Explanation ||| Part 1

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Explanation - Bird With Broken

     So in this AU Sabre is an Elytrian who was chased towards the portal by hunters and then dragged in by a certain black out blue steve we all hate. He was severely injured when he went through and so Red took it upon himself to help him. And as to not give any spoilers yet you can read the first


     "GET BACK HERE!" "QUICKLY GRAB IT!" How long have I been running for? It doesn't matter, I just need to keep running till I lose them. I feel an arrow as it glides past me, grazing the side of my cheek. I wince at the sudden pain from the sting. As the blood drips down the side of my face I start to feel dizzy. They tipped the arrows with something.

     I block out the screams and the sound of arrows as they fly past me, barely missing. I spot an odd run-down tunnel ahead. Maybe I can dive in there and take shelter from the hunters in there. I change my course and make a beeline towards the tunnel.

     I made it only a few feet into the tunnel and I started to slow down, which was a huge mistake. I scream out in agony as multiple arrows hit me perfectly in the wings. I still can't tell what these Arrows are tipped with but I start to black out.

     I hear the entrance of the tunnel collapse behind me, I don't know how it did but I'm glad it happened. My vision and memories start to get blurry as I feel like I'm being... dragged? Did one of the hunters manage to make it in here with me? No if it was a hunter it would have killed me by now, not dragging me deeper into the tunnels.

     I'm too tired now to let out a sound of pain or even of discomfort as I'm being dragged down a flight of stairs. I'm dragged in front of a... sign?

     "Read" I hear a twisted and corrupted voice. Though I think this person saved me by body won't stop screaming that I'm in danger.

     "READ!" Startled by the sudden loudness of the voice but scared of what will happen if I don't obey, I turn my head and start to try and read the sign. "The final door to a reality once known but sealed to eternity...." The final words I spoke before a bunch of blinding lights and I passed out.

     My head really hurts, actually my whole body just aches. At least this nest is really soft......... wait....

     I shoot straight up and the first thing I notice is that my blind fold is gone. I need to get out of here, I try to stretch out my wings but they won't budge. I look at my wings and they're covered in this weird white strip stuff.

     Hold on, my whole body is covered in this weird stuff. I probably only have time to remove the stuff from my wings before the hunters come back. I reach out my clawed hands out towards my wings, and my claws cut right through this stuff. Dumb humans underestimate my strength! >:D

     My wings hurt too much to properly fly right now. I'll just climb into the rafters. Where are the rafters??? Ok so there's no rafters and only one door out of this human's nesting room. I reach out to try and open the probably locked door and... :0 It opens! Ha, these silly humans didn't even remember to lock the door! It should be a piece of cake escape this time!

     This looks so cool! There's red stone in a portal formation, I wonder if it works. Humm... using my skills of deductive reasoning I believe that the pressure plate is the only way out of here. And by deductive reasoning I mean that there's literally nothing else here. But I also don't know what standing on it would do. I think I still have some stuff on me, and I do! Ok so I'm just going to gently drop an iron ingot on it annddd-

     I jump back at the sudden noise, oh wait it's just a hidden door. I pick back up my ingot and put it back into my inventory. I step on the pressure plate myself and go through the door. And this is just a home, ok why would anyone put me into their nest in an insecure home? You know what, I'm not going to question it right now I just need to get out.

     Wait, I hear someone... I use my wings to give me some air and use my claws to stick to the ceiling. The door opens and I'm ready to jump the kidnapper and- that is not a human. What is that thing? Oh well as it goes deeper into its home I drop down from the ceiling behind it and quietly get out the door.

     As I leave the odd home that seems to be built into the side of a mountain I smell a disease, corruption, I smell pestilence. I start to go towards my left to where I smell the pestilence coming from. As I get to the wall of the mountain I can tell there's something hidden behind it, hidden with some strong magic. But not nearly as strong as me.

     "ᒲᔑ|| ᔑꖎꖎ ᓵꖎ𝙹ᓭᒷ↸ ↸𝙹𝙹∷ᓭ ʖᒷ 𝙹!¡ᒷリ ᔑᓭ ᒲ|| ∴𝙹∷↸ᓭ ᔑ∷ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ꖌᒷ||ᓭ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ╎リ⍊╎ᓭ╎ʖꖎᒷ ꖎ𝙹ᓵꖌ"

     I close my eyes and I feel as the passageway is revealed and the fake mountain wall crumbles away. I make sure to make as little noise as possible as I quietly sneak down the stairs. I see a person but he doesn't seem to have noticed me yet. And I see some kind of red crystal on a pedestal in the middle of the room. I don't know why but I have to keep this pestilence ridden soul away from that crystal.

