Chapter 20

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I stirred as I heard a noise at the door. I looked slowly around the room. My eyes rested on the baby, sleeping silently in the corner of the room. I then noticed who I was sat next to. I moved my head that was resting on Jude's arm and my ear was pressing against his chest.

I realised we must have fallen asleep watching TV as the screen was black but the little green light blinked in the corner. It felt natural sitting here, like time had resumed from all those years ago. Then I immediately felt guilty. John hadn't even crossed my mind all night.

I hadn't seen him in what felt like forever, but if I was completely honest, I didn't miss him all that much. We were going out to dinner tomorrow evening, apparently he had 'something important to discuss', which sounded so formal I assumed it was about some business trip.

I heard the sound at the door again. Confused, I slipped from under Jude's arm, trying my hardest not to wake him. He looked so peaceful, I caught myself smiling and I scolded myself as I walked away.

I looked at the door, I could hear rustling outside. I peered through the peephole, and was greeted with a mass of auburn hair. I sighed and opened the door.


"Oh Evelyn, thank god," May said, relieved. "I've been out here for 20 minutes."

"Why?" I nearly started laughing, but remembered the baby, and Jude.

"I forgot my key right," she started as I signalled for her to stay quiet as she took of her heels and crept into the kitchen. "Then I looked under the plant pot, the realised I had already lost that key, so I was about to knock when I remembered you had Elena, and, hang on."

She paused and looked over my shoulder to where Jude was sleeping on the couch. Her eyes widened and the mouth formed a perfect circle. I quickly grabbed May by her arm and pulled her into her bedroom where I silently closed the door.

"Is that Jude fucking Bellingham?" She squeaked at a pitch only dogs could hear.

"Shhh, yes it is, be quiet, it's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? What planet are you living on?"

"Look, I needed help with the baby so I called him and he came," I shrugged.

"Why didn't you call your sister, or your actual boyfriend?" She raised an eyebrow clearly judging me.

"I didn't want to disturb Lexi and John doesn't have much experience with babies."

"Hmm," May folded her arms. "Or did you just want the excuse to see him." She pointed a finger at me. "You've been down since you came back from Paris, I haven't seen John in forever, something happened after the Ballon d'Or's didn't it?"

I blinked at her a few times before flopping down on her bed. "How did you know?"

"I didn't until just then," she grinned from ear to ear. "I love doing that."

"You're mean."

"I don't care, what happened in Paris?"

"It was a weird night, a blur and a mess. We kind of kissed a little," I winced as I said it out loud and May let out an overly dramatic gasp.

"You kissed at little? What's a little?"

"Ok maybe a lot."

"Evelyn Mariposa Lewis, how can you not tell us this? It's been weeks!" May looked more shocked than judgy which relieved me.

"I don't know, it was strange, I felt guilty I guess."

"Wait, wait, wait. You haven't broken up with John?"

I paused for a minute scared to say another word when May suddenly burst out laughing.

"Oh my God, only you could have a love triangle consisting of a really rich business man and a football star and be worried about it," she continued to laugh. "I wish I had your problems."

I lay down with my hands covering my face and let out a groan. May put threw her shoes in the corner of the room and climbed onto her bed and lay next to me.

"So," she said, "what are you going to do?"

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