Kinship is Forever (pt 2)

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Laying on the White Lady's lap you got comfortable and shifted around to lay on your back, staring towards the ceiling. As you laid in her lap you felt a subtle warmth in your chest bubbling up, is it the White Lady or her son that is giving you this feeling? Looking at Ghost nothing changed for you, you still felt the same. However when you looked up at the White Lady the feeling got stronger and it was like you couldn't control yourself anymore.

You got up from your position and sat up, slowly standing up so you didn't lose your balance. Jumping up you got close to the White Lady's face and grabbing her body to use as support you pressed your face against hers, kissing her, you didn't stop kissing her for several minutes, your arms now wrapped around her as best as you could, your face against hers, a love story at its finest.

You eventually loosen your grip on her and you two separated, a deep red blush on the White Lady's face and yours as well.

"Ghost can you please leave for a bit, Y/N and I need some alone time together." She kindly asked Ghost who obliged and crawled through the hole which I had once crawled through so long ago. You remember it as plain as day. When you were first injured by a Mantis, running away and slid down here to escape but found the White Lady herself! Good times, good times.

The memories seem so young like a grub despite being fairly old, time really does fly doesn't it?

"Y/N we are alone now. Now we can do what we want together now. Shall we get back to kissing or shall we move to something else?" She asked, you knew where this was going and you liked it.

After thinking about what she said for a bit you wanted to savor this beautiful moment with her so you told her you wanted to keep kissing then move onto something new. You pressed against each other again and you rubbed the side of her face occasionally, earning a small giggle from the White Lady. She must be ticklish there.

You brought your face from hers and she asked "Is it time to move on already?" "Yes, but don't worry I have something in mind and if it works. Well it will be amazing." You replied, you are proud of what you are about to do.

Climbing back down onto the lap of the White Lady you asked her to bring down the root, tentacle thing she uses to feed you. She brought it down and you grabbed it with your right hand. You stuck your hand as deep as it could go and surprisingly you were able to go arm-deep into the tentacle, this made the White Lady flinch because it might be very sensitive inside the Tentacle, this is about to get interesting for the both of you.


Read the Explicit version of this Chapter if you want the Sauce


After you both were done with each other you both looked a mess, you were covered in the bodily fluids of the White Lady, your body reflecting light like a puddle of water in the City of Tears. As for her she was panting and the only sound she made was her own labored breathing. The White Lady had very obviously enjoyed your company and feelings towards her as well as your willingness to help her "unwind" herself. The front of her chest was covered in the liquidly, white tasty food she gave you everyday. It was then that Ghost walked in and saw how much of a mess you and the White Lady made, the white liquid scattered about in lines and puddles in the grass and plants.

You crawled towards the White Lady and laid against her, resting because it is the one thing you want to do most.

The End

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