     I ever so quietly and swiftly sneak up behind the infected one and jump him. I don't even give him a second to try and grasp what's happening. But he quickly uses all of his strength to push me off of him and he teleports away with......... lightning? Well that's a new one.

     Oh well he left this crystal thing behind, it most likely belongs to the odd red thing I woke up in the house of anyways.


     Why do I have to have morals? Oh well I'm just going to leave the crystal on his doorstep with a note. I pull out a piece of paper and write down a note that basically just says that this thing was almost just stolen from you, and that you're welcome that I got it for you. I leave the note and the crystal on the doorstep and I knock and run off before he can reach the door.



     I hear a commotion going on right outside my house and I run over and open my front door. I am very confused by how the sound seems to have no source and I start to walk outside my house to find the source of the sound. That's when I trip on something.

     "What the?" Looking down at the Red Crystal that I just tripped on I swiftly pick it up. I am so confused, this has been missing for weeks. How did it even get here like—... is that a note? I pick up the note and start to read it.

     "Hello strange red hunter man, I cough another red person stealing a part of your hoard from you. So like the kind persons I am I returned your shiny to you. Your welcome and no needs to thank my or repay me. P.S. Lock your doors next time if your going to try and catch something, don't use soft and easily terrible material fro restricts, and don't put your hostages in your nest. Your welcome I decided to give you hunt tips. -Sincerely ᓭᔑʖ∷ᒷ"

     ......... Ok whoever wrote this needs some serious grammar and spelling lessons. Wait hostage? OH MY ORIGIN THE BIRD PERSON THAT FELL OUT OF THE PORTAL WROTE THIS! He needs some serious grammar and spelling lessons though.

     That's beside the point right now. He shouldn't be running around with the amount of serious injuries. But how am I supposed to catch some tiny and probably enraged bird? I'm not creative enough for this! Wait, creative?

     ... ORANGE STEVE!

Omnipresent POV

     Red had grabbed Orange from his front garden and told him that they were going bird searching for a bird that he was nursing back to health. Orange was really confused on why Red wanted to teach the bird proper English, grammar, and spelling but didn't want to question his friend's weird hobby. Especially when his friend is in this much distress.

     They wandered around for a bit before they found a blood trail that they followed until the abrupt stop of the trail at the mouth of a ravine. They looked at each other terrified and worried for the poor creature. Before carefully climbing down into the ravine that was a raging river at the bottom that led into a cave.

     They clung on tight to the sides of the cave as they walked alongside the powerful underground river. Picking up the pace to a full sprint when they saw the glow of lava at the end of the river.

     They looked around to try and find any signs that the bird made it until Red heard odd noises coming from a hole that couldn't be bigger than one foot tall and three feet wide. Red got down on his knees, which confused Orange, and looked into the little hole in the wall.

     And surely enough there was the tiny bird boy in there that was asleep and shaking from the icy water he was just in. Red carefully picked up the tiny slumbering being and held him bridal style and got ready to leave the cave with him. When a very confused and worried Orange looked him in the eye dumbfounded.

     "You said it was a bird!" Orange spouted out to which Red quickly responded with, "It's technically a bird!" Orange looked at his friend like he was the color of stupidity instead of wisdom. "I thought you meant a pet! NOT A WHOLE PERSON!—" "Shhhh he's sleeping." Orange quieted down and calmed down. "Sorry..., but where did he come from?"

     On their way back out of the ravine Red told Orange how this is the savior that came from the portal. And they both decided that it would be best if they made a separate area for the birdy to live in. So they went over to Orange's house and Orange ran off for like a minute and came back over to Red to show him the way to the Rainbow Hub.

     The Rainbow Hub was beautiful. It had a portal linked to all seven colors, a huge statue, and a good sized house in the back that's big enough to fit five people in there. Red still holding the birdy followed Orange inside to the big bathroom. The birdy was getting a bath.

