell her the truth. What if... What if she doesn't believe us or what if she doesn't want it? Have you thought about that?"

"I know, Rose." Dad whispers and sighs like mom, lowering his voice to the point, where I can barely make it out. "But, it will be better for her. She will be safer in there... She will learn how to control her powers." He stops and heavy silence takes the place, until he decides to talk again. "I know you feel it, too. It is impossible not to feel the amount of power placed inside of her. She needs to know the truth. Or it will tear her apart."

Before mom can answer, I walk inside, coughing to gain their attention. The look on their faces are priceless. Mom smiles uneasily at me and takes step forward, motioning for me to take a seat next to the lit fireplace. Dad looks at me with his sad, ocean blue eyes and sighs, drifting his gaze back to mom.

"Guys, what's going on?" I ask in low, demanding voice. I can feel my hands shaking and put them on my knees, not to make it visible. With final look at one another, dad starts talking in low, miserable voice.

"Cassie..." He starts in murmuring tone. "Even though, I do not think that you are already ready to hear it..." He sighs and looks at mom for support, who only nods in response. "There is no other choice, but to tell you the truth." He begins, making me feel flips inside my stomach. "I... I wanted to tell you this earlier, get you ready and make sure that you would have known what you put yourself in." He whispers and sighs, rubbing his temples. "But someone here, decided that it would be better if we waited. But... You showed so much potential... I am sorry that it went on waste." He whispers once again and looks for mom, telling her with his blue eyes to continue talking.

"Cassie." Mom starts in tired, worn-out voice. "What your father here is trying to say, is that you are different." She whispers and kneels in front of me, staring directly in my eyes. "You have extraordinary powers inside of you and all...all of your nightmares and... incidents were caused by them." She whispers, tears pooling inside her eyes.

Told you to ask them question. See, they were hiding your true self from you. In your place, I would be more than angry about that.

As much as I like you, right now... Please, be quiet.

Rude, much.

"I am sorry that we didn't tell you it sooner." Mom whispers and stands up. "But there is so much going on in Elemental World, that I got scared... That someone might hurt you. I just thought that... It would keep you safe."

"Guys, are you joking me, right now?" I ask a bit agitated with the fact, that they made a joke out of my situation.

"What? No." Dad shakes his head and stands up, coming nearer to me. "Cassie, you aren't the only one with the powers. There is the whole community. Indeed, we are one of them as well." He whispers with small smile on his face as he makes a small rocks fly through the window and dance around the room. I look at him awed, trying to detect the ropes that he might be using. "I can manipulate earth." He whispers and looks at mom. "While Rose can control fire." And as if on a cue, mom start taking fire out of the fireplace, making it dance on her body.

"People, who have powers are called Elementalists." Mom starts explaining and puts the fire back to its place. "Mostly, they are waking their powers at the age of eighteen or dates near to their birthday, when they turn eighteen. That's why most parents in Elemental World transfer their children in special schools, in their senior years." Mom whispers and finally sits on the coach, next to dad. "But there are also children, called Gifted, who awake their elements at the early age. They are smart and they are powerful."

"There are Seven Main Elements." Dad starts lecture and sits more comfortably. "Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Electricity/Lightning, Light and Darkness. Also, there are Half-Elements. These are: Ice, Energy, Plants, Fear and Metal." Dad whispers and smiles at my shocked and confused expression. "The difference between main and half elements aren't major. But, if Main Elementalist is too strong and qualified, it can also control some aspects of similar half-element. Take Water for example, if Water Elementalist is strong and qualified enough, she or he can control some aspects of Ice. This way, people can difference stronger and weaker elements. But it doesn't mean that Half Elementalist can't be stronger than Main Elementalist." Dad adds hurriedly and smiles. "There also people, but it happens rarely, who have two elements."

"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.

"They can activate two elements, that aren't even related to one another." Dad continues explaining. "For example, you can have both Main Elements or both of them can be Half. Okay, let's take Water and Metal, shall we?" He asks me as soon as notices my puzzled face. "It can be anything, like Water and Air or even Ice and Plants, it doesn't matter, really. But let's stick on that." I nod and he continues. "You have two elements, water and metal and you control both of them. By the way, why having the two elements mostly a person is able to perfect one element and won't be able to control another element well. So, for example, person has water and metal and it qualifies in water. Then the person, can also manage to use some aspects of ice, water and metal." He explains and smiles at me awed expression.

"So... What if I do not have a power?" I ask in a low, a bit scared voice. Mom and dad look at one another and then smile.

"It is impossible, Cassie." Mom calms me. "You have great potential inside of you. And I am sure that you will become powerful Elementalist. Remember, element doesn't defy us." Mom whispers and winks at me.

"So, basically I will get one of either of your power?" I ask a bit confused and look at both of them, wondering which one I would have preferred.

"No." Dad shakes his head and smiles. "It doesn't work that way, Cassie. Element doesn't depend on DNA or parents. It comes from the soul inside of the person. For instance, your grandparents are both air Elementalist, but I have earth. While Rose's parents one has Earth and another has water." He smiles at me and shakes his head slightly. "So, until you activate your powers, we do not know what it might be."

"Oh, that's actually cool." I mumble and stand up. wanting to head towards my bedroom.

"And Cassie one more thing." Mom calls out and forces me to turn around. "You... You will need to leave for Eliton High during this week." She whispers and looks away from my horrified face. "They have already sent Jacob to fetch you."


I sigh as I lean against my bed frame, looking at the scattered clothes on the floor. The bags are placed in front of me, still empty. I just can't force myself to take everything that consisted of my life, put them in the bags and head t the new beginning of my life. My whole life, I believed that I was normal, like everyday teenager. As far as I remember, I didn't even dream of having powers. And now, I am thrown directly into the mess of the world created thousands of years prior and I can't even refuse.

"How are you?" Dad peeks through the cracked door and smiles at me gently. He sighs, when I look up and comes inside, closing the door behind him. "Cassie, I am really sorry." He mumbles and sits on the floor next to me.

"It's okay." I whisper back, staring at the picture of me, Layla and Rebecca. "It's just... I can't imagine leaving them behind. We had... We had so many plans for the future...Are they all going on waste now?" I whisper with tears glittering in my eyes.

"I don't think so." Dad smiles at me and shakes his head. "You still return home during the breaks, so, you can meet up with them. Travel around the world like you have planned. You still can keep in touch with them, especially now that there are so many technologies." He smiles at me and takes another picture of me and Levi.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I whisper and close my eyes. "You knew I had nightmares ever since I was little. Why didn't you send me there before?" I ask again with quivering voice.

"I didn't want you to be... treated differently." Dad whispers and looks away from the picture, putting it down. "When Gifted ones go to school... Everyone is acting strange, they have too many responsibilities on their shoulders. And I hoped that if we did nothing, you would be okay. They would have explored the nightmares, making you constantly go through them." He whispers and smiles at me sadly. "I wanted to send you there at the beginning of the school year, even during the summer to get used to everything, that's why Jacob came. He is here to keep an eye on you and keep you away from any potential harm." I nod, nibbling my bottom lip. "Jacob has returned back to school, they are waiting you on Friday." He informs and starts standing up. "You still have two more days to spend with your friends and... explain matters."

"Can I tell them the truth?" I ask hopefully. I have never lied to them before and I know that if it is the first, it will also be the first crack in our friendship.

"No, Cassidy... I am sorry." He whispers and leaves the room with no other words, muttered.

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