Chapter 6

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The next day

"I can't believe Jude Bellingham was in my apartment," May munched on some toast, sipping coffee. "Like stood there."

She pointed back to the doorway, her amber eyes wide and excited, even though she was supposed to be hung over. "It's not that big of a deal, May."

"Erm, yes it is."

I rolled my eyes and scrolled through my phone, as Eleanor burst out of her room. She looked like she'd had roughly ten minutes sleep and pulled on some random clothes out of her wardrobe and pulled them on. Her book was still glued to her hands.

"Ellie," May said slowly getting up and trying to prize Eleanor's marine biology book from her fingers. "You have 3 hours, you need to sleep."

"No, I need to know the anatomy of a leather back turtle," she mumbled.

"Eleanor, go to bed," I walked over to her and spun her round and pushed her towards her bedroom.

She wandered back in aimlessly and I shut the door behind her.

"Wow," May laughed, she walked back over to the breakfast bar and finished her toast. I looked at her and watched as a thought entered her mind. "So, Jude Bellingham dropped off a present last night."

"He did," I said slowly, trying to figure out where she was going. "Also stop saying his full name."

"No, he's Jude Bellingham," May said. "Did you open the box?"

"You want to know what Aunt Emily got me, don't you?"

"Yes, Aunt Emily," she said, sarcastically reaching for the small box on the other end of the side. "Open."

May slid the parcel in my direction. I stared at it for a minute. Brown paper, neatly tucked in the corners. There was a little label attached to the top of the package. I opened it. My name was the only thing written on it, in handwriting that seemed vaguely familiar.

"Oh my god, just open it."

I ripped open the wrapping and lifted the lid off the small white box inside. I saw a little gold chain shining on top of an envelope. I picked it up. There was a tiny outline of a small flower with a red gem attached to it. I recognised it immediately.

"That's so pretty," May smiled and then looked down into the box. "What's in the envelope?"

I ignored her and stared at the necklace. "That's a carnation."

"You like them don't you?"

"Yeah, I do," I put it down on the counter and furrowed my eyebrows together. I reached for the envelope. I tore it open and pulled out the contents.

"Oh my god," I gasped as I realised what was going on.

"What?" May asked excitedly. "What is it?"

"I hate him."

"Who do we hate?"

"These are season tickets to Real Madrid," I showed her the tickets before May snatched them out of my hands.

"No fucking way," she exclaimed very loudly.

"Incase you and Jonnie boy are ever in Spain," I read off the inside of the envelope. "I should've known it was Jude."

"I don't know whether that's sweet or very, very clever," May said, handing the tickets back to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he obviously still likes you," she said.


"He probably didn't even have an early flight," May got up and put her plate in her sink. "He probably brought this to you as soon as he got to London. He gave you this very well thought out gift," she pointed to the necklace, " so you'd be all like 'oh, he knows me so well,' which I can tell is working."

"No it's not," I lied.

"Sure. Then he gave you those tickets so you'll go to Spain to see him play with the intention that you'll fall back in love with him and leave John," she leant on the breakfast bar and smiled at me.

"Aren't you meant to be hungover?"

"You are going to at least one game right?"

"Well," I sighed, contemplating my options.

"You're kidding," May stared at me, mouth hanging open. "This is Real Madrid."

"This is Jude," I replied. "He's just trying to break me and John up just because he doesn't like him."

"Or because he loves you," she smiled. "Now if you don't want them, I do."

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