Sabre POV

     Ugg why is my mind so foggy, I expect pain not all this fogginess. This feels like I'm laying on a cotton ball cloud with limbs of lead. I'm not really sure what's happening but it feels like someone is massaging my head. My mind goes even foggier as someone starts to clean and preen my wings. My head is so muddled with cotton and soft blankets that I don't even realize I have been taken out of the bath and put into nice soft pajamas until I catch my reflection in the mirror. I'm being carried around like a small child, but I can't help but to lean into the soft comforting embrace.

     My mind doesn't even register anything around me anymore aside from how comfortable and clean I am now and that I've been moved to a bed. And how I'm sleeping in a nice soft nest surrounded by my first ever flock.


     For the last time no... I have been screaming at the bird in the back of my head to shut up since I woke up this morning. Which according to the clock on the wall above the door. I would be trying to escape right now if it wasn't for this gosh darn bird brain keeping me from leaving this gosh darn nest.

     From what these things, because they're in no way human. I'm sure of that much. But from what they explained the soft white rap that they covered with is actually bandages. I've never used bandages like this, but they seem more effective then the bandages I used to use. I'll give them that.

     And these soft pajamas I'm wearing are also very soft and comfortable. Apparently the shorts I'm wearing were the Orange fellow from when he was a kid, and this shirt that's basically a nightgown on me is the Red ones shirt. The two had cut holes in the back for my wings and what not.

     But now thinking about it I'm like five nine, I'm a bit above average height. And yet these two absolutely tower over me. Orange is probably like eight something and red looks closer too like probably nine something, they are huge! Like seriously are all people of their race this tall???? Because there is no way they are human.

     I can vaguely remember scratching the two pretty bad this morning when I woke up. And even hurt myself in the process. And then they go about and get very worried and concerned over me instead of taking care of themselves.

     It makes no sense though, the only creatures I've come across that care that much are ones almost incapable of feeling anger. And yet they're capable of so much unbridled hatred if they simply just tried.

     Maybe I should stick around a little, just to satiate my curiosity just a little bit... and I could get closer to my flock. I need to fix the whole nest room mess, and I need to get them some shinies, and—... wait......... no. Bad  bird brain, shut.


     Hmmm... I know I shouldn't trust these people but they've been very nice. As I finish putting on my clothes I look in the mirror at myself. These clothes are extremely well made, I can't believe Orange made this overnight. And Red even did my hair and cleaned my bandana.... Though I can't get these stupid boots on, the corset is a pain too.

     I really should head downstairs now, they did say that they wanted to show me something. Hopefully they're finally going to explain this prophecy thing. All I know so far is that I fell from the portal and that I'm supposed to save their race and entire world from something.

     But I can barely walk from my room to the restroom, let alone walk down the stairs. How am I even supposed to get there? I can hear the two coming up the stairs, and now they are approaching.

     There's no escaping this, is there... I still am not sure I trust them yet.... SHUT IT BIRD BRAIN! They aren't flock, they wouldn't want to be. I stop trying to put on these weird articles of clothing they gave me and hide behind the pillows. Which is easy when I'm so small compared to everything else.

     "Hey little guy were... here...." It's Orange I can tell by the voice, and Red must be right behind him. "Is something wrong Orange?" Yep it's Red. "I can't see your little bird friend anywhere."

     I can tell the Red is startled and worried and Orange is just worried and a little scared. "Well he's still inside the room somewhere because he's too weak to leave and the restroom door is still open. Hey Birdy are you ok? You don't need to be scared."

     I can hear him and Orange walk towards the bed when I hear one of them trip on something. "What the-" Oops, sorry Red. And it kinda sounds like someone picked up what Red tripped on.

     "Ohh! He's probably just frustrated from trying to put these on. Hey little buddy please come out, we can help you if you want." ˡᵉᵗ'ˢ ᵍᵒ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉᵐ, ᵗʰᵉʸ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵉˡᵖ﹗ ᶠˡᵒᶜᵏ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵉˡᵖ﹗No! We're staying right here there is nothing you can do that— "Chirp"

     ......... I hate you! ⁱᵈᶜ, ʸᵃʸ ᶠˡᵒᶜᵏ﹗Wait what- okay and Red found me and is picking me up. "I guess you were right Orange, now little bird I'm going to put you down and I'm going to need you to stay still ok?"

     I silently comply and sit still as Red fixes my corset for me and Orange helps me finish tying the laces on my new boots. After they finished Red picked me up again and carried me downstairs with Orange trailing shortly behind.

     Something tells me today is going to be a long day....

     Ok so we're at the temple and they've explained the prophecy to me. But like... why me?? I mean I don't know any of their customs, or culture, or even how to properly write. And and— something's wrong....

     I slip out of Orange's grasp, who was taking a turn carrying me, and slink over to a wall. Both look very confused and curious as to what I was doing.

     I use my claws and what strength I have to climb up onto and eventually into the ceiling of the cave. I pull myself into a little crevice in the ceiling where I couldn't be seen. Of course Red and Orange could still see me and were trying to coax me out of the crevice I spidered my way into.

     But they weren't the ones I was hiding from the prying eyes of. The pestilence that I smelled earlier on that person is in here, and it was taking physical form. And whatever it is, it's been watching us since we entered the Temple. It's stalking us and it holds nothing but ill intent.

     Our secretive watchers take the physical form of shadows. They surround Red and Orange. Orange at first tried to walk forwards towards them in a nervous attempt to greet the strange entities made of pestilence. But Red swiftly pulls Orange backwards into him. "ORANGE STOP THAT'S DARKNESS!"

     Wait, darkness? Isn't that that thing I'm supposed to be stopping? I- RED!

     I jump out of my hole with my wings outstretched, even in their tattered state, with my sword in hand that I pull out from my inventory. But I'm too late.

     A darkness leaped out at Orange but Red turned and blocked Orange with his own body. Causing him to get slashed, leaving large claw marks from right below his neck to down the back of his left shoulder blade all the way down the left side of his back. Red doesn't even seem to realize what's happened, he's probably in shock.

     I came down on the darkness that had hurt my flock. I slashed the shadow into oblivion, cursing it into the void. I pray to all things eternal above and below and all worlds beyond that this T̷̥̍͒̋Ḣ̵̙Į̶̰̳̮̐̏͠Ṋ̶͉͓̰͆͛̓G̶͚̬̣͉̐͐̈́ that hurt my flock. I let out an ear piercing scream shaking the entire temple, sorry temple, and all other Ṭ̸͒H̶͇͘Î̷̥N̶̩̒G̴̤͋Ś̶̺ scatter.

     I fall to the ground from exhaustion and I start to pass out. But I still wasn't enough, I couldn't make it in time.... I couldn't protect my flock..........  ⁱ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵖʳᵒᵗᵉᶜᵗ ᵐʸ ᶠˡᵒᶜᵏ


     I climbed on top of the fireplace mantle awhile ago, just watching Orange treat Red and get him comfy on the couch before settling down on the couch himself. They were sitting down with a blanket on their laps. Red was holding one coffee in his right hand while Orange was holding two Hot Chocolates in either hand. I could tell which drink was which by smell alone.

     Red makes a small and soft whistling noise and waves for me to come over to them on the couch. I shift my way around the other stuff on the mantle and over to the wall, I carefully climb my way down in order not to damage the wall. I slink over to the couch and carefully climb on top of the couch and plop myself right between them, only to hide under the blanket.

     I hear Red let out a tired sigh and I feel as he pats my head through the blanket. "Hey Feathers are you okay? You've been sulking since we got back earlier." I pull out the notebook that I ripped a page out of to leave a note when I returned the crystal to him. I wrote a short message to him and Orange and handed him the notebook from underneath the blanket.

     Red takes the notebook from me and reads the message out loud so Orange could hear. "Why are the two of you so kind? I know I'm needed for the prophecy, but you've done so many unnecessary things. Like feeding me, giving me new clothes, giving me shelter, allowing me to sleep in one of your nests and then giving me one of my own. Orange wasn't even in charge of helping with the prophecy and he still helped me. And I wasn't fast enough and Red got hurt. But you're both still so kind, why? Why do you care so much for someone who is worth nothing me?"

     Red seemed stunned into silence but Orange spoke up. "Oh Feathers why did you tell us you felt this way? And we don't just care about out because of the prophecy. We care because we want to be your friend!"

     "Orange is right, we're kind because we want to be friends. And you

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